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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2007
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Ok, here is a recipe I made up a few years ago, It's pretty popular with my friends, so I'm sharing it with YOU too.


Ingredeients: Marshmallows (any amount, as long as it fills the center of your plate and leaves an open circle around it)

Utensils: Microwave, fork, plate

Prep time: 2-3 minutes

1. Take marshmallows and put them in the center of of the plate, leaving an open circle around it (for room to expand)

2. Put in microwave for about 10 seconds (DO NOT put on high!!!!!) It's OK if it looks like its about to EXPLODE, its not, its just expanding

3. Take out and eat Immediately otherwise it while get crunchy after a minute, you can still eat it crunchy, cause it tastes really good crunchy.

Sounds cool! We ran out of marshmallows, though. I think. Maybe we have some, but they are probably stale. I hate stale marshmallows.

I must try that :) When my mother leaves the house. She wouldn't like me coating the microwave with marshmallow gunk.

I tried that once. I guess I didn't take it fast enough, or the marshmallows were stale because it became hard and stuck to the plate.

But otherwise, it's actually quite good. Thanks for sharing ;D

I do that all the time I knew about that years ago but it's still yummy I like the marshmallow burnt a little that's good lol. Thanks for the recipe anyway ^^.

I do that with Peeps XDSo good, but so sugary, lol.
Omg me too!!! Every Easter, or holiday when I get peeps I put them in the microwave. Last Easter I did that and it exploded on the plate :angry: I had to lick the plate to get it off and eat it. GRRRR but lol!!!! XD

EDIT: I'm gonna do that later.

ANd Squiddie that sounds like a good idea. What if you put Strawberry Syrup instead of chocolate syrup? I wonder... I might try that later too!

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Omg me too!!! Every Easter, or holiday when I get peeps I put them in the microwave. Last Easter I did that and it exploded on the plate :( I had to lick the plate to get it off and eat it. GRRRR but lol!!!! XD
EDIT: I'm gonna do that later.

ANd Squiddie that sounds like a good idea. What if you put Strawberry Syrup instead of chocolate syrup? I wonder... I might try that later too!
That would be fine! ^_^ Then you'll have a strawberry marshmallow dip instead of a chocolate marshmallow dip! :D

Not exactly a completely home made recipe, but it is good.

Jet puffed extra large and Cool Whip, baby. >:3

..Well, I liked it.

I love doing that!

My 'mallow recipe:

1. Squish it slightly and make a whole in the center that doesn't go all the way through. Leave some mallow at the bottom.

2. Get chocolate pieces and stick them in the whole.

3. Microwave.

4. Put in the freezer for about 10-20 minutes or till crunchy.

And there you go. It's very yummy. :3

Lol I might try it later...

I just went to wal mart an hour or two ago, and I got halloween peeps (they were cute little pumpkins) and I put them in the microwave for 15 seconds, and it ALMOST exploded so I stopped it at 10 seconds. It was good, but if you microwave it, and then don't eat it for another 3-5 minutes, it starts to get hard and icky. :rolleyes:

Try this recipe:

Take a few peeps, or marshmallows, and put them in a bowl.

(this is optional) Put chocolate or strawberry syrup in with it

Put a tiny bit of sugar or splenda in if it is not peeps

Stir it a little

Put it in the microwave for 10-17 seconds

Enjoy it :)

But, don't eat it with ur hands, use a spoon or fork (or a spork!!!!)

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