Recent content by poliscigal


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  1. P

    New v5s are out! Space Trip, Groovy Time +++

    I just got the space trip one at wal-mart on wednesday. They had all of the second batch there. I saw the aquarium, the red one with the dots, and the others. They had about 20 units at the store in all different patterns.
  2. P

    I feel like a little person again.

    I understand exactly where you're coming from! My 8 y.o nephew came to visit me and told me I had to log his "Tama" V4 into tamatown and I was seriously confused because I had no idea these things went online. Needless to say, I had so much fun playing with his, that before he left the next...
  3. P

    Parent Help! :(

    I'm so sorry that you're having trouble with your parents. I cannot even imagine how hurt you must feel. The only thing I could suggest is try talking to them and ask them why they would rather you move out. Ask them "what have I done that would make you say you don't even care about me...
  4. P

    Empty House

    It really is not supposed to be that way, as I have seen both my parents and grandparent in their houses before. Perhaps you began signing on to tamatown after the glitch appeared.
  5. P


    Well I finally got Makiko, I ended up setting the clock forward to get her to evolve into an adult. She evolved into Mametchi and then about 2 minutes later she evolved into Makiko. So I guess playing dance all day actually paid off! This also proves that you can get the points as a teen to...
  6. P


    Ok so I decided I wanted to try to get Makiko since my Tama was in the Meme family. She turned into itchigotchi teen and I now have 84 Intelligence 351 Star and 27 social points. It's been at least 2 hrs since I reached the 351 goal and she still hasn't evolved into an adult or a makiko. I'm...
  7. P

    Empty House

    I emailed Bandai about the parent/ grandparent issue and they really didn't answer my question, not sure they even read it correctly to be honest. I'll let you be the judge. MY EMAIL TO BANDAI I was wondering if there is a glitch on tamatown. When I go to visit my parents and grandparents...
  8. P

    Empty House

    I've had this same problem for weeks now and I thought I was the only one! I'm assuming that it's a glitch. I have a MAC and I thought it had something to do with that, since a lot of programs aren't completely compatible with apple programs. Maybe I should email Bandai and see what the deal is.
  9. P

    My teenage tama is being a brat HELP!

    My 2nd Generation Tama is really starting to be a pain. Ever since he evolved into a teenager, young androtchi, it has been a brat. I want him to play games so that I can raise his skill points but he just won't cooperate. He will only play when I give him a treat and sometimes even that...
  10. P

    Please we need to stop this.

    I agree that cheating takes the fun out the game especially for those who are using it frequently. I never understood the whole cheat code phenomenon. If you're going to cheat, then why buy one in the first place? On the other hand, I do understand where the others are coming from who use...