#1 Wishlist


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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2008
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Small Town USA Lousiana
What's the thing that's #1 on your wishlist??? (If possible include link to item or picture)

Do you have an online wishlist??? Post the URL here! :3 f.y.i. A really good one is Amazon. they have a button that allows you to save any item from any website.

[[Thread coming soon---virtual gift giving]]


My #1 item is an iPhone4 or Purple&Black Vans! :)

Here's my wishlist! Take a peek ^_^

(P.S.-Looking for kawaii, japanese, snacks, or odd gifts? Check out jbox.com

Personally, I think I just got it... My Season 1 Digivice... I always wanted one, got really lucky. I will always remember those days of "I'll wait for the Pink one" in my KB Toy store............. Blah. I remember where they were and everything....

Otherwise, Probably the new 15th Anniversary IDL Tama or the Tama Profy...

It's either a tablet or a 3DS with Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land.

iPhone 4gs(which well never happen says my parents)

the 15th tamagotchi idl (the purple one :D )

Tamagotchi-wise, I'd like to get a Santagotch, the purple 15th anniversary iD L, and another Tamagotchi Nano. I'm in the market for pretty much any Tamagotchi I don't yet have, but those three are at the forefront of my Tamagotchi wish-list right now.

As for my wish-list in general, I can't really think of anything at the moment. It's probably going to be something practical, like a new planner for the new year.

- Nike Air Max Destiny basketball shoes

- Nikon D3100 DSLR


i just want the academy is... to get back together

so i can finally see them live

it's actually ridiculous how badly i want that to happen

I got my phone. Ordered my Vans && Uggs<3 My grandparents are the greatest. My mom got me a puppy:) Christmas is complete before it even starts..

A 320gb ps3 with Skryim and a couple other games, and just money :3

I can't wait for christmas!

The 15th anniversary edition of the Tamagotchi iD L is on my immediate wishlist at the moment. I'm looking to get the purple one soon, most likely sometime after my birthday.

Tamagotchi-wise, the TamaTown Tama-Go is #1 on my Wishlist. I know, me hoping for this present is a year or so delayed, but it's better than me not asking for one at all! I can't wait to be re-connected with these virtual pets! :blink:

Looking at my wishlist non Tamagotchi-wise, a Born This Way Piano Music Sheet booklet is something that I'd love to unwrap under my Christmas Tree. Or also the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Game for the Playstation Three. Wow, I have so many items! Choosing a few will be so tricky! :lol:

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The Rugby World Cup book I spotted in Take note the other day

A kindle

Maybe a giant world map? :)

I got the tamagotchi I wanted now heres my new wishlist

A V5.5 Tamagotchi(mine got stolen by preschoolers D:) and Grooveshark plus (I'm on free trial and I really like it :D )


This American Girl doll, 'cause I love dolls no matter what my age : P

And a CD of the most amazing piano player ever, Yiruma. Look up their song, "Kiss The Rain". I've never heard a more beautiful piano song ever.

Rock Band 3. I just looked at the list of downloadable songs for the game and found tons of my favorite songs. The only issue will be getting the microphone and guitar and stuff. And convincing my parents that it's "family friendly".

Otherwise Just Dance or Just Dance 2. I have Just Dance 3. :3

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A tama V2, V5, V5.5 or iD L. I used to have a V2, but the buttons stopped working so I had to take it back. My V5 fell out of my pocket one day only to be found a month later completely ruined, I like the v5.5 characters and iD L looks cool, plus it's in colour! That's it.

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