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I grew up in Brooklyn, NY. It's one of the 5 burrows of NYC, so the twin towers really weren't far away at all. I was in kindergarten at the time, and my mom told me that she saw everything on the TV. Then in the background she saw the second plane coming and then the TV went out. The second building had been crashed into. She told me that you could see debree in the sky. Very scary. -moment of silent prayer-

I'd rather not think about 9/11. I was eating breakfast in front of the TV when I saw it happen.

Its such a shame that people are remembering this (Which is good), When Just 2 months before that, there we're the London Bombings, were 60+ innocent people were killed in the streets of London by Suicide Bombers.

When I ask most people about it, they don't even realize it happened. But it did. And people need to respect the fact that people died that day.

OMG stop getting mad at me! If i dont WANT to have a moment of silence, don't try to convince me that i SHOULD. I don't want this day to be sad for me! It's a celebration of a party for me. Got it? Yeah, sure, if i was american or i knew anyone who died, i would be sad. but...come oonn. This day is different to me because its my friends bday.
*i am not replying anymore so dont bother flaming at me any more*
I agree so much...someone who understands!!! HALELUHIAH!!! Since it's my birthday, I SHOULD BE HAPPY!!! People won't let me... :blink:

[SIZE=8pt]Even though I didn't realize the terroist attack happened until nearly a year after I remember it clearly, the day it happened all fo the teachers and adults were acting strange and worried. I didn't exactly know why but I was smart enough to realize that something was going on. [/SIZE]

All the 2,973 people who died did nothing to deserve to die. Nothing.

I'm practically in tears now thinking about it. and I just watched a YT video that is making me even more teary.

EDIT: "Our eagle cried that day."

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Eh. I don't mourn over 9/11.

I gave a moment of silence because I had to in school.

They showed us some video about it and everybody was in tears. Some girls called me heartless for not being sad. If I were sad about 9/11 I'd have a better reason to mourn. My uncle was killed from and my aunt was paralyzed from it. I visited my uncle's grave, I feel bad about how he died, but I'm not sad.

I mean it's not like people don't get killed everyday.

It's the past now.

I'm just gonna move on.

I just feel soooo bad for all of those people who died....even babies and children! I'm just glad they're in heaven now safe with God.........*moment of silence*

I agree so much...someone who understands!!! HALELUHIAH!!! Since it's my birthday, I SHOULD BE HAPPY!!! People won't let me... :blink:
Happy Birthday. <33 If it's your birthday, you have a right to be happy. Doesn't mean you don't care about 9/11, it just means that you should have a fun time. Nobody prevented you from doing that.

I feel bad for people that died that day, but I'm not going to go off crying all day because of it :p Yesterday I had lots of fun, I completely forgot the date.

Yes, I know this is late. Oh well.

Well, on 9/11, I was in DisneyWorld. We were so scared we were gonna be attacked too, and they closed down DisneyWorld. But I won't deny I had fun there. And I won't deny that I've had fun on every other 9/11. What happened is in the past, and although it's extremely sad, we shouldn't dwell on it.

i was watching a special on 9/11 but it was different because they played all home videos from people who were actually there recording it..it was so sad it made me cry and i said a prayer for all the people who died and their families. I dont cry often but this was SO sad..and yes i agree that you shouldnt dwell on it or anything just say a prayer and or a moment of silence if u want..

Happy Birthday. <33 If it's your birthday, you have a right to be happy. Doesn't mean you don't care about 9/11, it just means that you should have a fun time. Nobody prevented you from doing that.
For once, I actually agree with you.

Happy Belated Birthday Robin.

It's great if it's your birthday. It's just a sad date everyone wishes didn't happen and wants to forget.

It's a really sad time, but we won't have to be sad anymore for another year. :huh:

-moment of silence-


I'm Canadian, not American, but anyone should be devastated this happened at all.

I remember 7 years ago, when I was 5, watching this all unfold on the news.

Something hit me, and as I saw people jumping out the flaming windows, to escape the misery and madness,

I cried, And couldn't stop.

Weather we are Austrailian, or American, We can and all should be affected by this horrible Event.


RIP 9.11.01 Victims


It's great if it's your birthday. It's just a sad date everyone wishes didn't happen and wants to forget.
It's a really sad time, but we won't have to be sad anymore for another year. :huh:
I actually don't see the point in being sad about it 7 years after it even happened. Yes, it was a tragedy, but that doesn't mean every time of year it comes around to be sad. If anything, we should be happy that after 9/11 people united and took charge of the country. 9/11 was in a sense a good thing because it brought people together, though the circumstance was what it was.

I can understand mourning the lost, but to get depressed over the past is just pointless. If everyone stayed depressed over everything that's happened in our world, even before our generation, we'd all be screwed. Nobody would ever be happy and the world would just be a place of fear and hopelessness.

I just don't see the point in dwelling on the past. Think of the present, what our world is today and what it will be in the future. If we keep thinking about the past, we'll never get through life successfully or happily.

I actually don't see the point in being sad about it 7 years after it even happened. Yes, it was a tragedy, but that doesn't mean every time of year it comes around to be sad. If anything, we should be happy that after 9/11 people united and took charge of the country. 9/11 was in a sense a good thing because it brought people together, though the circumstance was what it was.
I can understand mourning the lost, but to get depressed over the past is just pointless. If everyone stayed depressed over everything that's happened in our world, even before our generation, we'd all be screwed. Nobody would ever be happy and the world would just be a place of fear and hopelessness.

I just don't see the point in dwelling on the past. Think of the present, what our world is today and what it will be in the future. If we keep thinking about the past, we'll never get through life successfully or happily.
I see your point as well...

Forgive and forget right?

I actually don't see the point in being sad about it 7 years after it even happened. Yes, it was a tragedy, but that doesn't mean every time of year it comes around to be sad. If anything, we should be happy that after 9/11 people united and took charge of the country. 9/11 was in a sense a good thing because it brought people together, though the circumstance was what it was.
I can understand mourning the lost, but to get depressed over the past is just pointless. If everyone stayed depressed over everything that's happened in our world, even before our generation, we'd all be screwed. Nobody would ever be happy and the world would just be a place of fear and hopelessness.

I just don't see the point in dwelling on the past. Think of the present, what our world is today and what it will be in the future. If we keep thinking about the past, we'll never get through life successfully or happily.
I guess I see what you are saying. Forget the old and make room for the new? :huh:

I remember I was sitting on the floor and on the T.V. there showed two big towers burning. Well actually it was one. The other one hadnt been hit yet. It was burning and I was 5 or something I dont remember. I didnt think much of it and I said wow but I really didnt care. A few years later I realized because kids at my school would talk about it. Then I knew what happened. I got annoyed just a bit though because they ALWAYS show those same 9/11 videos. I've seen all of them and I always cried but they show them soo many times. I think the world gets it now. Lol. We were talking about how people are trying to invent a way to control the plane from the ground like a remote...Imagine if there was a remote already invented back then......as the plane was heading straight for the tower someone could just control it to go the other way....Wow. And I am soo proud of America. We have have showed that even though something big has happened to us we will not let it depress us for our whole life. We mourned and we moved on. We went on with our lives and our community somehow came close together.

We have showed those terrorists that because an attack has come at us, it has brought us closer. And we are stronger than ever. We were able to clean and rebuild our community and work together. Thats why I am happy. The terrorists think they destroyed us. No, no they did not. I think this experience has taught has something and now we are stronger than ever.... *another moment of silence*

My family is Middle Eastern and now whenever we go to the airport they check us more thouroghly and sometimes ask us questions and scan us more deeply. Things like that. Hhaha its quite funny but also rude. Now they think every Middle Eastern or anyone who LOOKS Middle Eastern is a terrorit.Its funny. I know they just want to make sure. And hey, better safe then sorry. Theres alot of new restrictions too. I can't blame them

I'm Australian. This day means nothing but a celebration of a friends bday party for me, so deal with it.
We aren't asking you to like it sweetheart, we're just asking for a little bit of respect, this day was hard on a lot of people and you just come in and act like it's nothing.

It's called being considerate, you can read about it various places on the internet.

I find this day hard because not only is it the day that the twin towers collapsed, but on the same day last year at about six o' clock my friend Anthony was taken off of life support at the hospital.


Double whammy.

Must I be silent?

-Moment of silence-

I didn't even know it WAS 9/11 until someone mentioned it.I asked the date, and she just said something along the lines of, 'We shouldn't mention the date.' I thought she just meant that it was late in the year XD

Then I noticed the flags were at half mast.

They're half mast today too, which confuses me.

I think this is the first year people haven't been so touchy about it. I didn't hear anything on the news about it. Just saw a few random people with shirts on about it.

Maybe America is finally lightening up.

After reading all the replies, I actually agree with SQR. I don't agree with how she said it, but I agree with the basis.

Personally, if I had a friend who had a birthday, I'd be celebrating it, even as American. I understand that it's a hard day, rather, it was a hard day. 7 years ago. I don't believe in dwelling on the past, even if it was a tragedy. I'd rather be celebrating someone's birthday than being depressed over a bunch of people I didn't even know, especially after so long.

Think of it this way. She's not celebrating 9/11 as a terrorist attack. She's celebrating it as something completely different. Something innocent. To bash her and say that she's wrong, is wrong in itself.

Yes, she could have worded it better, but she didn't deserve the disrespect some of you gave her.
[SIZE=7pt]Extremely well said. [/SIZE]

I do see the sense in moving forward. If it's your friends brithday you should celebrate, but at least have a little consideration for the people that died and their familys. Even if it was in the past.

WWI & WWII are still remember this day, and we have ANZAC day in Australia. All of which remember people that died. When a life is lost people should be sorrowful for the lose, I guess you could call it human nature.

It's just a little bit sad that people don't care whatsover about something so shaking and slightly disturbing.

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