Egg Not Hatching - Music Star


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Feb 22, 2023
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Hello! I recently put new batteries into my Tamagotchi Music Star that I've had since I was little. It has been sitting for about 2 hours now, and the egg hasn't hatched. I have tried pressing all of the buttons and I have even taken the battery out & put it back in. I am not sure what to do? If anyone could help that would be great!
Did you adjust the clock? In Tamagotchi Angel the egg does not hatch until you set the clock to time. Maybe this is your problem
Did you adjust the clock? In Tamagotchi Angel the egg does not hatch until you set the clock to time. Maybe this is your problem
hello! It has given me no option to set a time D: is there a certain button I should press? so far the buttons don't do much! thank you
Pressing the B button you should go to the clock after pressing A and C to adjust the time.
If there is still no solution try to press and hold the reset button for a few minutes
thank you! I have gotten to the screen where it says "download/reset," however I can't select anything :c I was hoping to restart it but I cannot scroll down.
Hey!! Got a V6/Music Star myself, love it to death - when you put the battery in for the first time pressing B (the middle button) should take you to that aforementioned screen alongside a confirmation sound (that hopefully played for you), so that's a good sign so far. (not sure if you play your 'gotchi a ton, sorry if this comes off as condescending!) The Angel/vintage tamas differ in their start-up so don't worry too much about that - you don't adjust the clock on the V6 upon putting a battery in unless you select the RESET option/start it up for the first time period!

Trying to think this through... I'm suspecting it might be the buttons themselves giving you trouble? As you may know, the V6's buttons are known for being squishy and not all that responsive compared to other Connection versions, which is a big con of this ver,, especially since the minigames rely so much on proper timing!! That results in the buttons being more subject to wearing and breaking down over time. You might have to open up the poor thing if it gives you more trouble - internally cleaning Connection-era buttons is more common than you'd expect! Hopefully that's not the case - do you have a photo you could send of your model? Maybe even a video? (though that's a big ask!! so don't worry too much if that makes you uncomfortable ^^) The Music Star is a super fun version, and I'd hate to see this go to waste 🥺
Hey!! Got a V6/Music Star myself, love it to death - when you put the battery in for the first time pressing B (the middle button) should take you to that aforementioned screen alongside a confirmation sound (that hopefully played for you), so that's a good sign so far. (not sure if you play your 'gotchi a ton, sorry if this comes off as condescending!) The Angel/vintage tamas differ in their start-up so don't worry too much about that - you don't adjust the clock on the V6 upon putting a battery in unless you select the RESET option/start it up for the first time period!

Trying to think this through... I'm suspecting it might be the buttons themselves giving you trouble? As you may know, the V6's buttons are known for being squishy and not all that responsive compared to other Connection versions, which is a big con of this ver,, especially since the minigames rely so much on proper timing!! That results in the buttons being more subject to wearing and breaking down over time. You might have to open up the poor thing if it gives you more trouble - internally cleaning Connection-era buttons is more common than you'd expect! Hopefully that's not the case - do you have a photo you could send of your model? Maybe even a video? (though that's a big ask!! so don't worry too much if that makes you uncomfortable ^^) The Music Star is a super fun version, and I'd hate to see this go to waste 🥺
hi yes !! I just got a video, lemme know if this works? I am starting to suspect it is the buttons. I have no idea how to clean it/open it up :0 !
Oh yes this helps heaps!!!!! thank you so much! There's an important detail I wouldn't have known about otherwise - your model's missing its battery cover!

Batteries in connection models can be fiddly - if they're just a little bit loose, they'll freeze the device (which is probably why you're able to get to that download/reset screen before it freezes). Sometimes this happens with my V6 - having the cover basically negates the issue because the battery's got nowhere else to go.

My guess is that your cover's long gone by now, which sucks because getting replacement covers for these is a pain. "buy a new tamagotchi and use that one's back plate" sort of pain LOL. if it makes it any better, any connection-era cover (V1-V6!) will likely fit on the back of that model. You could possibly go around this by using something to stick the battery in (tape over the battery/tape something over the back to hold said battery down), and then test it from there. Other than that, your Music Star is actually in fantastic condition! You've taken great care of it for sure :D (doesn't even look like it's ever been dropped... gazes at mine with envy BJDSVBJD) Those buttons don't look worn out to me at all and sound like they're squishing nicely, which is always a good sign.

If it does end up being the buttons that's the problem..... I'll see if I can seek out some tutorials for opening up a 'gotchi, they're universal for all connection-era models - so if there's a tutorial along the likes on how to open your V3, it'll work for yours! it's very convenient actually bdksjvbdfjv

EDIT: Found an eBay listing that sells 3D-printed backplates! I'm assuming yours is a North American model (the screw placement matches with the listing's demonstrations!), which means these'll fit yours perfectly. If it comes to this, hopefully this'll be of some help! :biggrin:
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Oh yes this helps heaps!!!!! thank you so much! There's an important detail I wouldn't have known about otherwise - your model's missing its battery cover!

Batteries in connection models can be fiddly - if they're just a little bit loose, they'll freeze the device (which is probably why you're able to get to that download/reset screen before it freezes). Sometimes this happens with my V6 - having the cover basically negates the issue because the battery's got nowhere else to go.

My guess is that your cover's long gone by now, which sucks because getting replacement covers for these is a pain. "buy a new tamagotchi and use that one's back plate" sort of pain LOL. if it makes it any better, any connection-era cover (V1-V6!) will likely fit on the back of that model. You could possibly go around this by using something to stick the battery in (tape over the battery/tape something over the back to hold said battery down), and then test it from there. Other than that, your Music Star is actually in fantastic condition! You've taken great care of it for sure :D (doesn't even look like it's ever been dropped... gazes at mine with envy BJDSVBJD) Those buttons don't look worn out to me at all and sound like they're squishing nicely, which is always a good sign.

If it does end up being the buttons that's the problem..... I'll see if I can seek out some tutorials for opening up a 'gotchi, they're universal for all connection-era models - so if there's a tutorial along the likes on how to open your V3, it'll work for yours! it's very convenient actually bdksjvbdfjv

EDIT: Found an eBay listing that sells 3D-printed backplates! I'm assuming yours is a North American model (the screw placement matches with the listing's demonstrations!), which means these'll fit yours perfectly. If it comes to this, hopefully this'll be of some help! :biggrin:
hi !! I should've included the back plate in my video! I thought it would be helpful to have it off :0 !! I def have the back plate and it can be easily removed n stuff!! just the buttons aren't working even with the cover on. also i just wanted to mention i really appreciate your responses! i genuinely didn't know there were active people hyped about tamagotchis LOL! i might have to buy one of the newer versions! but yeah! even w the back plate put on, it still is frozen D:
hi !! I should've included the back plate in my video! I thought it would be helpful to have it off :0 !! I def have the back plate and it can be easily removed n stuff!! just the buttons aren't working even with the cover on. [...] even w the back plate put on, it still is frozen D:
OHH NO OMG IM SO SORRY DBVJBDFKJVDSBKFBJH my long-winded responses making me eat my own words HAHAHA!! ((happy to hear they're appreciated at least!!)) OKAY i'm actually really happy to hear you've still got your plate, feels complete + the matching colours satisfy like nothing else djvbfjvb!! (and yes the tamagotchi community is actually very active!! all over the world, we are. especially now since we've been getting so many new things these past few years - i could go on and on BDJKVBDJKF)

That rules the possibility of a loose battery out, I'm glad (if a little embarrassed that i went so far to justify a loose end,,) that at least this lead to ticking that possibility off! I'll still put a pin in the battery compartment though - have you tried a different battery/brand of battery, now that I think about it? However this would be a more likely answer if your tama kept getting the battery low signal as opposed to just. freezing on you 😭

This is so mysterious! I really do wonder what's going on with yours, for me my battery problems mostly lie within the tama not turning on at all :-( As mentioned, if you haven't already, I'd recommend trying a different battery just in-case. If not, then it might be something internal... and unfortunately I'd not know where to go from there besides opening it up and taking a look, so let's hope that's not the case!! Good luck out there!!!
This kind of problems already happened to me a few times with the original tamagotchi. The solution was to take the batteries out for a minute, and then put them back but faster. It's weird, but sometimes if you take too long to fully put the batteries in place, the tamagotchi can freeze. If this doesn't work, I'd suggest pressing the reset button at the back of the tamagotchi once the battery is in, (and pressing it a few time if it still doesn't work).
I was able to hit download! sadly not reset D: I've got my little buddy on screen with their toy & instrument, however, I am unable to access the time, or anything really at all.
UPDATE: happy to announce that it's fixed! (for the most part) I have undone everything and gently cleaned the surface & buttons. Put it back together, and now I've got this sweet new baby <3 thank you everyone for helping! the only issue now is that there is no sound, which I can live without, but it will be a bit difficult to know when they need something.