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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2010
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  • Ah, college. The time to have fun and get your "education". Haha, yeah, that's what your parent's think.
    ❝ Welcome to college. We own you, now.
    See, you wanted to be on top. Wanted to be one of the Alpha Omega IV fraternity.
    You wanted in to the biggest parties and in what we call "the life".
    Okay. You can, but it's not going to be easy.
    Look, we aren't here to hurt you, we're here to have fun, like you.
    Your just gonna need some work.
    - You have been waiting for this, right? You wanted to be along the glitz and glamor, to live it up with your college fame?
    Well, you have it now, your in Alpha Omega IV. Of course, what your unsuspecting heart doesn't know is all the secrets that lie here.
    What are the fraternity's real motives? And, are you in danger?
    Forbidden romances will rise and you will learn that behind all that fame comes deep, dark secrets.
    Welcome to College.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  • this is the out of character thread. something new i just found out.
    but rules of this current thread. no spam and do not get off topic
    from the role play. i might post updates here if needed, whether it would be
    events, new ideas to keep the role play going, or something changing in the role play.
    if you want to keep in touch with the role play, i suggest you keep in touch with this.
    follow tt rules. simple as that. don't need to baby you. have fun.

OOC__>__lizz. i love your topic, but i have a question about it.

do you have to have a picture thing, like you have in your form?

i know i asked you to make one for me, but necessarily do you need one?

i mean it looks super good, but is it a hassle?


  • out of character

  • finnnnn. thank you, i spent time on it.
    but to answer your question, no you do not.
    i just added that because i wanted to.
    and for me, no it isn't a hassle.
    i can easily make one for you, love.

OOC__>__liz, liz, liz. you are an amazing girl.

thank you for the picturee! it looks great.

other than that, how are we starting off?

driving to the college, unpacking or what?

*eager* :)

  • greek-1.jpg

  • UPDATE !

  • start off with your character arriving to the college.
    the place your characters are going to reside is this:

  • mansion.jpg

  • this baby can hold a fair amount of the members of the college.
    hence, why they are going to stay there. it's like, a super big college mansion.
    but, dorms. get it? it's better than dorms, brings our characters closer together.
    so just make them arrive there, unpack, make some friends before classes start.

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