18 or Older with a Tamagotchi?


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Sep 7, 2004
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Colorado Springs
I'm a college student and I NEVER see anyone with a tamagotchi on campus. Its funny because the people in some of my classes are always like, "OMG, I love these virtual pets!" and they end up playing mine during class!

I am just curious if there are any college students or people 18 or older with tamagotchi's either on this forum or if you know someone who is 18+ and has a tama.


I'm 18 and my boyfriend is 19. I've given him a tamagotchi last week and he was happy like a little boy with it. My father also has a tamagotchi (and he is 45).

I'm 20 and I'm also a college student. This semester I have a course online so I'm watching Chu right now jumping around. Such an energetic little thing. :D :rolleyes:

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lol im 19 and i have all my old tamagotchis and four new ones. I even got my boyfriend in on it... my friends think im nuts.

I'm in college and have a tama. I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone else with them, since I'm at a real techie school (some people must have them here because the K-Mart less than a mile away from campus is completely sold out of them, and it isn't exactly a residential area).

Just turned 30 on Tuesday and BIG Tama lover here :)


I was thinking I was the only college student in the USA who had a tamagotchi. I want to meet others with a tamagotchi.


i'm 20 and in univeristy (canadian) and I have 2 connections, 1 connexion, and a whole pile of old tamagotchis and virtual pets... right now i just keep my 2 connections and a gen2 tamagotchi from way back in the day with me...

but yeah, there's a handful of us "older" people who enjoy them. although my friends all make fun of me... :)

I'm 20 and have 2 Tamagotchi Connections. I don't know anyone else with a Tamagotchi though, but I don't get out very often either.

I will be 18 on the 28th of this month, and I still like Tamagotchi. I just tend to keep it a secret anymore.


I'm a college student with a tama! I came to school this year with my Tama Connexion, and got all my friends interested, so when Connection came out here in Ottawa, they all got them, too :p There are 5 other tamagotchis in my program, my roomie has one, and I have two myself. So altogether, there are 8 tamagotchis at Algonquin College, at least :(

I'm a college student with a tama! I came to school this year with my Tama Connexion, and got all my friends interested, so when Connection came out here in Ottawa, they all got them, too :p There are 5 other tamagotchis in my program, my roomie has one, and I have two myself. So altogether, there are 8 tamagotchis at Algonquin College, at least ;)
:( :p That just proves that Ottawa is THE coolest city!!

It's nice to know there's others here with tamagotchis...I am the only one I've seen here! :p :)

I am 28 and have one tama, and just ordered 2 more on ebay: Morino, and Mothra. I have a husband, a baby, and a dog, so loving tamagotchis knows no bounds! :p

*raises hand* I'm over 18, and I'm a tama fanatic --- but I don't have that much time to take care of all of them so I usually hatch one at a time and put the others on pause by sticking the battery tab back in... (Dunno why I do that --- I guess I don't like having adults or something... weird...) Anyways, I have 4 tama pluses, 2 tama conx and 3 tama connec, plus 2 tama angels. ( I've spent over $150 total for all my tamagotchis >_<) My BF took 1 tama conn, and one tama conx, and 1 tama angel, and he seems to like it. He also told me that he was at an entertainment district once and saw 2 couples with tamagotchis... (aw!!!) Plus PPL are always asing me what i have when I take them out with me... So I think this will soon become another great wave of tamagotchi craze.... (It's only been out for a month --- give it some time... ^___^ Its still an early adopter toy...)

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