A delayed Sanrio Meets (and revival of my 20th Anni. Mix) log


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Thank you! I think they are pretty too and that's part of the reason why I took a break. At least I have them posted here so that I can look back whenever I want  :D

And that's a shame! Maybe I'll be able to get some other cute genes and I'll be more than happy to mix them with your Tamagotchi

As promised, here are the Tamas that my twins married. I think there may be a few missing because I also wiped my phone though

And here is my turn with the marriage. I always liked the pink sparkly eyes and I'm so glad that someone with those eyes finally accepted my proposal (all the other ones that I proposed to flat out rejected ugh)


As a side note, I thought that the two golden 'heart' arcs with blue and pink lips would be positioned based on your Tamagotchi's gender but I don't think that's the case since Peanut is a male

Anyways, the next generation are twins again! Yay!


Their colours are very pleasant and matches their father, hence the name Cream (for the white Tama) and Ichigo (for the pink Tama). Soon those Pumpkitchi eyes will disappear from the family photos

Here's their toddler form, nothing much to add on but if I skipped it then it'd feel incomplete


I got a different type of teens, super cute too! You can't see it too clearly but they inherited the sparkles from the Tama that I married


And last, here's their adult form. Sadly I didn't get the pink eyes like I had hoped and the jellyfish body disappeared, but they're still pretty cute I think! I'm guessing the body is from Cinnamoroll. I didn't know that the 'body' gene included the mouth as well so they have a little w. Otherwise, Ichigo and Cream are identical twins which is a first for me. I'll be hopping onto the Meets app to see if anyone wants to marry them and to grind the minigames to get the new items


Until next time~!

My two girls will be hanging around for a bit after all. I'll be accepting any and every proposal until I find a boy with the pink eyes (all of the ones I have encountered are all female and I've seen six by now!)

I'll also post all of the proposals on Imgur too! Got 5 of them so far~

And I have good news! I'll be getting two more Meets! Initially I was pondering whether or not I should get another one, but seeing how there's a sale on HLJ for the Pastel and Fantasy, I decided to get both. The sale was too good to pass up so they should be delivered to me in a week or so. Fingers crossed that the Pastel doesn't have any major glitches, I was jealous at how they had the blue outline (told myself to not give in...until I saw that sale)

Still keeping my two girls for now until I get the two Meets probably. I've uploaded all of the proposals I have had so far here, including the one Tamagotchi that I saw with the pink eyes and is a male who rejected me. k  -_-

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Hi again! I know it's been a while but I have some good news. My Pastel and Fantasy Meets arrived a few days ago! I thought it was going to come next week so it took me by surprise. So I will be expanding this log to the Sanrio, Pastel and Fantasy! I can also use the My Meets app on the computer too. I think it's pretty awesome to see custom backgrounds and also to create Tamagotchis from there

★ 𝔖𝔞𝔫𝔯𝔦𝔬 𝔐𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰 ★

I had a few more marriages with my twins afterwards as I kept popping onto the app to find the pink sparkly eyes on a male Tamagotchi. I decided to try out the My Meets on the computer because I was getting tired of trying to find one on the app itself. I downloaded a custom wallpaper too to test if my computer could send to my Meets and it does!


It's nice to be able to download the perfect genes that you want but I'm going to refrain from manipulating it as it kind of takes away some of the fun. I had to try it at least once though, in my pursuit of the pink sparkle eyes. We had a red baby boy as a result so I named him Cherry


I forgot to take a pic of the toddler stage but you will see him make an appearance on the other two Meets! Cherry's teen stage inherited both accessories of the 'fabricated' mother. I was wondering if the adult stage would troll me by not giving me the pink eyes but they did! So I finally got those pretty eyes :D  


I'm gonna be keeping lil Cherry for a while. I also see why the Cinnamoroll body is so popular too

He'll be up on the Meets app for some marriages to anyone interested! 

★ 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔩 𝔐𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰 ★

Here we go! Despite the issues on the Pastel Meets, I really wanted to try it out and flex the blue outline on the Meets app  :D

First generation won't have anything too special, so here are the different stages it's gone through. Gonna have to wait til the second generation to unlock the locations. Funny that they don't let you name your Tama for the first generation, so I will call my boy Egg


The toddler is super cute! I think I'll be getting the same adult for both the Pastel and the Fantasy since I don't neglect them

★ 𝔉𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔰𝔶 𝔐𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰 ★

Now here's the quick Fantasy introduction


Another baby boy, who I will name Hoshi given his star like appearance as a baby. I downloaded a wallpaper from the My Meets app because I thought it looked pretty cool, so I stuck with it. (I was also able to successfully download a wallpaper onto my Pastel, but it was a custom one with the green streaks at the top so I just went back to a wallpaper from the Tama itself)


I connected the Pastel and the Fantasy onto the app, giving me a total of 3 Meets connected to my account. Again, I'm going to refrain from using the My Meets to create the 'perfect' Tama genes as I'd like to try to leave that up to chance (maybe with the exception of Makiko eyes? They're pretty uncommon from my experience but other than that I want to have fun and silly creations!)

Until next time~!

★ 𝔖𝔞𝔫𝔯𝔦𝔬 𝔐𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰 ★

I've already gotten some marriages with my little Cherry 🥰 
There will definitely be more marriages to come as I hang out on the app for maybe a week or so at least. I will upload all of them at the end when I finally decide to marry him off to someone. Meanwhile, I hope the Pastel and Fantasy will help keep this log entertaining

★ 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔩 𝔐𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰 ★

As I thought, I got Mametchi


And as luck would have it, the few Tamas that I clicked on randomly (to try and get random genes) were all male! I also wanted to try and make them at least different to Cherry on the Sanrio, so that means no Cinnamoroll body and so on. I forgot how hard it was to try and propose to someone with the basic Tamas as well  <_<

So after many rejections, I decided to marry on the My Meets. I know I said that I wouldn't use it, but this was an exception. I tried out some very different Tamas for some fun though

He had a baby girl who I called Maki. I wonder how she is going to look with her parent's genes!


And here is Maki as a toddler. I started to unlock some locations once they were available


The light blue colour is so cute, I can't wait to raise future Tamas on this Meets! (fingers crossed nothing goes wrong with the device)

★ 𝔉𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔰𝔶 𝔐𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰 ★

I also got Mametchi here, so there isn't anything too interesting. I won't include the picture since it's basically the same thing as on the Pastel

I unlocked one of the locations that was available to me after getting an adult. Now I will have red Tamas on the Fantasy from now on to flex the colour  :p


Likewise I didn't use the app to marry since nobody wants to accept Mametchi. I also had girls for the second generation, but twins!



So now is just a waiting game until I get adults to have some more fun

Until next time~!

★ 𝔖𝔞𝔫𝔯𝔦𝔬 𝔐𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰 ★

I'm still keeping Cherry around. I caught him having a nightmare, the poor thing (oh but those eyes are so cute)


★ 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔩 𝔐𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰 ★

Here's the teen and the adult stages of Maki


I wanted to unlock all of the locations on this Tama but I found it so hard to change the colour to get the Beauty Salon. I'm going to try for a couple more days before I don't care and just ignore it :p  

★ 𝔉𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔰𝔶 𝔐𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔰 ★

Alrighty, here's my twins as a teen and an adult!


The one with the normal Mametchi ears is Yuki, and the other one is Peko. I think Yuki got those eyes because it was not possible to inherit it from the other parent, being the Makiko eyes? Both are pretty cute though. I also tried to unlock the locations that I can get so here is one pic where they were getting whisked away into a pumpkin

I went onto the app and married Santaclautchi since they were twin girls


It took me 5 or 5 times before I managed to get Santaclautchi from the dating game -_-  

They had a baby boy, no twins this time. I called him Washi and here are the different stages up until now


I think the previous headpiece and the accessory will not be inherited which is a shame because those are pretty nice


Until next time~!
