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Mar 16, 2023
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just found the COOLEST THING EVER!! on my Tama Connection V3.
so it’s 8:30, i go to check on my tama and it kinda looks like it’s sweating or spitting or something?
and then i think, ohhh it’s yawning!
well… do i turn off the light now, or.. well i’ll do it early i guess.
so i turn off the light. and as soon as i turn the light off, the little Z sleeping icon appears and it’s asleep. so you can put it to bed earlier than it would usually go itself?! SO COOL!
i love the v3 so much. i’ve found that i like the older models more than the modern ones. the backlit screens are super convenient but i don’t like that you don’t get to put it to bed and it’s so much more complicated with all the extra characters you can get. and the modern ones are all most definitely not pocket-sized.
I forgot they did that! That is a super cute detail!

I've been running my devilgotchi and digimon nightmare soldiers but when they're both passed away I'll boot up my keitai and see if it does that too! 😍
The connection era tamas are so much fun.
the connections i’ve found to be my favorite so far! i like them so much i’m seriously thinking about trying to obtain one or more of each version just because. i’ve only got the v3 so far but i’m thinking i might go for the v4 or v4.5 next!! i’m so excited 😅

speaking of devilgotchis, i’m just curious whether they’re high-maintenance or not. i’ve been thinking about trying to get one of those too but i don’t usually enjoy v-pets that need something every two seconds.
the connections i’ve found to be my favorite so far! i like them so much i’m seriously thinking about trying to obtain one or more of each version just because. i’ve only got the v3 so far but i’m thinking i might go for the v4 or v4.5 next!! i’m so excited 😅

speaking of devilgotchis, i’m just curious whether they’re high-maintenance or not. i’ve been thinking about trying to get one of those too but i don’t usually enjoy v-pets that need something every two seconds.
Oooh naisu! I have a v1-4 but no 4.5(on the shopping list) but I'm not going to get a v5. I remember hating it when I was a teen(when it was released) and the prices are outrageous now 😂

They're not THAT needy, but they are a touch tricky to figure out.
I especially love it because of how loud and distorted the beeping is, I can actually hear it despite my hearing loss(it's much harder for me to hear most tamagotchi and the angelgotchi, forget it! 😂)
I feel like it's on par with neediness as an angelgotchi, however. I reccomend getting one of those and trying it out before committing to the devilgotchi price tag. Also, I made a YouTube video ages ago(same username) with tips on how to get a devilgotchi for a bit cheaper. I don't like to shill, but I honestly think it has useful information.
oh yeah, the loud, slightly distorted beeping is one of the many things i like about my v3. i can actually hear it whilst in another room or when i’ve got headphones on.
i still haven’t really decided about wanting the devilgotchi or not yet, but if i end up trying for one i’ll probably go for the angelgotchi first. plus it’d be so cool to have both and run them at the same time. neither of them have connectivity features, do they?
anywho, if i do end up looking to get the devilgotchi, i’ll most definitely try to find your video for the tips. thanks a bunch :)
oh yeah, the loud, slightly distorted beeping is one of the many things i like about my v3. i can actually hear it whilst in another room or when i’ve got headphones on.
i still haven’t really decided about wanting the devilgotchi or not yet, but if i end up trying for one i’ll probably go for the angelgotchi first. plus it’d be so cool to have both and run them at the same time. neither of them have connectivity features, do they?
anywho, if i do end up looking to get the devilgotchi, i’ll most definitely try to find your video for the tips. thanks a bunch :)
Distorted V3 sound? It should be pretty crisp and clear beeping, your speaker might be about to go up! Definitely look up some videos with others playing with a V3 and compare. I hear it's a pretty easy part to replace with moderate soldering skills.

That said I'm totally jealous, you must have excellent hearing! Back when I was a teen I was able to hear the heartbeat of my tamagotchi on the rare very quiet night. I don't think most people know that about at least the connections. They all have a super quiet heartbeat.

And no, sadly they can't connect, although that would be cool! 🥺
well, perhaps it’s not really distorted, just a good bit louder and not as clean-sounding as my other more modern tamas. maybe i should look into the speaker thing, just to be sure.
but oh my goodness, i thought it was just me who heard the quiet little heartbeat-like beeping! i noticed it on like day 2 or 3 of my first run of the v3 and was kind of concerned/confused because i didn’t think it was supposed to do that. 😅
it’s a bit disappointing to learn that the devilgotchi and angelgotchi don’t have any connectivity features. i’d watched a video that had one of the two in it and could’ve sworn i’d seen something at the top of the tama that looked like an infrared port. i guess that’s not what it was, or maybe it wasn’t even a devilgotchi or angelgotchi. oh well 🤷