Recent content by Cupcakegurlx3


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  1. C

    Mac or PC?

    I am a non-proud PC. In fact, I wish I had a Mac. xD
  2. C


    He probably was drunk when he made the sign. A lot of homeless people probably think that if they have beer and drugs then they'll be able to survive better. It just ruins them.
  3. C

    Have you ever been at deaths door?

    I've been in a lot of deathly/dangerous situations but somehow I always manage to stay out of harms way, or at least be the one that is the safest, no matter how many risks I take. :D
  4. C

    Are you worry about your photos stealing

    Ohh, I just realized that you were talking about. That's a pretty cool site that you have there.. I'll probably use it if I ever am worried about it.
  5. C

    What do you like and dislike about Christmas

    I hate having to turn on the TV, or the radio and hearing non-stop stuff about Christmas when it's not even gonna be happeningg for anotherr 2 weeks. But other than that it's a really good holiday, tons of fun to spend with family and friends. I just kinda wish that I had school on Christmas (I...
  6. C


    I saw it when it first came out with 3 of me friendies. (: It was really awesome and probably one of the best movies i've seen in awhile, it just gets old after having to watch it one-hundred million times (i tried). lol.
  7. C

    Yo! I'm Cupcakegurlx3!

    hahaha, I like the nickname Cuppy. xD Thanks for welcoming me.
  8. C

    My cat...

    I am so sorry about your cat, even hearing about your cat makes me wanna cry.. I'm so sorry, maybe you'll get another cat one day, one just as special as the one you used to have. :[ Once again I'm sorry for the loss.
  9. C

    Out of this world deals.. xD

    When I found a claw machine that was like really messed up and it gave me like 15 tries for onlyy 50 cents. xD
  10. C

    Memorys of 2009

    Mostt amazing memory of 2009? Meeting the guy of my dreams and falling inlove. ♥
  11. C

    Keep out of reach of children.

    Well, here's one that'll sure brighten you're Christmas spirit. :D When I was little (like around 6 to 8 years old), me and my sisters would always make this "poison milk" for Santa Claus. We would mix toothpaste, marshmallow paste, milk, cookie crumbs, and a lotta other stuff into a giant...
  12. C

    Signature/Avatar -- What is it?

    Pshh, my avvie was the avatar of the day on Iconator Saved it to my computer cuz I liked the picture and the quote on it and put it here. (: I'll probably change it tomorrow anyways though. Oh && my signature it was a random love quote i found off of the internet. 'n the MySpace...
  13. C

    Which sites are blocked at your school?

    To tell you the truth, like every single good site it blocked on my school laptops. Except, surprisingly YouTube isn't. Besides the school website, and Google Images and Wikipedia, and links from the school website, like everything is blocked. Well, that is anything that has "inappropriate...
  14. C

    Are you worry about your photos stealing

    Not really. If people did steal my pictures I'd just beat them up.. or track them down. mauahahaha! lol.
  15. C

    sad news about Brittany Murphy

    I never knew about her until I heard that she died. R.I.P. Brittany Murphy. Too bad she died so young..