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  1. D

    Help me identify?

    It's a Zudes. Besides that I don't know much.
  2. D

    Best cat vpet?

    The nano kitty will always grow up the same way - as will the giga pets kitty. I'm not sure about the MGA kitty, though. If you want a cat vpet with varying evolutions, I think your best bet would be to find a gyaoppi. I've not seen a standalone cat gyaoppi in some time, but all of the multipets...
  3. D

    Fake vintage tama?

    Interesting. I want one, but not for more than 10/12$. Fakes are always interesting to me, but not for too much money. I've never seen a vintage fake before.
  4. D

    Observation about pink transparent v3s

    I've got it, but it's got issues. The guts got damaged at some point and it doesn't gain happy hearts properly. I'm keeping an eye out for a v3 with an UTTERLY RUINED shell to swap guts with.
  5. D

    2 Tamagotchi Schools?

    actually, though there are two versions of the tamagotchi school/tamasuku, the larger one linked is the Tamagotchi Furefure - the tamasuku connects to it, kind of like a ketai/akai connects to a home deka.
  6. D

    Strange Dinosaur Pet

    The background looks like one from the MGA dinos.
  7. D

    Fixing up my V3...

    MAKE SURE you get acetone-free nail polish remover. Acetone can and will melt and pit the plastic of the tamagotchi. It shouldn't be any more than 5$ for a bottle, and most likely less.
  8. D

    New to collecting tama's seriously.

    Prices for tamagotchi really seem to vary wildly at points, so it can be hard to tell if something is actually worth that much, or if ebay users are just pricing them around that because everyone else is - I've found prices have really gone up the past couple of years. In terms of pouches, I...
  9. D

    I Broke My V1 By Mistake! :'(

    Hi, Tamafanatic. It looks similar to what happened when a tamagotchi is reassembled incorrectly. If you want, I would be willing to try and fix it for you. I wouldn't charge anything except the shipping. I have saved a similar v1 before.
  10. D

    What is it? o.O

    No problem! Feels great to help out. Tell us a bit about it, aye?
  11. D

    What is it? o.O

    Its a multipet by Kids Only. They were only called 'Digipets' They came in a large round style and the one you have - I have the round one, dunno if it plays anything like that one. They both came in a similar package. EDIT: The round one listed on...
  12. D

    V3 Electric Screamy Death

    I've never heard of static electricity do that bad damage to a tama before ): I'm really not sure how to fix it, because it sounds like the electronics were damaged. I doubt Bandai would replace it now, considering how old a model it is at this point. Your title did give me a bit of a chuckle...
  13. D

    Do these tama fakies work?

    They're not tama 'fakies' persay, but just another brand of virtual pets. They're based off a chip from the popular Gyaoppi line, and are actually excellent pets :) I have ones like these and I love them!
  14. D

    Not Sure what to get her

    I'd stick with v3-v4.5, if it were me. It's nice to see someone enjoying their tamagotchi that much. If you are looking for a new 4.5 for her, I have one new in package I'm selling for 20 dollars.
  15. D

    Do you know this digital pet? D:

    Was it anything like the fourth pet down on this page? The PerPetual pet? Aka nekotcha. Sounds like it to me - it's very difficult to take care of and it's... not very well liked. :furawatchi:
  16. D


    The tamagotchi labeled ones are from the first wave of shells. If it says 'Tamagotchi Music Star' it's from the second wave of shells.
  17. D

    V3 won't gain happiness?

    It does gain happiness normally with feeding a snack I do remember I opened it up to replace the buttons (two were torn out!) Is it possible I did something to it then?
  18. D

    V3 won't gain happiness?

    Okay, so I got a used v3 froma friend. It looks a little damaged, as there's a small line of dead pixels across the screen It won't gain happiness unless i get a PERFECT game of any type, and even then it only gains one heart I'm pretty sure this isn't normal behaviour.
  19. D

    Interesting Dinkie cousin

    Aww, it's a shame it's not something new. But I have a hittorikko, they're nice little pets. :)
  20. D

    128 in 1

    Haha, that's just like the one I have. It DOES have different babies! THe cat baby was a blob with ears.