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  1. C

    What is this?

    sometines my tama turns round and there is a little like bug thing that has antenni and revolving spots on it , is on the screen. does anyone know what this is? (it is not the bad mood thing) :D :D :o :D :D thanks ps these smilies r gr8 rnt they?
  2. C


    i live in England and i have neva even heard of Angelgotchi before! :D
  3. C


    i had a search and i found out the same as tamamum B) :) :D hope you are less confused now!!
  4. C


    what tama did the tama change to??????? i have neva heard of this before but my tama did this once with the roller skates. she was a B) as well
  5. C

    tama club

    no i dont think so my tama had three boyfriends but she only had a baby with one of them
  6. C

    Help! Something happened!

    my little sis drooled on my bros tama and it went MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!! eventually it dried and the tama had evolved into a whalechi. the c button is still a little slow but the tama is fine B)
  7. C

    my tama keeps having music notes on the screen

    please help me work it out B) :) :D .thanks thats all Thanks everyone! :D :D
  8. C

    My tama keeps getting bigger.

    my tama keeps getting bigger and filling the screen. WOT IS THIS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! i need to know! if anyone knows please post your sugesstions. thanks :unsure: :wacko: :angry: <_< :D Thanks for your help!!!!!!!
  9. C

    is a hitodetchi rare?

    i dont think so i have had 5, my sister has had 7 and my brother has had 3. :D
  10. C

    ichigotchic-strawberry or ladybug

    :unsure: this tamagotchi is a strawberry :D <_< my whole family agree and some of them dont even know what a tamagotchi is!!!!!! :wacko: :angry: :angry: wired!