♪♪♪ I Wanna Rock n' Roll all Nite... ♪♪♪


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Jan 15, 2009
Reaction score
Okay, So I called home sick today...

I puked in my mouth...alot. But its okay, turns out It was just the aspertane in my gum that makes me sick, I thought I got "The Sickness" *dumdumDUUUMM*

Anywho, My mom says, "There is suntin on your bed for ya"

I was praying "Please jeans, My zero's are too small now"


Techno Sound!

So I whip up my other tamas.

My Red Butterfly 4.5 had dead battery.

And, My Earth Shell 4.5 was dead...Guess It wasn't paused ^^;;

So I reset that one and open up my Music Star

I got messed up...I read in the manual that you can have an eight letter name for your tama, So I tried to put 'Sapphire" as my username...now its "Sapph"


Anywho, There was this cute little white egg with a music note on it ♪ And three presents. I was like ZOMG PRESENTS WTF YAAAYYY!


I waited a few minutes and -doodoodolo!- A baby girl! I named her Harriett. Harry, for short even though Harriett can fit.

I also hatched my V4.5 and I got anthor girl. <3 At the time I was playing sound block with Harry, so I missed the genger (I spelt gender wrong lol) So I just put in Panda. It's UNISEX! *shot*

Then I found out she was a girl.

"Oh...Kay, That works"

The school teacher appered when I clicked on the door...I didn't see what happened though because I was playing on the computer.

Then the most spendorus thing happened a while later:


Harry is a Hitodetchi and Panda is a Tamatchi


I'll post later if anything interesting happens.

My sister has a Music Star too. The red piano one. It's a boy named Sam ^^

He'll be inculded in my log as well (ocassinally, He's not mine)

So right now he'll still a wittle baby :huh:

My sister lives off the pause function as well *sigh*

I'll too for a while because, eh...Lets say math isn't my best subject...

I discovered something magical You can wake up your Music Star without messing up the time! I just discoverd this because I'm no Ravenclaw.

I don't wanna do it though. lol

Coloring Code




Sapphie (me =])


Harriett: Zzzz....

Panda: zzzzZZzz

*evolves to Chamametchi* *still sleeping*

Panda: *wakes up* *yawns, stretches, etc.* *goes downstairs*

Harriett: Good morning, Sis ^^

Panda: WHOA!!

Harriett: Yeah, I'm a Chamametchi. ^^

*clatter from kitchen*

Sapphie: Did you say Chamametchi?! *looks at Harriett* *squee's all over the place* *hugs Harriett*

Panda: o_O

*evolves to Zourtchi*

Sapphie: *lets go of Harriett* ZOMG AN EFFING ZOURTCHI!!!! *hugs Panda* This is sooo mint!

Mailman: Dudettes, I have, like, your school stuffs.


Ryo: Hey, Toby.

Toby: Ryo?

Ryo: We ought to get a chick for our band singer. A band can't live on guitar alone.

Toby: So we'll have a bassist, me, a lead guitarist, you, and a singer? I thought you wanted to be a drummer.

Ryo: I do. I just can't afford a drum set, okay?!

Toby: All right! Calm your hormones!

Ryo: Ah, there is a cute girl. HEY! CHAMAMETCHI, COME 'ERE!

Harriett: Yes?, Call me Harry please.

Ryo: Eh, Harry, I'm Ryo. Wanna be in My and Toby's band, Narrow'd?

Harriett: Sure ^^

Toby:....Your not gonna see if she has talent or anything? No offense of course.

Ryo: You'll be our singer, kay?

Harriett: Okay, I can sing quite well.

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in my 3 music stars i have mametchi and his baby my 2nd one is a 3 year old mametchi and my 3rd one mimitchi 2 years

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