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I'm closing at work tonight, so knock on wood figured I'd update while watching my work's chat. (Edit: AND THEN I GOT BUSY AND SO IT'S NOW TOMORROW.... uh... the tomorrow of when... just... the chronology is screwy in this post. Roll with it :D )

Things have been getting more mellow. I'm getting back into the habit for my writing and finding a balance with Tamas again. Feels good.

Anyway, got my first P's! Unfortunately, due to the fact that it goes to bed at like 7pm, I've barely gotten to do anything with it. I think I'll set its clock a little later like I do with my M!xes. I'm glad the seller patched it to English for me, too. So far, it doesn't feel all that different than a M!x, but I haven't even gotten an adult yet so it's probably too early to call.


It's cool you can change their colors a lot easier than the M!x at least!




Well, the V2 is finally taking a nap, replaced for the time being with the P's. I really do like my V2 and V3, but I'm trying to limit myself to 4 running at the same time, and the Osu/Mesu are taking up half that. XD

Before I turned it off, though, I got a Toratchi!


I've never seen that kind of tama before! I haven't even really been able to find any official art for it. Seems wildly overlooked. It's cool thought! Just a little tiger guy.


Simple design, but I like it. :)


...I didn't actually take any new pics since I got ANOTHER UraMame Female. I married a UraKutchi, so I thought I would get one of those. GUESS NOT.

I think I'd like this and the 4.5 more if I didn't keep getting the same families...


I really like these. It's like proto-connections, but still mostly with a Vintage feel. it's too bad the 3rd and 4th gen don't have more variations (there's only one growth tree in those generations), but so far it's been a lot of fun!

Anyway, I got a Pirorirotchi and Pirorintchi

Their animations are great!



I can't tell if they're using forks or little weird hands...

Before that, they were Kareipantchi, who have the best happy animation despite just being black blobs:


Now, they're Biluotchi and Bilukotchi, who I got on one of my connections, but they're still great.

Honestly, a lot of the osu/mesu characters are on the V2, but since it's more of an old school resolution, it feels like a whole new character. I really like these two. I dunno if they're my FAVORITE vintage tamas (because I have a soft spot for the Morino and its bugs!) but they're definitely ones I'm surprised people don't talk about more. I love mine!

Anyway, that's all for now. Man, it's nice to have things going back to normal. My wife also pointed out recently that it's almost the 10th anniversary of when she and I started dating, so that was cool as well! Things are really good right now, you guys! I hope things are good for you, and if they're not, hit me up and I'll see if I can help! You all rock :D

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I can't tell if they're using forks or little weird hands...
I favour the idea of it being weird little hands (even though I'm sure that they're actually using forks), because that way it looks like Pirorintchi is stuffing her face in a hilarious manner. :lol:

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Hey guys! No pics, but I'm gonna make an effort to be back. XD

Let's get a little caught up, shall we?

CURRENTLY RUNNING: Tamagotchi Mothra, v20th Pendulum Digimon (blue and black). Trying to get my Fairy mothra to turn into a Gogo, but I didn't get his discipline bar up to 100% until after he hit adult, so... dunno! What a fun little tama. Nice and simple, not too demanding, game's easy to play while busy... I really like it. Like the morino I wish there was a little more diversity up until the adult phase, but he's still really cool.

I was running a P's for a bit, but I don't have any IR stuff to transfer all the fan-made things. I enjoyed it a lot, but at the same time, I think the M!x is still gonna be my softspot, partly because it was the first color tama and partly because I think the P's was hyped for me to the point where it couldn't live up to the hype. XD
On one hand, I like the puzzle piece stuff, but on the other, the jobs and pets are neat little touches but nothing too crazy, and without all the virtual deco pierces, I'm probably not getting enough out of it. (I'm sure Jhud is shaking his head at me while he reads this... DON'T WORRY I'M GONNA GIVE IT ANOTHER TRY!)

Life stuff: My wife had her appendix out the day before my birthday! It was kinda fun. I didn't really stress, because when I had MY appendix out, it was the catalyst for us to start going out (man that was a DECADE ago!) so I'm assuming something good is around the corner.
The guy at work who was giving me problems quit, which was a relief. Great dude. Was the founding member of my department at work, but he wasn't gonna grow here anymore, and his boredom was affecting his work. I wish him all the best, but man it was a load off for me and my team.

Other than that, busy collecting robots, watching TV, and being lazy about working on my next novel. I hope you're all doing great! I missed you all a bunch and I'm looking forward to being back a little more. If you're reading this, know that you're a kind and friendly person, and part of the coolest group of people I've ever gotten to be a part of!

Thanks for reading! Talk to you all more soon. :)

How funny, Hoky - I was wondering where you'd gotten to just earlier! And a couple of weeks ago, actually, when I raised a duckplant on my Shuku 20 Shunen Tamagotchi P2. ;)

It's good to see you again, and I'm glad to hear that things seem to be going well for you. :)

If you're interested in adding another non-Bandai virtual pet to your collection, incidentally, there's a thread over in the Tamagotchi Cousins section about the return of Giga Pets! The new line is called "GigaPetsAR", and I found the return of the brand to be kind of unexpected. (One of the new offerings is going to be a penguin, and you know that I'm not going to be able to resist that. :lol: )

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Dude! I STILL can't get the dang duckplant on my V2. ;_; It seems to be stuck in 'mediocre tama' mode, and I might just do a full reset.

2) I totally saw those on a FB group. I tried to preorder one on their site, but it seemed really scammy and the site was broken, so I started questioning if they're real or not. XD

Aside from my rancor, I never had a gigapet. I cared for a lot of people's, but I never had my own. I'd totally get a dinosaur one if they come out near me. I don't really care about the AR aspect tho. I also need to start scouring gamestops and see if they have any of the new tamas in my area.



Looks like I got Gohgo after all!! :D

He's weird. He doesn't have a mouth. According to the lore he also has magic healing pee? I.... I'll just die, thanks.

Meanwhile, my Pendulums at home are on pause (I don't usually bring them to work since you have to wave them around to train/fight XD). I have an Alphamon and Ryudamon on my Blue and a Beezelbumon and Herakle Kabuterimon on my black). I'll probably start up either the P's or my M!xes again. Maybe the morino.

At this point though, I don't have much more I want to buy. I don't really want a connection V1 or V6, no real desire to get a 4U or Color or nano... I'm pretty happy with my menagerie right now. :)

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So while I'm waiting for my post to be approved by our benevolent mods, here's some pics of the new Tamagotchi!




I'm pretty sure this is legit. Uses Bluetooth to talk, so hopefully it's pretty hackable. XD I wonder when JYW will start having preorders?

Since it's still a leak it might take a little while!

But it looks quite good. I like the witch characters.

I do hope it has more features than a standard M!X, and that it will be hackable!



If they did have jobs and pets, I'd like there to be a little more depth to them just beyond what's essentially another item animation. Looks like the one picture has a date in November that I'm assuming is the release date, so that won't be too long of a wait!


Yeah, a school and work system would do wonders on this version. While I still like a M!X more than a 4U, the school system was pretty charming there (even if not executed the best). I'm still waiting for a color version that executes entama-style guts points system, maybe not to affect evolutions anymore obviously, but at least for work and stuff like that.

A M!X still has SO MUCH potential after all, it just needs to stop being the main driving objective in it.

Since it's going to be called "meets", i wonder what exactly that entails?

So while I'm waiting for my post to be approved by our benevolent mods, here's some pics of the new Tamagotchi!
Thankyou so much for posting a heads-up about this, Hoky! :D

I've been considering importing a M!X sometime soonish for quite a while, but I'll just wait for the Tamagotchi Meets now - or, I will once I've figured out which version and casing I'd prefer, anyway. :lol:

Since it's going to be called "meets", i wonder what exactly that entails?
There's a post on Tama-Palace that might shed some light on that. I'm guessing that it might be to do with the ability to upload your Tamagotchi to a companion phone application and have it interact with friends' Tamagotchis.

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Reading that post, I like that they're applying the raising/breeding to pets as well and that there's a great number. That was really cool about the p's, but ultimately they were just another accessory rather than anything that felt like real depth to me.

I wonder how much functionality will get gimped out by the fact that the app is Japan only initially? I know that someone with crack it right away, but of my two phones (work and personal), my work Iphone is the one that's actually got any power, and the app will most likely be cracked and available on Android waaaay before.

From the sound of it, it's more like a M!x 2 than a brand new tama. I'm mostly fine with that, but the characters they show in that tama palace post do not grab me (not to exhume that dead horse so we can beat it again). Still, if they have some mixing capabilities with the M!x, might be cool!

But hey, this is a log, right? PICTURE TIME!

Mothra: Still Gohgo, so nothing new there :D



Sleepy Ryudamon. I totally care-missed on this guy tonight. He went to sleep while I was watching old reruns of Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson and I missed it. >>


Alphamon is the other guy I have on my Blue. Usually he's in this state though:


I'm keeping him on ice until Ryudamon is fully evolved and I can Jogress them into Alphamon Ouryuken

Meanwhile, on my Black:


Beelzebumon! Just a little weird dude in a bomber jacket.


And Herakle Kabuterimon! The Kabuterimon evolution line is my absolutely favorite in Digimon (though I think Mega/Alturkabuterimon is better than Herakle), so I'm really happy to have one.

It's really astounding how much content they cram into these, with HUNDREDS of digimon between the two. It's nice they make it relatively easy to care for 2 'mon at once as well. Debating pulling out my ver20th digitama, but I don't wanna overload again, especially where you can't 'pause' it as long.

Also, it's super cool how much they do with a handful of pixels. Like, don't get me wrong, tamas did a lot too, but man, SO MANY DIGIMON.

Anyway, that's all! Have a great night! :D

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Do you have any tips on what's the best way of shaking them? Does side by side or up and down work better? My arms are pretty weak so I honestly I find the Pendulum very tiring to run properly, even if they're a ton of fun otherwise!

Yeah, I kinda hate the shaking. XD

There's a thread on the With the Will forums about the Pendulum 20, and it sounds like the clacky pendulum is just there for sound and it's actually a more advanced accelerometer that determines things. THAT SAID.... I have VERY varying degrees of success with them. They seem pretty finicky from what people have said. I tend to do 8 shakes up and down (since it shows that you should tip it on its side and shake it that way in the manual) and that seems to work even though it looks pretty... compromising. XD That seems to work pretty well, though I don't always get mega and gigahits, and sometimes it just beefs it. Still, I've been able to get through all the single battles on both and all the tag battles on my Black with that method, though my win percentage is more like 75-ish.

Beezelbumon left an egg for me today as well, so I hatched a new Meicoomon egg to get the jogress from the end of that family tree.

OH! Here's a great resource as well, Jhud:

This guy's been compiling info on a google doc and it is pretty dang complete. Even has password copymon codes!

I know the pendulum inside is fake, I wonder if it was real it would be easier? Never had a real Pendulum though, I will have to get one to see if the actual accelerometer is an improvement or not!

Yeah, I do get mega and gigahits sometimes, BUT depending on the character I have a hard time. Because I heard that certain characters need different amount of hits and I do see that, since with some no matter how much I try I fail, and with some I don't have to try much to get a megahit.

And thanks for the link, I do lurk on the WTW forums sometimes but back when I did there wasn't a lot of information, now that document is way better!

Yeah, it took a few weeks to get rolling, The Wiki page has a lot of the same info but not in so much detail.

Anyhow, closing at work tonight so figured I'd do a quick update.

Currently running Mothra, Morino, and my Pendulums (which are on ice at home because it was a busy day).

Mothra's just a grub right now, so nothing to post there. I was trying to Godzilla, but I think I messed it up somewhere.

Morino, on the other hand.... I also messed up. XD Trying to get Helmetchi or whatever his name is, but I got Chobitamatchi so I think I screwed that up too?

Well whatever. Morino characters always look cool. XD I still can't ever figure out how to get Gejitchi tho.

Anyway, pics!


At rest







Man, I really need to figure out a way to make this guy louder though. I barely ever hear predators coming. ><

Anyway, how are all of you? It's been really good lately. Work's fun, I've actually been writing more, my wife's having a good time at work too... yeah! Good times! :D

Maybe I'll give the P's another chance soon, or maybe I'll run the idL I got and promptly never used. >> Man, I went so hard on new tamas at the start of the year that there's probably a bunch that deserve more love!

...First I just need to get something besides Fairy and Gohgo on Mothra. XD

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Oh hey fellow cool people!

I'm working close tonight, so I have some time to post. Things are really good! I started playing Final Fantasy XII again even though the plot is LITERALLY THE SAME AS STAR WARS. For real, orphan boy who lives in the desert (Vaan/Luke) and his sidekick(s) (Penelo/Droids) team up with a knight from a defunct order of warriors (Basch/Obi-Wan) to overthrow an evil empire. Along the way, they join up with an outlaw (Balthier/Han) and his non-human co-pilot (Fran/Chewbacca) to rescue a princess (Ashe/Leia). They are opposed by an Emperor and his black-armor-clad right hand man (Gabranth/Vader) to stop a giant superweapon capable of destroying the planet (The Bahamut/Death Star).

....Still great, tho. I love Ivalice (it was in the Tactics games, too). I think the setting is cool, all the races are amazing, I love the word 'Jagd' (pronounced Yahkt), and I have a MAJOR crush on Fran. XD

My team at work is doing great, I got to spend a lot of time hanging out with them today, which is really just the best part of being a lead. They're all super motivated, smart, cool people. I'm lucky. One of my team members got an anniversary mini, too. SO PROUD. XD

Speaking of tamas... UPDATES

SO I'm still running my 2 pendulums, but I don't usually bring them to work. One has Herakles Kabuterimon (HE WILL NEVER DIE) and Ordinemon (weird naked lady supported by giant wings... what), the other has V-dramon and Alphamon: Ouryuken. My morino croaked (never did get Helmetchi). I really just need to figure out how to fix the speaker since I miss SO MANY predator attacks.

That said... MOTHRA


I actually expected the sprite for this to just be Tyrannomon for some reason, but it's super, super cool! One of the most detailed vintage sprites, IMO, and it's super animated, too.


Default 'Zilla


This roar animation! SO MUCH CHARACTER! If only all tama sprites were this fantastic. I think it's this just oozes charm in a way that a lot of the color sprites don't for me. They all kinda have the same face, they all have such basic cliche chibi-cute expressions... this guy is tough and adorable and fiesty and bounces around lookin' like a little grouch. Just PERFECT.


Resting after a long day of destroying tokyo.


Wasn't actually planning on running a V2 right now, but one of my coworkers found one at a friend's garage sale and gave it to me for free! SUPER COOL!

I named the tama Mark, after the guy who grabbed it for me. XD



It has some dead rows of pixels at the very top, but it works great other than that and seems to not be stuck in the endless bad-care tamas my other V2 is somehow locked in, so I have no complaints. Man, connections are great!

I've been itching to start one of my modern tamas up again. I still need to get an IRDA phone for my P's, but maybe I'll run the idL 15th I haven't run yet and see if I can get Kusatchi!

Also my wife bought sick Jurassic World band-aids for us today (we don't need them, but when we do, it'll be rad). Man, my wife is the best. Last week, we drove around on date night trying to find her a hawaiian-esque shirt covered in fan palms and velociraptors. I can't think of any date I'd rather be on. :)

Hope you're all having a great time. Thanks for reading! You rock!

Well, I'm up late stressing about deck repairs, so might as well do an update!
Aside from my deck, which is a bit of a mess, things are going really well. Team's doing well, wife's doing well, I'm doing well... yeah! No complaints.

So, on to tamas!

Currently Running:
Digimon Pendulum20th Blue and Black, iD L 15th Anniversary, and my 'new' V2.

iD L:

So currently he's actually a Sunopatchi right now, but I don't have pics of him. Honestly, I really like his design! I think he's an amazing intersection of the new, more humanoid designs and the old school, animal-like characters. I won't beat that old horse, but I hope Meets has some designs that go in that direction.

But before that, he was a Sunnytchi!


Look at how dang happy he is!!! The only time I had care mistakes while raising him was when he was this form, and even when he's starving and bored out of his mind HE STILL SMILES LIKE THIS, JUST WITH SAD EYES.

...that's actually kinda horrifying, really.


But he's still kinda adorable. XD


My V2 is named Mark, after the coworker who found him for me. He finally hit adult, and I got a character I've never gotten before!


Just kidding, he's Kuchipatchi. :D


Sometimes, Mark brushes his teeth
Sometimes, Mark listens to his... uh... Zune?
Sometimes Mark packs a backpack and wanders around his small world, dreaming of more and probably also pancakes.

He also had a daughter, but no pics of her yet.

Alright, that's all for tonight! Thanks for reading and have an awesome night!

(Apparently I can't direct link MP4's?)

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Huh. Not sure what happened to the images in my last post.... guess I'll iron that out later.

Anyway, work's busy! Running my MANY LOOP v2, Digimon 20th anniversary (to get Durandmon) and my 2 Pendulums. iDL is still running, but grossly neglected.... man I need to get a phone that lets me download stuff, because otherwise most color tamas just feel like regular tamas with characters I don't really like.
Do people usually try to leave their tamas as adults for a long time? Maybe I'm weird because I just try to hop to the next generation every time I get to adult stage (or special if I'm shooting for one of those). I like the process of raising stuff. The jobs, the pets... they're neat, but never really grab me, and most of the clothes are a cool add-on but I'd rather have the base tama designs I guess?

Maybe I'm too old. XD

Been sick since Thursday, which has resulted in me hanging around home and watching terrible movies. I have no complaints. XD
But hey, we're back in the 90's!

No, for real, like everything I'm running right now is oldschool....

Well, technically remakes of oldschool, but still. And technically I'm still running my ver 20th pendulums, but they're both on ice right now so... XD

Anyway, updates!

P1 and P2

Psyched to have gotten these! Careful when you get them though -seems like they might have a tendency to have paint trapped between the LCD and the screen plastic. Both of mine did. The Red Glitter isn't so bad, but the Galaxy had a GIANT WHITE FLECK right in the middle of the screen that wasn't easy to see because of the little character sticker they put over the window on the box. Anyway, did some Tama surgery and... broke the sound. ><
Did more tama surgery and it works fine again. XD

I won't go into great detail about what these look like, because we all know P1's and 2's. I will say that it's nice that they have faster processing, though the button pushes can still be a little dicey. Beyond that, they changed the P2 number game! Before, after you guessed, whatever number was the answer to that guess would be the starting number on the next guess, which made it super easy. Now, it's a random number every guess, so trying to do it while paying half attention is a lot harder!

Anyway, pics!



The back of the galaxy is a lighter shade of purple and it's all sparkly, though this pic doesn't really capture the sparkle well.


Red Glitter! Pics don't do this one justice. It looks REALLY good at person. I was originally going to go with the mermaid scale (which apparently has a translucent white back?) or the one with characters on it, but this thing is so eye-catching in person!

Anyway, that's all for now. I'll probably buy a few more as time goes on, but I don't wanna just hoard them all because the whole point is so NEW people can try them! If they all come home with me, that's not making any new fans! (Also... uh... that gets costly)

Digimon Ver 20th

Not much to say here... working on a Durandemon so I can jogress it with the Bryweludramon on my Pendulum ver 20th to get a Ragnalordmon. Oh! I did actually get a Imperialdramon Paladin Mode, so that was cool! I think that's the most powerful 'mon you can unlock on the Pendulum ver 20th. I'm sure Jhud knows for sure. XD


Happy little Duramon

GigaPets AR T-Rex!

I like this guy, though he's super easy. Maybe they're trying to make up for the 'guess I'll die' glitch the old ones had, but man, this guy can take some neglect. Which, honestly, is good since it takes a while to get all his bars up. He's exactly like old school gigapets, only now you can teach them tricks and there's the phone app which is... basically useless. That's okay. I didn't get them for the app. The animations on this guy are FANTASTIC! So many little idle animations, and they're all fluid and have more than like 2 frames! (I say, casting a baleful look of reproach upon modern color tamas). Sleep is weird, too. It goes to bed at 9:30 and wakes up at 7:30, but it's stats go down when it sleeps even if you put it to sleep. It also tends to go to sleep during the day if left alone for more than 5 min (but stats still go down).

Anyway, there's way too many animations for me to document here, so order your own! They're only about as much as the new P1's and P2's. I know it's tricky if your not in the US, but hopefully they'll start showing up in more places.

All the animations are from his 2nd form, which... honestly might be his final form since he's been in it for almost a week now. Hmm. Could use more forms.


Walking around


He usually does this when he wants a bath or is bored. Right now he's just doing it to do it.


Chasing a mouse idle animation (apparently I still can't get stuff to animate here, so here's the link: )
This one I can't link directly because it has sound, so I didn't want to convert it to a gif. Click on it, though! I think they did a great job with the little roars they gave this guy.

I'm definitely going to get a Dragon and a Monkey when they come out.

Man, it's cool to be doing some old-school virtual pets again. OH MAN! I never even took pics of my Mushi King! I'll have to run that some time in the future, I guess.

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