Depression & Anxiety in cars?


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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
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☆ Hello ☆ This topic is for talking about depression and anxiety. If there are other recent posts about this, I'm very sorry, but the only topics I found about this subject were 4 years old. In 2017, I had depression. I still have it. Part of the reason why I was so depressed was - I had a lovely scratch account - One of my friends kept on getting muted. As in, she tried to post a comment, but the 'bad word detector' flashed up, saying, 'your recent comments weren't okay for scratch, so your account has been muted for the rest of the day. !'. So Ti - my friend - had to make a studio and type what she wanted to say in the description. That made me pretty sad. Plus, I was getting alerts often for no reason. One was because of my skits. So yeah. Then I started getting really depressed. That led to me begging memers of the ST (scratch team) to mute me. ;-; The next day when I signed on, a message came up. My account was banned. It hurt so, so bad. It was the most pain I'd ever felt. It was partly surprise. I felt like I'd been punched really hard in the stomach. I wanted to cry. The one thing that made me - happier? - was taken away. Gone. I mean, I was getting an alert each day, but... I wrote appeals to the ST, asking for my account back. They wanted my parents to contact them. WHYYYYY???!!!!!! My account that meant everything to me... was... gone. Forever. Frozen in time. Stuck. Lost. So I got wattpad to chat to my friends. And goodreads. And tamatalk. (I don't actually know why I got tamatalk, I just think I wanted it. xD Anything to make myself feel better.) My parents knew nothing about my account getting banned, goodreads, wattpad, and tamatalk. I was too scared to tell them. Cuz then I'd have to show them what I got banned for. A bit after that, my parents told me I could only use my computer for working. Under supervision. So I didn't check on my accounts. Recently tho, I went on my nintendo, flicked on that luuuuvely wifi switch on the side and went on the internet browser it had. Scratch, wattpad and I forgot bout goodreads didn't work yet ------ TAMATALK DOES!!!! But I'm still depressed. Every day just sucks. Ages ago, a kid who my old fake friend said smoked weed called me a homophobic and a homosexual. That seriously hurt. So I've just been depressed for ages. I thought I was getting over it, but then my account got banned. I also have anxiety. I'm scared of being judged and talking to my parents. If I say something and they don't agree, I back out. To try and hide my depression and anxiety I make sarcastic jokes. Like Chandler in FRIENDS. xD Anyway, please just... talk about depression, and stuff here, so... yeah. I'm so grateful to tamatalk though. Tysvm to everyone here. Love, Berry - or Ama-Chan or Ami. :')

*TM edit - 2 similar topics by same OP merged

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Hello :) I'm writing to say I get really bad anxiety in cars. Here are all the things I feel/think in a car: Are we going to crash? Please don't let us crash, please, God, please! (I pray in cars) And the things I'm feeling: Really bad anxiety, stomch aches/cramps, I hyperventilate sometimes, get claustrophobic and just get general... fear. Get what I mean? :( So... does anyone else experience this or know a cure? :( I'm quite a cautious person, but this is too much. I used to be fine in cars. I just got bad anxiety in them recently. IDK why. A few nights ago, I was in a car and it rained so hard. I nearly cried. Plus, I had all the things I listed above. So, can anyone help? Please, any suggestions are fine. Thanks :)

*TM edit - 2 similar topics by same OP merged

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Edit: I've merged the two topics you made as they are very similar (and replies by other members refer to general anxiety - not just in cars)

If you feel as anxious as you describe and it's really as extreme as this, then there are plenty of obvious suggestions, like talk about it / share it with your parents or an older sibling, your GP, etc., - you say you pray - if you also attend church you might talk about it with your preist/pastor, a mentor / teacher / councellor at your school - all these people who know you better than us can be a first step to this kind of anxiety - it's not a magic solution but a first step towards dealing with the anxiety.

Do you know how to drive - or is it because you are a passenger and don't understand / haven't yet learned? (Sometimes it is more reassuring if you already know how to drive because you can understand what the person driving is doing and how safely they are driving).

Is it only in cars - or do you also feel anxious in other forms of transport like a bus - a train? - a plane? - a ferry / ship? or do you get general panics about other things too (not just transport)? Again, these may be a sign of a broader anxiety rather than a specific phobia about driving in cars.

We're tamagotchi fans on a community forum and not medical practitioners (and even if we were it would be unethical to advise you on this forum).

The most sensible thing to do if it is really bothering you is to make an appointment at your doctor's surgery and talk about it with your GP - they can ask the right questions and give the best advice :)

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I have some p bad anxiety, take meds n all. The other day we almost got in a crash but narrowly avoided it, and my anxiety isn't this bad. If you get anxiety about stuff like this you should talk to someone who can get you a doctor's appointment or help you work through this. Counseling may help if you can schedule it, etc. Good luck. <3

Thx guys... I've written this out a million times and it didn't post, so all I can be bothered to say is thanks. xD

Thx guys... I've written this out a million times and it didn't post, so all I can be bothered to say is thanks. xD

Hello :) I'm writing to say I get really bad anxiety in cars. Here are all the things I feel/think in a car: Are we going to crash? Please don't let us crash, please, God, please! (I pray in cars) And the things I'm feeling: Really bad anxiety, stomch aches/cramps, I hyperventilate sometimes, get claustrophobic and just get general... fear. Get what I mean? :( So... does anyone else experience this or know a cure? :( I'm quite a cautious person, but this is too much. I used to be fine in cars. I just got bad anxiety in them recently. IDK why. A few nights ago, I was in a car and it rained so hard. I nearly cried. Plus, I had all the things I listed above. So, can anyone help? Please, any suggestions are fine. Thanks :)
Have you been feeling generally anxious lately? Or is there something bothering you in general life?

When I get hyperanxious over similar situations without an obvious trigger, it's usually because I'm not doing too well mentally.

Try talking to someone you trust about what you're feeling and try seeing a professional like a GP or a psychologist about it. It might even be an imbalance of hormones e.g. serotonin that could be triggering this.

Remember to take it easy and be kind to yourself when you're feeling down :)

Thanks! That's pretty helpful. ^>^

I think the trigger of the anxiety was this lady who nearly crashed into us a while ago. Just... my dad could've got seriously hurt. I was crying. She was going fast and parking like, side-on. My dad kept knocking on the window and shouting. When she'd finally finished 'parking' my mum got out to talk to her, but it turned the other way round. The lady started yelling at us for being "over-dramatic" and that "it's all fine as nothing happpened". I thought I might die. It just freaked me so bad. ;-;

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Ah... I'm ok with - actually, I hate boats if there's a spider nearby. xD I have awful arachnophobia. xP

I have a phobia too, I panic when I'm alone in a wide open space like a square or parking lot. Sometimes it's very frustrating. Fortunately I don't live in a city with many of this kind of places, but for example when I traveled to Paris for a week, I had serious trouble getting around cause it's full of huge roads, squares, gardens etc.

I've found that it helps to not let your phobia take big dimensions, I mean, don't treat it as something huge and shameful. Many people have phobias and even if it's very limiting or sounds irrational, it's human. So it helps to open up to other people about it, let them know how you feel. Work on it, but also accept your feelings and if you can, share them with people you trust. Also therapy helps very much, cause with this kind of phobias sometimes there are underlying causes and a professional can help to address them. In any case, remember that you're not alone. ^_^ Take care and don't blame yourself.

I have severe anxiety, among other things, but what has helped me (besides meds, which I won't give advice about because I'm not a doctor, and more importantly I'm not your doctor) is deep breathing (close your eyes, breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth. Only focus on this. If you find your mind wandering, bring it back). When you focus on your breath it's very hard for your body to panic. Also look up "mindfulness." It's a form of meditation that helps with anxiety.

Another thing that may help is radical acceptance. It's basically accepting that whatever is going on is going on, and while you may not like it, you accept that you cannot change it. Like, "I don't want to be in the car right now, but I am, there's nothing I can do to change it. I'll be out of the car soon."

Another thing that may help is radical acceptance. It's basically accepting that whatever is going on is going on, and while you may not like it, you accept that you cannot change it. Like, "I don't want to be in the car right now, but I am, there's nothing I can do to change it. I'll be out of the car soon."
That doesn't sound like a very healthy mindset either...

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