New Angel owner trying to understand angel power and deeds


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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2022
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California, U.S.
I just became a first-time owner of an Angel. He's only two years old, but I already feel like I'm not being a good Angel parent. I am doing fine with keeping his hunger hearts and "effort" hearts full by feeding and playing with him, but I've noticed the angel power rating and deeds meter are both staying very low -- in fact, the deeds meter is down to empty right now. The angel power got boosted to 20 once -- I think that was when he prayed and I praised him, but it's been low again for some time now. He's pooped one or two other times (which I think I read always happens after he prays?) but there was no AP boost that time. Do you have to catch him while he's praying and praise him right at that moment in order for his power to be boosted? I don't think I noticed him make any noise when he prayed, so that seems kind of difficult to always know when he prays. I've tried using the praise feature randomly when he's not praying and it appeared to do nothing for his AP or deeds.

I've seen that feeding him candy boosts his AP by a couple of points, but I don't want to feed him too much candy -- can that be bad like with the normal Tamas? And what is a good number range for the angel power to be in? (I'm guessing the range for good angel power number would raise with age as well?) And what specifically affects the deed meter?

I've read the instructions but am still kind of lost in these areas! I don't know how to keep these meters up! :( Do AP and deeds rating affect what angel he evolves into?
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about praying: you do need to praise while your angel is praying to both not lose any progress on the deeds meter, and to increase it. if you miss praising it, it'll go down, and you'll know you've missed a prayer if you see poop. as far as i can remember, the angel does make a sound when it prays, but angels are known to be a little quieter, so it's easy to miss.

about angel power: you increase this mainly by feeding the angel chocolates! (praising during a prayer does boost it too, i think.) there's no detriment to feeding a lot, the angel can't get sick from it. just pay attention to bats coming to steal the chocolates, because if they succeed, you'll lose some angel power and have to feed even more chocolates. angel power goes down over time as well.

how these affect evolution: angel power is the key! for good care evolutions, the number needs to be high. the deeds meter has less of an impact, from what i remember about running my angel.
Ack, I guess I need to be more attentive to hear when he's praying. Yes, the Angels are quieter. But he still has only pooped 2 or 3 times total!

Yes, praise during praying did boost the angel power the one time I successfully managed to do that. It boosted it up to 20 when I think it was below 5.

Sigh, I think this is gonna be a little challenging for me. Lol. Thanks for the tips!

Side note, I think it's hilarious that it poops whenever it prays! :ROFLMAO:
Feed loads of candy, and tap the side of the shell to deter the bats.
The side of the shell? I thought it was the screen I was supposed to tap! Sometimes I have been successful at stopping the bat and sometimes not.

I have been succeeding in keeping the angel power up more, in large part thanks to candy.
You can tap the screen or anywhere. I prefer the side of the shell (for me top right just after the keychain is where I tap it) so I don’t scratch the screen or the paint. It works great for me.
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I'll give that a try!

*Editing to avoid double posting*

My angel just evolved into twins! Wasn't expecting that!
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Grats on the twins! That's what I got my first time as well :) And yeah I tap the screen personally, but I hate how you can't see the screen while you're mashing it. Maybe I'll try tapping the side of the shell next time.
I'm enjoying the twins! They're funny and cute to watch do stuff. And without a doubt, the funniest image I have ever seen on any virtual pet is twin angels floating around a pile of poop after they pray and drop their turd :ROFLMAO: Something about that image just kills me.
Wanted to edit my above post to avoid double posting, but it looks like it can no longer be edited. I just wanted to say that holy cow, Angels are resilient, aren't they?! My angel twins are 21 days/years old now, and for the past 2-3 days, the hearts have been emptying increasingly faster. For about a day and a half now, I have given up on keeping the hearts full and tending to it frequently. I just pick it up once in a while to fill up the hearts. AND IT'S STILL GOING STRONG. Thought it would've died pretty fast once I stopped taking good care of it!
So my angel twins finally died/left at age 70-something. I can't pull up the age screen anymore to check the exact age they were, but it was around age 74, I believe. And the ending screen is just stars?

And why did it live so long?! o_O Is that typical of the angel twins? I was not prepared for that. I was starting to wonder if they would just live until the battery ran out, lol.
Dang, I can't keep good enough care of them for them to live that long, but that's pretty impressive! I have no idea the lifespan of Angels so I can't comment if that's normal but I'm blown away that they lived that long XD GG on keeping up with them all that time.

For some reason I thought the ending screen also said "Thank You" but I don't remember too well.

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