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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2005
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There once was a :puroperatchi: named Krissy. Her parents decided that it was about time that she went to preschool. So Krissy brushed her teeth, put on her shoes, and stuffed her backpack with . . .

(Join in whenever you want. Be creative!)

with all the things that she needed like her stationary,reading book and even her lucky pebble.

as soon as the bus came she said goodbye and got on the bus.she looked at all the other children.one girl asked krissy to sit by her. :hitodetchi: :furawatchi: the other girls name was kate and she liked krissy a lot and krissy liked kate.

The bus finally came to a stop. Everyone climbed off the bus, and walked into the building labled Preschool for Young Tamas. When they got inside, Krissy and Kate said hello to their teacher. Krissy's desk was right next to . . .

A very mean bully who was a :angry: ! His name was Ricky. He picked on Krissy the whole day. He even took her.....

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hair bow and stepped on it. Then he threw it away. Duing snack time, Ricky . . .

went over to kate and took her cookie and ate it. Krissy went over and...

went over to kate and took her cookie and ate it. Krissy went over and...
said Leave my friend alone! Then Ricky said Oh I am so scared...NOT you can't do anything to me and he took her lucky pebble and

ran away with it. "Hey! Ricky! you cant do that to my friend!" shouted kate.

a teacher saw ricky and caught him, then the teacher.....

ran away with it. "Hey! Ricky! you cant do that to my friend!" shouted kate.a teacher saw ricky and caught him, then the teacher
said give this to Krissy and Ricky said NO! but the teacher put Ricky on the wall and gave Krissy her rock back

Krissy thanked her teacher. The teacher's name was Mrs. Johanson. Soon, Mrs. Johanson became Krissy's favorite teacher. Krissy's teacher last year was mean. If somebody dropped a piece of paper and didn't pick it up within 5 seconds, she would . . .

Slap em' on the side o' the head.

But then, Krissy was all like "hey! Where's my lucky pebble?" It turned out that the lucky pebble...

Slap em' on the side o' the head.
But then, Krissy was all like "hey! Where's my lucky pebble?" It turned out that the lucky pebble...
another tamas egg! Then it hatched and Krissy named it Jeff (it was a boy)

asked where that tamababy came from and...

jeff started crying really loudly and everyone crouded round

" You can't tell me what to do bud!!!," shouted Ricky as he attacked the little :gozarutchi: whos name happens to be......

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