1,000,000 things to do with a spork!


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Sep 27, 2008
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None of Your Business!
Welcome to 1 million things to do with a spork! I hope we can make it to a million!

Here are the rules:

1.) Please please PLEASE number your reason thingeys so that we can keep track!

2.) Plz put only up to 2 reasons per fast reply

3.) Number it (just makin sure u know)

4.) Post replies ONLY on the spork-thing

Thank you! ^.^

I'll start:

1. Dress it up to make a spork puppet!

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Here's one I bet no one thought of:

Eat with it?

Change sp(oon)(f)ork -to- f(ork)(sp)oon

Change Spork to Foon.

6. Pretend it is a lightsaber.

7. Dare your friend to eat the spork

Cecib :D

13. Date it to make your bf/gf jealous.

14. Marry it to make your gf/bf really jealous.

15. Kiss it in front of your gf/bf.

16. After marrying it, divorce it and expect your gf/bf to forgive you.

19. dig 50 miles into the earth with it XD


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20. put a mini waffel on it and try to make it hit the ceiling fan (while it's turning!)

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