Parent Help! :(


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talk to them ALOT. If they start yelling at you, then move with your sister. And make sure you have a computer!! If not, try to hang out other places alot. Go hang out other places. Away from your parents.

Thanks Cinderpelt!

I have yet another problem. My sister just threw a hissyfit because my mom was discussing financing with her. She left the table cussing at all of us again, but my mom stood up for me. She told my sister that she had no right to accuse me and that she needs to leave me alone. I'm going to right my mom a note tonight and ask her if she still loves me.

I just don't know what to do anymore. It just feels like I'm at a dead end. :p

I'm the youngest and I get treated a little better than my sister. Well my mum buys me clothes alot when I don't even ask for them, but the main reason she does that is because I'll go into town with her so she doesn't have to go on her own.

You mum seemed to say alot of nasty things to you, so next time she says something nasty and you get upset tell her how it's making you feel [unloved, neglected etc] and maybe that will help her understand. It seems like she's trying to get a reaction out of you and trying to hurt your feelings which people do when they are angry.

When they are watching television or something you could go sit with your parents and try and have a nice discussion about something. Just try your best to be nice and hopefully they'll do the same. If none of these work then you tell tell a Grandparent about what is happening and ask for their advice, they'll know how to approach your parents alot better than us if all else fails. :p

Thanks Cinderpelt!I have yet another problem. My sister just threw a hissyfit because my mom was discussing financing with her. She left the table cussing at all of us again, but my mom stood up for me. She told my sister that she had no right to accuse me and that she needs to leave me alone. I'm going to right my mom a note tonight and ask her if she still loves me.

I just don't know what to do anymore. It just feels like I'm at a dead end. :p
Aww *huggles* Don't worry. its still not a dead end. Maybe your mom is starting to feel better.

Right her a note, sharpy stands out more in my opinion, and say what you are going to.

I think she will always love you ^^

Worst comes to worst, live with your sis. God forbid it gets that bad.

I feel your pain...i wanted a bit of privacy on the computer because i wanted to see a page that i wanted to keep to myself...and then he gats mad at me...and sometimes, when i make mistakes alot on the piano, my mother slaps the back of my head and starts yelling at me...WELL ENOUGH WITH MY PROBLEMS!

i think you should ask them whats wrong and if theyre ok. They might be depressed, or they might have trouble at work or something. They just might be letting out their anger on you accidentally.

what your parents are doin is horrible!

are they yelling at you for nothin?? my mom dose that when shes moody, but

she always says she loves me

is your whole famliy against you?? well then thats mean

I'm glad to hear that things are working out bit by bit, in the littlest ways.

Your mom sounds like she is acting as if she was a child and you were the adult. Mumbling hi to you, because your dad had to talk to her to make her say one thing to her. But I'm glad to hear your trying to get to talk to her, and sticking it through all of this. Were always gonna be here for ya, tenniswinner! And don't you ever forget that. Because we all care, and we all have words of advice.

My mom acts just like that. Constantly saying "I hate you! Go move into your dad's house! You ruined my life!"

The best thing to do when your parents are yelling at you is not to respond, unless it seems like they would want you to respond. For instance, when your dad said that you might have said something to make your mom angry, you could have said (in a calm voice, that doesn't sound angry or whiny) "Well, I don't know what I said to her to make her angry, and that's the problem." Just try not to sound like you're whining when you talk to them (and even if you're not trying to whine, they might think you are), that will only make them angrier. When they're yelling at you, don't go up and lock yourself in your room, stay seated somewhere, and respond (if they expect you to) to what they're saying, in a kind voice. Try not to do anything that would upset them, either. Like not doing your chores.

When they aren't angry at you (or busy, doing something important, or it seems like they don't want to be bothered), try to talk to them about what you might be able to do to make them a little happier.

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Alright, if you want to reply, you're going to have to read this whole thing so you know everything that's going on.
Okay so it started yesterday.  I just got back from camping with my friends, so I was wiped out and really emotional from a mood swing.  So my parents start nagging me and I answer all their questions about my trip, and they start yelling at me.  I start crying because of numerous things, and they just laugh at me!  So then when I got home I went up to my room so they couldn't talk to me, and then I come downstairs to get a snack because I was really hungry.  Then they start yelling at me again! ;) So I don't say anything, and I just leave.  I pretty much ignored them for the whole rest of the night so they wouldn't yell at me anymore.  I know it sounds really bratty of me, but if I told you the things they were saying you'd understand.  Then this morning I was eating my breakfast and my mom was getting ready for work.  I was about half asleep, and I just got my breakfast and sat down.  Then she starts attacking me about how I didn't say "hi" to her.  For god's sake, I walked in with my eyes closed because I was so tired and she thinks I'm going to say hi after all those things she said about me.  So then I sat down and just ate my breakfast trying not to make eye contact.  And then she explodes, "Your sister's moving out in two weeks, ask if she can take you with her!  I don't even care about you anymore!"  That really upset me, so I started crying again.  Nobody even knows how I feel; neglected, unloved, left out.  It's like I don't have a family anymore.  Nobody cares for the youngest one, right? :(

I'm not trying to get sympathy, I'm not lying, and I don't need your rude comments like "other people have it worse" or "you're the brat".  I just want to know what to do to get closer to my family again and make them stop hating me. :(
I feel your pain as well. I really dislike my parents sometimes.

My mom is the worst. Everyday, the only things that come out her mouth is

pick up this, pick up that. She never says she loves me, and she hates it when I

hug her. She never likes doing anything as a family. She didn't even want to go to the family reunion this year. She doesn't want to spend a day as a family. She don't want to make a $9.00 trip to get into the lake which is just minutes away. Me, my sister, and my grandma is sick of it. My sister is gonna have a talk with her, and she says that we deserve to go somewhere. See, when my mom talks on the phone, and they give vacation ideas, she is always like "Ok, we might go there." But she only says that to make herself look good. We never go anywhere. Its been 5 years since we've been on vacation, and I'm tired of the excuse "We don't have any money." Woman, don't tell me that lie. You make $600 on every paycheck you get! She always gives another excuse "I use it on the bills" which I know is a lie because she always pays her things on the computer. She is off the computer for weeks after she gets paid! I don't care about vacation, I just want at least a day together! She always talks about how I act so retarded, and when I play about things, she acts so serious about it. There is tons of other things about her, but this post is long enough. My dad would take us anywhere for a day...He is sick of her too! I seriously want to move to my grandparent's house and move from our ghetto school system. All she cares about is saving money, and she gives another excuse that we can't go anywhere because of gas. I don't believe she saves at all. Look, I needed a battery for my V4, and she complained about getting it... >.> I'm like, "Mama! That's ridiculous if you can't afford 2 or $3.00 batterys!" Then she goes on and on and on. Its about to make me sick, because I'm so close to splitting up with her and moving. She won't stop! I'm tired of it! I live in a Hell house.... :(

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