My cat...


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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2007
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Atlanta, Georgia.
My cat just died.... I feel horrible.

I keep going back in time with memories....I'm remembering the first day we got him.... and how my mom almost didn't keep him. I remember every time I got mad I would try to kick him.... I feel horrible about that. I remember when he first got sick. He was laying in bed.... he couldn't move. I stayed by his side..... I remember getting up in the morning and seeing him outside, wanting to come in. I remember feeding him. I remember all of those special moments together. And now they're all gone. He was my only comfort when I felt like I had no friends, when I felt lonely. I miss stroking his fur and telling him, "I love you...I love you so much..."

When we were at the animal hospital my mom leaned over to his side and sang a song she would always sing to him to make him happy. I saw that he could barely open his eyes, and he was barely breathing. I kissed him and petted him and I kept telling myself, "He's going to be okay. Just wait.... he'll get up..." He never did. I cried by his side and laid my head gently on his back.

Tears are flooding my eyes by this second and I can barely see what I'm typing.... I just can't stop crying. I loved him so much. But now he's gone....

Oh, dear. *Hugs very tight* I've never talked to you but I feel like I know you because the same thing happened to my dog 2 years ago and my rabbit just months ago. ;-;

It's incredibly hard losing pets. I know. I've lost 3-4. It tears me apart everytime. Remember all the sweet times you've had with you cat. And remember that he loved you more than anything. <33

All of us on TT are here for your comforting. *Hugs again*

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my cat died 2 , and he was also sick. i kept telling myself 2 that he will be fine its only fever its not a big deal. the thing i miss the most about him is how she used 2 sleep beside me EVERY NIGHT and i miss her sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much and how she used 2 sleep beside me only. she was veeeeery special, and i realy miss her, its very hard 2 get over it, i cant get her out of my mind, i can feel wat ur going thru. and the hard thing is that my cat loved me the most from all my family, and did special things. btw her name was ROZIE <3<3<3<3

Well, my heart goes out to you. ♥

I completely don't blame you for feeling this way. Losing pets isn't easy at all, they are pretty much considered family, and they can mean the world. I understand that you have probably lost a chunk of your heart by now. Just remember to stay positive no matter what. Think about the amazing times you've had with him, and remember that those times will be forever with you. And I'm not gonna lie, but I did tear up reading your post, because I know when the time comes for my kitty, I won't be feeling any better than you. So stay positive, remember the memories, and know that you did all you could by being an amazing owner for your darling kitty.


I'm so sorry! That's terrible! I have two cats, and I couldn't imagine life without either one of them. There's a book that I read, called "All Pets Go To Heaven" by Sylvia Browne. I would highly reccomend reading it to anyone who's ever lost a pet that was very special to them. :lol:

I can assure you that your cat is still watching over you and he'll never leave you. :eek:

I know just how that feels.

my cat died many years ago and my rabbit just last year. I'm there for you. *hugs*

Aww, I'm sorry to hear that )':

Try to be positive - I know thats really difficult because there's nothing good about losing a pet - but the best thing to do is remember the fun you two had together. Talk to your family, tell people about ridiculous and funny things your cat did.

Just remember that your cat loved you as well, and I'm sure he's missing you too.

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I'm so sorry *hugs*..

It awful when you lose a pet, i rember crying so much when my guinea pig died

Losing a pet is extremely difficult. I know. I've been down that road before.

In time, your heart will heal. Hold on to those memories. Maybe write them down.


if ur talking 2 me then thank u soooooooooooooooooooooo much and i will follow ur adivices and if ur not talking 2 me then..AQUAAAARD.

I'm so very sorry to hear about that happening to you. D:


I've had one of my pet rabbits die of old age....but never a cat. I can't even imagine how sad you feel about the loss of a friend.



I just cried..

I'm so sorry :)

My cat died like 4 years ago, and it was heart breaking :(

I have another cat and she is like my everything now that my other one is gone ;)

I couldn't imagine loosing her :(


I'm so sorry! My cat, Smokey, died years back when I was about 2. She was mad, absoloutley bonkers. I loved her sooo much!

I have Misty now, I love her as much as Smokey. I don't know what I'd do without her.


I'm so sorry about that. Your story really moved me. I know how sad you must feel.


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