My intro! joined hoping i could find a manual for the connection V2


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Oct 23, 2022
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hi! i may have had an account here when i got my very first tamagotchis as a kid; i'm a late 20-something, dissertation-level graduate student now with all sorts of y2k nostalgia. i got back into tamagotchi after 2 years playing the dumpster fire that is in the 2020's, and i spend some time collecting build-a-bears, too (especially rainbow ones!) i spend a lot of time on my own and overthinking. :tarakotchi: you can find me in r/tamagotchi at @hereforneopets and even add me on neopets if you want! my main account is jojojo1292.

so, some tama-talk: i'm currently on my fifth run of the p1 remake and have been missing the wider range of characters on the connection models. i remember bringing my li'l ichigotchi on elementary school field trips. 💘:ichigotchi: after a very lucky eBay find, i'm the proud parent of the V2 hitodetchi you see rolling around on this post! :hitodetchi:

between the tamagotchi wiki and reddit and the other classic sites out there, i think i basically know what i'm doing, but it does seem like there's less detailed information out there about the V2! if anyone has a working link to instructions specifically for the 2005 V2, please post them here or send them my way! thank you!

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Welcome to TamaTalk, speenach. By chance can you share some pics of your v-Pets and your build-a-bears collection as well?
hi! i may have had an account here when i got my very first tamagotchis as a kid; i'm a late 20-something, dissertation-level graduate student now with all sorts of y2k nostalgia. i got back into tamagotchi after 2 years playing the dumpster fire that is in the 2020's, and i spend some time collecting build-a-bears, too (especially rainbow ones!) i spend a lot of time on my own and overthinking. :tarakotchi: you can find me in r/tamagotchi at @hereforneopets and even add me on neopets if you want! my main account is jojojo1292.

so, some tama-talk: i'm currently on my fifth run of the p1 remake and have been missing the wider range of characters on the connection models. i remember bringing my li'l ichigotchi on elementary school field trips. 💘:ichigotchi: after a very lucky eBay find, i'm the proud parent of the V2 hitodetchi you see rolling around on this post! :hitodetchi:

between the tamagotchi wiki and reddit and the other classic sites out there, i think i basically know what i'm doing, but it does seem like there's less detailed information out there about the V2! if anyone has a working link to instructions specifically for the 2005 V2, please post them here or send them my way! thank you!

Noticing you were looking for a booklet. I couldn't find any that were easy to link (and lets be real, they would 404 in a few years likely anyways), and most other links and resources here on the forum already also 404'd. So I took it upon myself to solve this problem as it really bothered me lol :lol:

You can now find most booklet scans at a site I whipped up quickly:
As of posting this, it is currently a plain looking page with simple links. I'll make a more proper looking page when I have time. For the V2 book in particular I found it in the archive machine. I think my link will be quicker and easier though :biggrin:

In the future this page will continue to not use cookies or trackers and all that other garbage that the net doesn't need. No ads, no cookies, just things people want. I plan to keep it online as long as all my sites remain online. (hopefully forever)

EDIT: A basic, kind of ugly, functional version is now live. Currently allows you to view booklets from the Connection Series. I have V1, 2, 3, 4, 4.5, 5 & 6. Versions 5.5(celebrity) & V7 (Tamago) are currently missing.
Assuming you're viewing it while I have all my placeholder images still there... you're gonna have a lot of Nazotchis staring at you.
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