1st time to have a tamagotchi in 10yrs!


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Oct 29, 2006
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hi i'm rony from the philippines. when i was a kid i sooo wanted a tamagotchi but my mom wouldn't buy me one because of the bad reviews from teachers. i got sooo frustrated! that was 10yrs ago. now i'm 22, a working professional and earning my own money so when they returned the tamagotchi to the philippine market in the form of the tamagotchi connexion v3 i just couldn't resist getting myself 1! :blink: my 1st tamagotchi is a silver one & he is now 2yrs old. :mellow: i'm planning to buy more of these just to put them all in a shelf and never really take them out of the box. i'm just wondering if it is ok to do this though, since i was taught that electronics would corrode after not being used for some time and the battery will leak out. :eek: any tips would be greatly appreciated.

hi rony

welcome to tamatalk!!!!

if you need any help or just want a friend

just PM me!!!!

Welcome to TamaTalk - hope you enjoy the site.

Theres lots of useful info here - and it is pretty easy to just click your way around the different forums (sections).

Actually - lots of ppl buy Tamagotchis and leave them in the packet... I wouldn't worry about it...

If you are planning to get them out to play with in about 10yrs time tho' be aware that the battery might not work anymore...lol :blink:

Don't go mad buying more and more V3s tho' - the V4 will be launched early next year* and it has even more features :mametchi:

*The V4 is already launched in Spain...

so the rest of Europe, N America and Australasia will follow in due course appparently.... :huh:

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Hello there - welcome to tamatalk! :furawatchi:

I hope you'll enjoy all your visits.

You can find lots of usful tips, tricks & cheats in the 'Tamagotchi Help' sections. :D

Please take some time to read the rules & pinned topics.

If you need any help then feel free to send me a PM. :D

-sk8er girl-

thank you for the tips! i'm getting another tama v3 (angel red design) as a gift for myself this xmas! im planning to buy a new one each month thereafter lols! i hope they don't die out just being in the box forever lols!

my tama turned from a patapatatchi to a mametchi today wow! he loves his action figure toy. he even sleeps beside it. :hitodetchi:

thank you for the tips! i'm getting another tama v3 (angel red design) as a gift for myself this xmas! im planning to buy a new one each month thereafter lols! i hope they don't die out just being in the box forever lols!
my tama turned from a patapatatchi to a mametchi today wow! he loves his action figure toy. he even sleeps beside it. :D
That sounds great! :huh:

Enjoy your new V3 for christmas and by this time next year I'm sure you'll have a big collection of tamas. I'm planning on collecting them too - by tonight I might even own a mini & an entama! :hitodetchi:

Congrats on getting a mametchi & enjoy your stay at tamatalk! :)

-sk8er girl-

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