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  1. D

    Connection 2

    Go to and then go to tamagotchi they have the tamamgotchi version 2 if you buy it right now theyll ship it to you in may. thats when theyll get it so if you want to buy it before they run out when they come out in stores then order on toywiz now. and remember if u do ull get it near may
  2. D


    Yay when I was eating my tamagotchi had a baby too badi tll die later
  3. D


    My tama's current status is Name:Jeff Gender:Male Type:Tamegatchi Hungry:Full Happy:full Training bars:6 Yr:4 LB:30 and if i need to add anything else then please tell me and ill fix my post. :rolleyes:
  4. D

    How do you pottytrain?

    Hi I have a question. How do you pottytrain your tamagotchi? Mine's an adult i thought it wont poop on the floor anymore but it does. If anyone knows how to potty train so u dont have to clean up their mess or if their is even a way then please reply. thanks
  5. D


    Hmm im still new and i want to know while your playing with the tamagotchi can u change the date of it without reesetting it or starting all over or anything you know like change the date but the tamagotchi still has the same info, stats and everything. Please help!
  6. D

    How do you get ninja?

    Well my friend's tamagotchi evovled into the mask guy we call it football player and I heard you can get a ninja too? How do you do it? If you know. Or have one please tell me and show me how. I want a ninja real bad. But i gotta wait for it to be an adult its only a teen. And how old it has to...
  7. D

    NEWB!!! YAY

    Hi Im new to tmagotchis i got mine last week and its a teen only 2 yrs old cuz before i knew about reseting i kept reseting mine so it started from beginning but now i kno haha