>*-*_* TaMaGotChI LoG fOr PRinCeSs PiGgY *_*-*<


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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
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I have not been updating my previous log so I starting a new log for all my tamagotchi as i have actually start to play with my new V4 and the other rest of my tamagotchi was being kept in my cupboard with all their batteries on hold.... ;)

I will start my new log for 2 of my V4 asia tamagotchi on my next posting..... :)

Keep an outlook on my status of my 2 V4.....

Thanks.... B)

Princess-piggy :)

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(Black will be mine) Let start with the log for my 2 V4 - :)

Pink &amp; White V4 (Orange represent this V4)


The egg has hatched and is a baby girl tama. Her name is ANMIA and she was born on 1st June 2007 at 4.11pm at Generation 1.


Take a look at Anmia when she is a baby - Baby Girl Anmia - 1st Gen


Before she turn into a toddler, she acutally poo for 6 times, sick for 1 time with 2 injection and also 1 praise for discipline.


About an hour later, she evolves into a Mohitamatchi. Before she slept at 8pm, she poo for 1 time. The king has also visit Anmia and reward her with 200 points.


Her status for the day (1st June 2007) -- 0 Yrs Old

Hungry - full hearts

Happy - full hearts

Training - 1 bar

Skill Points - 0 / 0 / 5

Weight - 48 LB

Points - 600P

Fortune Cookies - Not at the moment

Sleeping Time - 8pm


She has little skill points as i don't have time to play with her. :lol:

Now the next log is belongs to her sister Anmie .... :blink:

Pink &amp; Red V4 (Red represent this V4)


ANMIE was born at 4.06pm at Genernation 1 and she is 5 mins older than Anmia, they are both born on the same day 1st June 2007.


Picture of Anmie when she is a baby - Baby Girl Anmie - 1st Gen


Before she turn into a toddler, she acutally poo for 6 times, sick for 1 time with 2 injection and also 1 praise for discipline.


About an hour later, she evolves into a Mohitamatchi. Before she slept at 8pm, she poo for 2 times.


Her status for the day (1st June 2007) -- 0 Yrs Old

Hungry - full hearts

Happy - full hearts

Training - 1 bar

Skill Points - 5 / 0 / 0

Weight - 50 LB

Points - 400P

Fortune Cookies - Not at the moment

Sleeping Time - 8pm


She also has little skill points as i don't have time to play with her. :lol:

So shock to have both of them as Mohitamatchi... :huh: Maybe is because i feed them with the same thing when they are baby... :(

I will be back tomorrow with more update of Anmie and Anmia .... :blink:

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Yesterday was a busy day for me, i was so busy that i actually neglect both Anmie and Anmia.....They are so sad..... :(


Pink &amp; Red V4


Anmie wake up at 9am in the morning and at the end of the day she has poo for 5 times in a day before she went to sleep at 8pm, she receive an mail with a snake inside and she was so angry about it cos it make all her happy heart gone...But she is also happy as the king visited her and give her a bouquet of flower, she was so happy and keep jumping high and low..For discipline, she was given a time out and a praise for the day....She evolves into a Young Dorotchi when the time comes.....she was so cute.... :)


Her status for the day (2nd June 2007) -- 1 Yrs Old

Hungry - full hearts

Happy - 3 hearts

Training - 3 bar

Skill Points - 11 / 6 / 21

Weight - 60 LB

Points - 2620 P

Fortune Cookies - ( 2 / 2 / 2 ) , ( 2 / 2 / 2 ) , ( 1 / 3 / 2 )

Sleeping Time - 8pm

Pink &amp; White V4


Anmia wake up at 9am in the morning and at the end of the day she has poo for 5 times in a day before she went to sleep at 8pm (was the same as Anmie), she receive an mail with a snake inside and she was so angry about it cos it make all her happy heart gone...But she is also happy as the king visited her and give her a make up set which she can use when she goes out, she was so happy and keep jumping high and low...She loss 100P as the robber visit her when she was playing....The discipline icon also call for a praise but i accidentally give her a time out, she was so angry with me and it make her has short of 1 training bar.... :angry: ...She also evolves into a Young Dorotchi as Anmie....she was so cute.... :) She was overfed with snacks and has a toothache, she was given 1 injection..... :(


Her status for the day (2nd June 2007) -- 1 Yrs Old

Hungry - full hearts

Happy - 3 hearts

Training - 1 bar

Skill Points - 11 / 4 / 22

Weight - 56 LB

Points - 2540 P

Fortune Cookies - ( 2 / 2 / 2 ) , ( 3 / 2 / 2 ) , ( 3 / 2 / 2 )

Sleeping Time - 8pm

So sorry Anmie and Anmia, i was so busy for the whole day that i didnt play with both of you and keep feeding both of you with snacks which make Anmia have a toothache and made both of you overweight.... :(

** Will post their pictures later....maybe with new updates for both of them at the end of the day.... :blink:

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Yesterday Status:-

Pink &amp; Red V4


Is 9am, Anmie has wake up and was brushing her teeth. She has poo for 4 times at the end of the day. She has a mail and when she open it, inside contains s**t. Anmie was so angry that all her happy hearts are all gone. The king visited her twice in the day and rewards her 700 points for twice.......she was so happy....Due to overfeeding on snack, she has a toothache and was given 2 injection....she was a good girl and was given a praise....She was given a time out when it suppose to be a praise and she was so angry with me.... :huh:

Sorrry anmie.... :p

Her status for the day (3rd June 2007) -- 2 Yrs Old

Hungry - full hearts

Happy - full hearts

Training - 4 bar

Skill Points - 11 / 6 / 27

Weight - 99 LB

Points - 4420 P

Fortune Cookies - ( 3 / 1 / 1 ) , ( 2 / 2 / 2 ) , ( 3 / 1 / 1 )

Sleeping Time - 8pm

Pink &amp; White V4


Anmia also wake up at 9am in the morning and she has poo for 5 times in a day before she went to sleep at 8pm (was the same as Anmie). The king visited her and give her a plant...Also due to overfeeding of snacks, she has a toothache and she was given 1 injection..... She was also given a praise ....


Her status for the day (3rd June 2007) -- 2 Yrs Old

Hungry - full hearts

Happy - full hearts

Training - 2 bar

Skill Points - 11 / 4 / 22

Weight - 99 LB

Points - 2540 P

Fortune Cookies - ( 2 / 1 / 1 ) , ( 3 / 2 / 2 ) , ( 3 / 2 / 2 )

Sleeping Time - 8pm

Updates of the day : -

Pink &amp; Red V4


Today is a nice day, Anmie woke up with a smiling face.....She has poo for 5 times at the end of the day. She has a mail and when she open it, inside contains s**t. Anmie was so angry that all her happy hearts are all gone. The king visited her in the day and rewards her 1500 points but she was robbed by the robber for 800 points.......she was given a praise and a time out for the day........At about 5pm today, she evolves into Yattatchi..she was so cute... :p


Her status for the day (3rd June 2007) -- 3 Yrs Old at the stage of adult

Hungry - full hearts

Happy - 2 hearts

Training - 6 bars

Skill Points - 15 / 14 / 28

Weight - 99 LB

Points - 5660 P

Fortune Cookies - ( 2 / 2 / 2 ) , ( 2 / 3 / 2 ) , ( 3 / 2 / 2 )

Sleeping Time - 10pm

Pink &amp; White V4


Anmia is 9am, you have to wake up and She has poo for 5 times at the end of the day. She has a mail and when she open it, inside contains snake and she received it twice in the day. Anmie was so angry that all her happy hearts are all gone twice. The king visited her and give her a chest...She was overfed by snacks which caused her to has a toothache and she was given 1 injection..... She was given a praise and a time out for the day too....Also at about 5pm today, Anmia evolves into Yattatchi same as Anmie....

They are both so cute..... :huh:

Her status for the day (3rd June 2007) -- 3 Yrs Old at the stage of adult

Hungry - full hearts

Happy - full hearts

Training - 4 bars

Skill Points - 12 / 7 / 22

Weight - 99 LB

Points - 3600 P

Fortune Cookies - ( 1 / 2 / 2 ) , ( 2 / 3 / 2 ) , ( 3 / 2 / 2 )

Sleeping Time - 10pm

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Was so busy at work and dun have time to update my log....btw i bought a new ToysRus V4 Pink...Is so cute....and a also a pink oden from japan......will try to update during the weekend.......stay tuned........ :eek:

:( :( :( :( :( Sad, Sad, Sad, All my Tamas died when i was busy working in my office....I totally forget to take care of them and all of them died....very very sad and angry with myself.... :) :D :D :D :wacko:

Have reset all my tamas.......will get their updates in this log asap..... :p

Finally,i got time to write the log of my tamas...... :huh:

I will not go into more details...as they are adults now..... :huh:

Pink Jumper


Name : Anlia (Female)

Age : 3yrs old

Gen : 1st Generation


Growth stage

: Shirotsubutchi - Baby

: Mohitamatchi - Toddler

: Ichigotchi - Teen

: Masktchi - Adult

Lotus Flower (Design gone)


Name : Anlic (Female)

Age : 3yrs old

Gen : 1st Generation


Growth stage

: Shirotsubutchi - Baby

: Mizutamatchi - Toddler

: Ichigotchi - Teen

: Memetchi - Adult

Toysrus - Pink


Name : Anlio (Male)

Age : 3yrs old

Gen : 1st Generation


Growth stage

: Tsubutchi - Baby

: Puchitchi - Toddler

: Gourmetchi - Teen

: Debatchi - Adult

I have 1 Oden running now but i dun know their character name..... :huh:

Also Tamasuku V1 and V2 running now.... :huh:

Try to upload picture soon for oden and others.... :huh:

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