3 of my bunnies died today


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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
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my niebor is a rabbit breeder (and expert) her male bunny and my female bunniy mated, she gave me permision to let them be born at my house and raised until they were old enough to be sold, she was so exited about this project because they are a rare breed and great for rabbit shows. pretty soon i woke up to four beautiful new bunnies in my bunny (coco)'s cage, ive raised them for awile with their mom and i was supposed to bring them to my niebor's house today, and i had their cage outside for a bit, (it was VERY hot outside) and when i came out the mommy, and two of the babies looked stunned then they all died, my niebor told me it was a heat stroke and ive been crying all day :angry: if i had just brought them into the garadge they woulda all still been here, only two strong babies survied, we put them with anouther bunny mom and her four babies, luckily she has exepted them as her own and they are both fine now (exept the black one is showing slight signs of depression)

i feel horrible, im still crying i loved the babies so much and their mommy :ph34r:


You didn't mean too and I'm sure they're running around in bunny heaven eating.. whatever bunnies.. eat. lol.

Just focus on what a blessing it is that the two did survive.

Sorry for the loss! :p

I didn't know bunnies would get heat stroke o.o; Everyone that I've known to have rabbits have them in cages outside, so I would imagine they would be used to the heat.

Are you at least going to keep one of the babies?

Awww, that is so sad. I also didnt know bunnies could get heart stroke. Its not your fault that they died...you just didnt know.


my niebor is a rabbit breeder (and expert) her male bunny and my female bunniy mated, she gave me permision to let them be born at my house and raised until they were old enough to be sold, she was so exited about this project because they are a rare breed and great for rabbit shows. pretty soon i woke up to four beautiful new bunnies in my bunny (coco)'s cage, ive raised them for awile with their mom and i was supposed to bring them to my niebor's house today, and i had their cage outside for a bit, (it was VERY hot outside) and when i came out the mommy, and two of the babies looked stunned then they all died, my niebor told me it was a heat stroke and ive been crying all day -_- if i had just brought them into the garadge they woulda all still been here, only two strong babies survied, we put them with anouther bunny mom and her four babies, luckily she has exepted them as her own and they are both fine now (exept the black one is showing slight signs of depression)i feel horrible, im still crying i loved the babies so much and their mommy :(
Why did you put the cage outside in the first place if it was that hot? =/

Common sense.

Poor rabbits.

i slept over at my niebor (the bunny bunny breeder)'s house and she told me that i could keep the two little survivors, insted of selling them, that made me feel a little better

Why did you put the cage outside in the first place if it was that hot? =/
Common sense.

Poor rabbits.
I second that...

You could have atleast put them under shade. And SK, almost any living Warm blooded creature can have heat stroke I think. Fur or not.

But did you even have any cool water for them?

well i had a towel over it and a cold watter bottle next to it, they live outside on the count of the great weather we have here, exept in the summer it can get ugly and my mom told me to bring them inside and i waited just a little bit and thats when it happend

Accidents do happen for sure, but it is also an opportunity to learn from it and prepare for the future. Always think of the animal's comfort level compared to your own. If you feel warm outside, a furred animal will feel even warmer. Any animal can suffer from heat stroke if left in too warm of weather with no way to cool off.

I'm terribly sorry your rabbits died. :( Just remember this next time and you will have no more problems! :)

Poor bunnies! At least you got to keep the survivors. Just remember that since they have fur, they will usually feel warmer than you do. Lol

I hope the surviviors are doing ok. How are they?

Endless carrots...endless carrots...HEY THERE'S A GOLDEN ONE!

That's what them bunnies are thinkin' in bunny heaven right now. :angry:

It's not your fault. Everyone lives, then dies. Totally natural.

Sorry about the bunnies...there in a better place. ;)

It's not her fault! I'm really sorry to hear that. I hate when a pet dies because if you are really attached to it, it could be tragic.

It's okay to be sad for a couple of days. Then, just let it go after a while. There was nothing you really could do. It wasn't your fault and look and the mom and babies in heaven having a great time.

I hope I helped, and I know how you feel when a pet of yours dies...

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