~• Adopt Your Own Eggly! •~


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Gracie says it's the Best Job she's ever had.

What, has the Second Eggly issue bin Posted?


I'll feed her Some carrots!

Colour of Egg:green

Name of Eggly:tina

Do You Wish to Subscribe to Eggly Magazine:yes


and can i instantly have the magazine sometime today

I want 1!

Colour of Egg: Turquoise. (If u have 1 'Cause if not then a purple will do.)

Name of Eggly: Jasen

Do You Wish to Subscribe to Eggly Magazine: Yeah, but can I get just normal messages? I'll pay 5 EG extra.

Job:Florist. :) :)

Beebee: ..... *Singing really badly* Doh Doh Doh Doh La La La La Me M-

Carly: *blocks ears* You're really going to need more practice!

Beebee: ..... *Singing really badly* Doh Doh Doh Doh La La La La Me M-
Carly: *blocks ears* You're really going to need more practice!
What Was that!?!? Singing?

Can I buy a bed, orange juice, and pizza?

Libby: PLEASE? I'm really hungry....make sure the pizza has extra cheese and peperoni!!

Congratulations to jasen221 and webkinz60! :p Your Egglies have been adopted! Here they are: Tina and Jasen!

All Eggly Magazines have been sent! If you have not received either the 1st or 2nd Eggly Magazine please do not post it in this topic (makes it quite confusing!) just Pm me saying which one you missed and I'll send it to you! I am quite confident that all the magazines have been sent now, though! :D

To jasen221: You said you would subscribe to the magazine but you wanted me to post it in this topic instead for 5ep extra. I'm sorry, but this is not possible. There is a reason I PM the magazines! If I just posted each magazine in the topic it would be simpler for me, of course, but then even people who hadn't subscribed and weren't paying, could view it and that would be unfair on everyone else! I've PMed you the magazines; you may de-subscribe if you wish.

Colour of Egg: Pink!

Name of Eggly: Eggly E. Eggington.

Do You Wish to Subscribe to Eggly Magazine: No, thank you.

Job: Artist!

And, if you don't mind, can you save it to .PNG?

To jasen221: You said you would subscribe to the magazine but you wanted me to post it in this topic instead for 5ep extra. I'm sorry, but this is not possible. There is a reason I PM the magazines! If I just posted each magazine in the topic it would be simpler for me, of course, but then even people who hadn't subscribed and weren't paying, could view it and that would be unfair on everyone else! I've PMed you the magazines; you may de-subscribe if you wish.
Sorry, your confused. I meant just regular private messages.

[SIZE=21pt]Sorry for the confusion![/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]What is different about PMing anyway?[/SIZE]

To UraKuroMametchi: Your Eggly is coming soon!

To [email protected]: You have purchased your items! Your Eggly may now eat them, or sleep in the bed! ;)

To jasen221: No, you are confused! :D PMing is Private Messaging! That's what 'PM' stands for!! So there is no difference! :p

Carly: Here's some carrots, BeeBee!

BeeBee: *eats carrots*

Carly: I'm going to the shop. I'll Be right back!

*at the shop* I'll buy a pizza and some orange juice.

Cookies - 3ep

Lemonade - 3ep

Water - 1ep

Orange Juice - 2ep

Grapes - 2ep

Pizza - 4ep

Carrots - 2ep

Fries - 3ep

Bed - 15ep

Sofa - 15ep

Dining Table - 13ep

Chair - 10ep

Desk - 13ep

Can I have these items? To buy? How much?

Can I be a helper?

Congratulations UraKuroMametchi! Here is your Eggly: Eggly E. Eggington

Ta-da! =D

To lainabug01: Sorry, you need to fill out the form to adopt your own Eggly! =)

To jasen221: Congratulations! You have successfully bought your items! Sorry, you cannot be a helper here at Eggly Incorporated. I don't wish to have any helpers right now; but I did see your topic on 'Eggle's', which disappointed me very much. Sorry, but I now definitely cannot trust to promote you to being a helper.


Eggly Magazine Issue #3 is on its way!

If for any reason you do not receive your Eggly Magazine, please PM me and I'll send it to you right away!



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