Parent Help! :(


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December 2007 Contest Winner
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Alright, if you want to reply, you're going to have to read this whole thing so you know everything that's going on.

Okay so it started yesterday. I just got back from camping with my friends, so I was wiped out and really emotional from a mood swing. So my parents start nagging me and I answer all their questions about my trip, and they start yelling at me. I start crying because of numerous things, and they just laugh at me! So then when I got home I went up to my room so they couldn't talk to me, and then I come downstairs to get a snack because I was really hungry. Then they start yelling at me again! :) So I don't say anything, and I just leave. I pretty much ignored them for the whole rest of the night so they wouldn't yell at me anymore. I know it sounds really bratty of me, but if I told you the things they were saying you'd understand. Then this morning I was eating my breakfast and my mom was getting ready for work. I was about half asleep, and I just got my breakfast and sat down. Then she starts attacking me about how I didn't say "hi" to her. For god's sake, I walked in with my eyes closed because I was so tired and she thinks I'm going to say hi after all those things she said about me. So then I sat down and just ate my breakfast trying not to make eye contact. And then she explodes, "Your sister's moving out in two weeks, ask if she can take you with her! I don't even care about you anymore!" That really upset me, so I started crying again. Nobody even knows how I feel; neglected, unloved, left out. It's like I don't have a family anymore. Nobody cares for the youngest one, right? :D

I'm not trying to get sympathy, I'm not lying, and I don't need your rude comments like "other people have it worse" or "you're the brat". I just want to know what to do to get closer to my family again and make them stop hating me. :(

My parents are the same way, I feel your pain.

Try moving in with someone else, or talking to them.

Alright, if you want to reply, you're going to have to read this whole thing so you know everything that's going on.
Okay so it started yesterday.  I just got back from camping with my friends, so I was wiped out and really emotional from a mood swing.  So my parents start nagging me and I answer all their questions about my trip, and they start yelling at me.  I start crying because of numerous things, and they just laugh at me!  So then when I got home I went up to my room so they couldn't talk to me, and then I come downstairs to get a snack because I was really hungry.  Then they start yelling at me again! :) So I don't say anything, and I just leave.  I pretty much ignored them for the whole rest of the night so they wouldn't yell at me anymore.  I know it sounds really bratty of me, but if I told you the things they were saying you'd understand.  Then this morning I was eating my breakfast and my mom was getting ready for work.  I was about half asleep, and I just got my breakfast and sat down.  Then she starts attacking me about how I didn't say "hi" to her.  For god's sake, I walked in with my eyes closed because I was so tired and she thinks I'm going to say hi after all those things she said about me.  So then I sat down and just ate my breakfast trying not to make eye contact.  And then she explodes, "Your sister's moving out in two weeks, ask if she can take you with her!  I don't even care about you anymore!" That really upset me, so I started crying again.  Nobody even knows how I feel; neglected, unloved, left out.  It's like I don't have a family anymore.  Nobody cares for the youngest one, right? :D

I'm not trying to get sympathy, I'm not lying, and I don't need your rude comments like "other people have it worse" or "you're the brat".  I just want to know what to do to get closer to my family again and make them stop hating me. :(
Ok the thing I bolded was probably one of the meanest things any parent could say to their kid! I can't believe ANYBODY would say that! I also know how you feel. I sometims feel neglected, except my parents haven't said anything like that. :(


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I'm so sorry that you're having trouble with your parents. I cannot even imagine how hurt you must feel. The only thing I could suggest is try talking to them and ask them why they would rather you move out. Ask them "what have I done that would make you say you don't even care about me anymore?" Maybe they were angry about something and just took their frustration out on you, either way it's wrong and maybe if you bring it to their attention they will realize they were wrong. I hope everything works out for you. Hugs

Alright, if you want to reply, you're going to have to read this whole thing so you know everything that's going on.
Okay so it started yesterday.  I just got back from camping with my friends, so I was wiped out and really emotional from a mood swing.  So my parents start nagging me and I answer all their questions about my trip, and they start yelling at me.  I start crying because of numerous things, and they just laugh at me!  So then when I got home I went up to my room so they couldn't talk to me, and then I come downstairs to get a snack because I was really hungry.  Then they start yelling at me again! :( So I don't say anything, and I just leave.  I pretty much ignored them for the whole rest of the night so they wouldn't yell at me anymore.  I know it sounds really bratty of me, but if I told you the things they were saying you'd understand.  Then this morning I was eating my breakfast and my mom was getting ready for work.  I was about half asleep, and I just got my breakfast and sat down.  Then she starts attacking me about how I didn't say "hi" to her.  For god's sake, I walked in with my eyes closed because I was so tired and she thinks I'm going to say hi after all those things she said about me.  So then I sat down and just ate my breakfast trying not to make eye contact.  And then she explodes, "Your sister's moving out in two weeks, ask if she can take you with her! I don't even care about you anymore!" That really upset me, so I started crying again.  Nobody even knows how I feel; neglected, unloved, left out.  It's like I don't have a family anymore.  Nobody cares for the youngest one, right? :(

I'm not trying to get sympathy, I'm not lying, and I don't need your rude comments like "other people have it worse" or "you're the brat".  I just want to know what to do to get closer to my family again and make them stop hating me. :(
[SIZE=14pt] I don't think this is true, especially, the bold and underlined part because God took that right to hate you away away from your parents the moment you were born. Neither of your parents can say that. [/SIZE]


^_^ Camelle :lol:

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Nobody cares for the youngest one, right? :lol:
I'm the youngest and I sometimes feel left out. Though what your going through will teach you a lot of lessons. For number one: to stand up for yourself. If you feel your parents aren't treating you fairly you might want to talk with them. If they ignore you don't give up because it's best to fight for what you want. I'm sorry your mom said that to you. :-( I hope everything works out. :)

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When they are yelling at you, ask them a question that'll catch them off gaurd like "Do you love me anymore?"

It's not right for your mother to treat you that way. I think she may actually be mad at your sister for moving out (For whatever reason). Maybe you should spend more time at a friend's?

I would've probably said to my mother, in that situation, "If I had said 'hi' you would've melted down at me." or, "If you want me to talk to you stop YELLING at me and give me a chance to speak."

Please, TennisWinner, don't keep these things to yourself. If you need anymore help, feel free to PM me.

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Talk to them. All the things you are telling us really need to be directed and told to your parents.

When your parents come home from work, or generally a time when they're in "relax" mode and tell them you'd like to talk to them about what has gone on over the past few days. If it helps you keep organized, write out the points that you don't want to forget - it will help you get back on track if you and your parents discuss one thing for a while.

If you feel more comfortable talking to one parent over the other, then try to catch that parent when they're alone.

The important thing to note is that the actions of one sibling can have an effect on the other - in this case, I think your mother is going through frustrations with your other sister and is inadvertently taking them out on you.

Again, I stress, you need to talk to them - if they don't want to talk, just tell them that you love them and that you'll be waiting for when they'll be ready to talk.

Reminds me of last night, my mom began to yell at me over letting my friend have a Slice of Pizza, now Im banned from her Party this Friday ><

I would say ignore them, give them the Silent Treatment. When they ask whats the matter say "Oh you wouldn't care as seeing you want me to move out with (Insert sisters name here)because you said you dont love me anymore, why should I bother?" I do that all the time with my dad when he says if my mom moves out he wants me to go with her and he keeps the PC even though she bought it. He says we are alike, both snobby *Cencored*s So yeah, do what I do. Silent Treatment

Oh and if they try to hurt you, RUN OUT THE FRONT DOOR XD Because they know if people see them harm you, they will call HRS

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That must have been really hard.

It's not right for a parent to talk that way to their child.

Maybe if you want you can ask why they're treating you that way..?

Tenniswinner, tell your parents how you feel.

It isn't right for them to be saying those things about you!

Try talking to them and explaining how you feel, and like RG said. When they start yelling at you as; "Do you love me anymore?"

If they reply; "No." I would just start packing up my things and moving into a friends house.

You need to express yor feelings about them to their faces - like what your telling us now.

Best of luck with your family.


in my case, it is mostly 'no one cares for the oldest' but that is a very horrible thing for your parents to say to you! maybe you can talk about it to a school counselor (if school has started in your area) or talk to a friend :( either way, i am sure your parents love you very much, and even though that's no excuse for what they said, maybe they were previously angry about something. i hope your situation gets better!

Ok the thing I bolded was probably one of the meanest things any parent could say to their kid! I can't believe ANYBODY would say that! I also know how you feel. I sometims feel neglected, except my parents haven't said anything like that. :p
my parents get mad at me too.I'm the youngest in my family but out of my cuzzies i am the oldest.Tell ur parents how u feel.That is very rude and i'll admit to that cause my parents do stuff to me to but not bad things.Move with ur sister so u don't have to see ur parents after what they said.


Thank you so much everybody! All your support is amazing.

I have more updates for you... I was watching tv upstairs in the master bedroom since that's the only room I can go to get a glare off of the tv since we have blinds on the windows. There's a bathroom in the room, too. So I was watching tv and my sister was doing her hair in the bathroom. Then my mom barges in without even a knock, and I glance over to see who it was. She gives me a dirty look and then goes into the bathrom and starts talking to my sister about how great her life is. :p I could see my friend doing that to me, but my mom? I was crushed.

And then this morning I was watching tv before my tennis lessons, and my sister comes in the family room and screams at me. "YOU STOLE MY EYELINER YOU LITTLE B****!" I'm not even allowed to wear eyeliner, so why the heck would I steal it from her?! She didn't believe me when I told her, so she called my mom and told her I stole it. :lol: That's a pretty immature behavior for a 20 year old, isn't it? And we usually get along really well. So then my dad runs downstairs and starts yelling at us, and my sister starts a cussing fight with him and it was almost like World War III! He chased her out of the house! So I got really scared and ran up to my room, and then I had to go to tennis so he had to drive me. We didn't say a single word to eachother the whole time. But now I'm REALLY frightened, because when my mom gets home she's going to yell at me for something I didn't even do! :lol:

When I was at my tennis lesson for 3 hours, it was nice to get away. No yelling, screaming, or crying. Just friends and doing the things I love. It gave me time to think, so when I got in the car to go home, I started talking with my dad. I asked him why he and my mom hated me, and he said they didn't. So I asked him why my mom wanted me to get out, and he didn't even know she said that! But now he thinks I said something to make her say that, and again I NEVER DID! Now he's going to talk with her and she's going to make excuses and they're going to hate me forever! So I told him how I felt, like I didn't have a family anymore and like I was being neglected. So we both started crying and he told me that if I didn't like it at my house I can leave, and he really emphasized the word leave, and I got really upset again. Then he started yelling at me again about how I think my family's so horrible but I love where I live and I appreciate them so much that words can't even describe it. Just thinking about all this makes me cry. I'm so misunderstood... it's just not fair. ^_^

I'm afraid to tell anyone about this because I'd leave a great place but they're just treating me really rotten right now. My dad keeps telling me everything's going to be okay and that my mom just took everything out on me, but he doesn't know how it even feels! No one trusts me any more, and it makes me feel like garbage!

RachelGotchi, I said all that stuff to my dad, and he just screamed at me that I had my chance. I never did because they were too busy yelling at me.

meowbark, I gave them the silent treatment and they thought I was hiding something from them! Nobody understands me here, I'm like an anchovie in a school of tuna!

Thank you so much everybody! All your support is amazing.I have more updates for you... I was watching tv upstairs in the master bedroom since that's the only room I can go to get a glare off of the tv since we have blinds on the windows. There's a bathroom in the room, too. So I was watching tv and my sister was doing her hair in the bathroom. Then my mom barges in without even a knock, and I glance over to see who it was. She gives me a dirty look and then goes into the bathrom and starts talking to my sister about how great her life is. :D I could see my friend doing that to me, but my mom? I was crushed.

And then this morning I was watching tv before my tennis lessons, and my sister comes in the family room and screams at me. "YOU STOLE MY EYELINER YOU LITTLE B****!" I'm not even allowed to wear eyeliner, so why the heck would I steal it from her?! She didn't believe me when I told her, so she called my mom and told her I stole it. :( That's a pretty immature behavior for a 20 year old, isn't it? And we usually get along really well. So then my dad runs downstairs and starts yelling at us, and my sister starts a cussing fight with him and it was almost like World War III! He chased her out of the house! So I got really scared and ran up to my room, and then I had to go to tennis so he had to drive me. We didn't say a single word to eachother the whole time. But now I'm REALLY frightened, because when my mom gets home she's going to yell at me for something I didn't even do! :(

When I was at my tennis lesson for 3 hours, it was nice to get away. No yelling, screaming, or crying. Just friends and doing the things I love. It gave me time to think, so when I got in the car to go home, I started talking with my dad. I asked him why he and my mom hated me, and he said they didn't. So I asked him why my mom wanted me to get out, and he didn't even know she said that! But now he thinks I said something to make her say that, and again I NEVER DID! Now he's going to talk with her and she's going to make excuses and they're going to hate me forever! So I told him how I felt, like I didn't have a family anymore and like I was being neglected. So we both started crying and he told me that if I didn't like it at my house I can leave, and he really emphasized the word leave, and I got really upset again. Then he started yelling at me again about how I think my family's so horrible but I love where I live and I appreciate them so much that words can't even describe it. Just thinking about all this makes me cry. I'm so misunderstood... it's just not fair. :(

I'm afraid to tell anyone about this because I'd leave a great place but they're just treating me really rotten right now. My dad keeps telling me everything's going to be okay and that my mom just took everything out on me, but he doesn't know how it even feels! No one trusts me any more, and it makes me feel like garbage!

RachelGotchi, I said all that stuff to my dad, and he just screamed at me that I had my chance. I never did because they were too busy yelling at me.

meowbark, I gave them the silent treatment and they thought I was hiding something from them! Nobody understands me here, I'm like an anchovie in a school of tuna!
Read the bolded, Its not such a great place if people are screaming in your face, and swearing at you, and saying I dont love you anymore move out! You need to tell somebody or else the situation is just going to get worse!


Thank you so much everybody! All your support is amazing.I have more updates for you... I was watching tv upstairs in the master bedroom since that's the only room I can go to get a glare off of the tv since we have blinds on the windows. There's a bathroom in the room, too. So I was watching tv and my sister was doing her hair in the bathroom. Then my mom barges in without even a knock, and I glance over to see who it was. She gives me a dirty look and then goes into the bathrom and starts talking to my sister about how great her life is. :D I could see my friend doing that to me, but my mom? I was crushed.

And then this morning I was watching tv before my tennis lessons, and my sister comes in the family room and screams at me. "YOU STOLE MY EYELINER YOU LITTLE B****!" I'm not even allowed to wear eyeliner, so why the heck would I steal it from her?! She didn't believe me when I told her, so she called my mom and told her I stole it. :( That's a pretty immature behavior for a 20 year old, isn't it? And we usually get along really well. So then my dad runs downstairs and starts yelling at us, and my sister starts a cussing fight with him and it was almost like World War III! He chased her out of the house! So I got really scared and ran up to my room, and then I had to go to tennis so he had to drive me. We didn't say a single word to eachother the whole time. But now I'm REALLY frightened, because when my mom gets home she's going to yell at me for something I didn't even do! :(

When I was at my tennis lesson for 3 hours, it was nice to get away. No yelling, screaming, or crying. Just friends and doing the things I love. It gave me time to think, so when I got in the car to go home, I started talking with my dad. I asked him why he and my mom hated me, and he said they didn't. So I asked him why my mom wanted me to get out, and he didn't even know she said that! But now he thinks I said something to make her say that, and again I NEVER DID! Now he's going to talk with her and she's going to make excuses and they're going to hate me forever! So I told him how I felt, like I didn't have a family anymore and like I was being neglected. So we both started crying and he told me that if I didn't like it at my house I can leave, and he really emphasized the word leave, and I got really upset again. Then he started yelling at me again about how I think my family's so horrible but I love where I live and I appreciate them so much that words can't even describe it. Just thinking about all this makes me cry. I'm so misunderstood... it's just not fair. :(

I'm afraid to tell anyone about this because I'd leave a great place but they're just treating me really rotten right now. My dad keeps telling me everything's going to be okay and that my mom just took everything out on me, but he doesn't know how it even feels! No one trusts me any more, and it makes me feel like garbage!

RachelGotchi, I said all that stuff to my dad, and he just screamed at me that I had my chance. I never did because they were too busy yelling at me.

meowbark, I gave them the silent treatment and they thought I was hiding something from them! Nobody understands me here, I'm like an anchovie in a school of tuna!
OH MY GOSH....Call someone u trust and tell them like a close family member or friend.


Uh, many times I have thought about calling the police, I even told my mom I was going to and she hurt me, bad. I know how it feels, she said that my life is going to change and she means it. And she took away alot of my stuff and she always hurts me. My dad is more nice, but hurts me alot. My mom is more mean, but rarely hurts me. When they do this to me, I cry and cry and try to get away from the house as much as possible. than later on, she treats me great, then is mean. Uh, so frustrating. I could not leave with a dog, kitten, guinea pig, gecko, and 4 bros and sis I would just die! My mom's cat died and she bawled, when I die, she said she will bawl even more han the cat, and the cat was pretty bad. So if I leave, my moms life will fall apart and she and the rest of my family will be on the streets. If yours is that bad, Then call 911 and tell them that your parents want you to leave and they are always yelling at you and you need help and ask them to take you away. They will come pick you up, in that time pack up your stuff without beeing seen. Grab a pet if you have too. Just get everything you need and GO! then you will get a better family, without being yelled at. Your choice.

Sometimes I feel that way, but I think I'm just getting moodswings. But i feel REALLY sorry for you. :D I can't believe your parents!

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