☻Famitama and Tama Suku log!☺


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Mametchi 4ever

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2006
Reaction score
At Yankee Stadium admiring field.
Ok, my famitama log DIED again, and I just decided to make a new one instead of dig through other tama logs. And my Tama Suku came back to life. So, kick back, and relax.


Anywho, let's get a nice start here.



Left character: Boy, Kutchipatchi... I'll name it Mandarin

Middle character: Girl, Hottoitchi, I'll name her Coffee.

Right character: Girl, Chantotchi, I'll name her Syrup.


5 hearts


5 Hearts

100% Bonding Level

Blended Family.

T.A.M.A. S.U.K.U

22 Students

230 GP

25 Japanese Language study points

115 Math study points

345 Science study points


1 Heart.

Better go fix that..

And I will try to list some of the students currently here in my suku:







UrayoungYattachi(Currently on screen)

The old dude, Ojitchi showed up on my screen, but got sad and ran away. Geezer.

Bad News:

Grr, I tried to get my Famitama Kutchipatchi Mandarin married, but no Yonepatchi showed up! It's a pain in the bottom!

Good News:

I got Otokitchi(Also known as Ms. Busy Body) and Ojitchi. Old tamas... YAY! On my Tama Suku, BTW. But shouldn't they be educated by now..? They must be pretty stupid old people, I guess.

Anywho, I found Uramametchi's silly school journal! Hm, since I'm teacher, I can read it~ Lalala~≈

Entry one:

I just came into this school! It's a nice school. Little kids are so nice! I'm happy. This is going to be soo fun! Yay~☼ I'm going to have so much fun~ Mamebotchi played with me! I showed him how to cartwheel. Yay~

Ok, what happened was especially tragic. I got a kutchipa family at last, and I forgot to pause my tamas. And sure enough, when I came home, a grave was on my FamiTama. I'm starting over... AGAIN! Grar.... I'm sad.

This is kinda funny. I found out Ojitchi left my school. That's funny... Not.

Ok, so my famitama is currently asleep, characters now Bellutchi, Mattaritchi and Sakuramotchi. My goal is to raise a smart family, and get hatsugatchi so I can use sesame pudding and get K-U-R-O-M-A-M-E-T-C-H-I! Kuromametchi is soo awesome!! Better than mametchi! So here I go, and hope I remember to pause my tama when I go to school.

My Tama Suku is still the same. Haneotchi talked to me this morning, and I had no idea what he was saying, lol! But I know how to take care of my Suku, and thats what matters.

If you need a little help trying to understand the Tama Suku better, not trying to advertise, try looking here: https://mimitchi.com/tamasuku/index.shtml

It's a big help... I used this to help me quite a bit.

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Well, Ojitchi came back! Lol! It's funny, huh? Anywho...

Students: 24

Teacher Popularity(Similar to happy hearts) : 3 Hearts

35 Japanese Language Studies

125 Math studies points

374 Science studies points

610 Gotchi Points (P.S. The color I just used is called Dodger Blue. Why isn't there a yankees blue? Grrr... :D )

As for everyone's well known FamiTama, Still toddlers, Mattaritchi(Fred), Bellutchi(Belle), and Sakuramotchi(Hanna)

Bonding Level is 10%. I've used all smart items. (P.S. If you found that hard to read, Highlight it.)

DURN IT! NO hatsugatchi! AAAAAGHHH!! And no Watatchi, either! AGHHHHH!!

DARRRRRN IT! Well, I now have ugly Mumutchi, Onputchi and Furawatchi(Violetchi.) Well, at least I can attempt to try to get a Furawa Family(Violet family, I call it furawa family though cause remember, Furawatchi=Pink Violetchi, and saying Furawa(Fu-ra-wa) sounds like flower, so Furawa family!)

Ok, so for my Tama Suku, I got 25 students, 3 Teacher Popularity hearts(Like happy hearts) and 15 Japanese Language Study Points, 135 Math study points and 379 Science Study points. 270 Gotchi, and in my item inventory, 1 Emotion wheel(It has two different faces on it, happy and sad.)

Ok, sadly my FamiTama story. They turned into Kunoitchi's and a Gozarutchi, so I married Gozarutchi to Chantotchi.. I think.. Anyway, I have:

A Mousetchi: Garcia(LOL Freddy Garcia), Sakuramotchi: Flowa, Torotchi: Tororo.

Tryin' for Hatsugatchi... Again. I better get Hatsugatchi... *hopes strongly* *gulp* C'mon... Anywho, Bonding Level at 0. On a good path.

ANYWHO, *DRUMROLL* Your only... TAMA SUKU LOG!! *cheers*

Ok, 4 Hearts 4 teacher popularity, 5 Japanese Study Points, 115 Math Study Points, 359 Science Study Points. Currently Teaching Math. 19 students, small classboard(Sorry, I accidentally forgot to make my tama sleep before I went to school.. :D ) Students include Uramametchi, Uramemetchi, UraTogetchi, Zuyukitchi and others.


Yeah, that's my cool news. I will try to get a pic tommorow, I'm bringing up Bonding Levels right now, I'm goin' for a SPECIAL family. Growth shows of my 3 tamas:

Garcia-I think here was like Mimifuwatchi..?-Mousetchi-Mamekatchi-Hatsugatchi-Kuromametchi



As for our Tama Suku, it's still the same, 22 students. Same points, blab.
