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Apr 28, 2022
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

I am new here and would like to briefly explain the reason for my registration. In my childhood, like probably everyone here, I had to do with Tamagotchis and found the little digital animals very cute. Now, since a few years, I develop my own video games. Through a friend and some, well let's say, "interesting" concatenations of coincidences, I finally got the idea to program my own little Tamagotchi-like game. The result is a pet simulator inspired by the good old Tamagotchi, in which you get to take care of nothing more wonderful than a fantastic sea cucumber. Don't know what a sea cucumber is? Well, I didn't know that either before I started developing this game. I had to do some googling first :ROFLMAO:. I learned a lot! Sea cucumbers are indeed fantastic and incredibly fascinating animals! So why not play a Tamagotchi with a sea cucumber as a pet?!

However, before I go into details here and post links to my game, I wanted to politely inquire if this is even allowed/wanted. Because if not, ignore me, delete me, do whatever you want, I'm not picky.
But if I could make one or the other smile with my game idea - I'm happy about everyone who might give me a chance!
It's a solo dev project, so don't expect an AAA title, but there's definitely a lot of work and love in my little sea cucumbers ❤️


Welcome Zion,
Wow, the last thing I expected to find here is a virtual pet simulator where the pet is a sea cucumber 🤣

Congratulations for the originality, I had never imagined anything like that. I wish you the best of luck with your video game development project! Oh, and thanks for making my day!

Best regards 👋🏻
Hello, Welcome to TamaTalk Zion!

Looking after a sea cucumber, surprisingly, sounds very intriguing! I'de be interested in playing with it :)

I hope you enjoy your stay at TamaTalk!

- Meg
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Congratulations for the originality, I had never imagined anything like that. I wish you the best of luck with your video game development project!
Thank you so much :love:

Oh, and thanks for making my day!
You're welcome!

Looking after a sea cucumber, surprisingly, sounds very intriguing! I'de be interested in playing with it :)
Thank you, too! :love:
Alright, what is the best area for me to post this? I don't want to upset anyone with my advertising.
Alright, what is the best area for me to post this? I don't want to upset anyone with my advertising.
If I were you I would try the gaming forum in the (non)TamaTalk section, but I don't know. I hope someone from the staff can give you better guidance 🔍
Hello and welcome to TamaTalk! :smile2:

Would love to see what sea cucumber is all about! :biggrin:

I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here with us.