A different kinda hatch.


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She grew up!! My Kana, who was the fireball kind, is this kind now: :p . It seems kind of odd that a fireball can change into that but oh well... Now she is still 3 years old, now 22 lbs, and two training bars. ^.^ I'm excited that she grew up!

Wow... this site is annoying. It keeps signing me off and I have to keep logging back in.

Well, updates on Kana:

She is 4 and as I said before she is a Masktchi. She is always dancing around the screen and one time I saw her head really big on the screen. It was kind of weird.

She is kind of getting annoying because her happiness is going down faster than usual and she will never play the games anymore.

-Kohaku and Kana :ph34r:

this doesn't really have to do anything with this topic , buut does anybody here live in LA? because im going to toysrus and imma get a tamagotchi. i want to know if they have good colors.

He he stupid dermadoctor add. NO I DO NOT HAVE WRINKLES.

Oh sorry *cough*

My tama's new name is Natt she is Matt's adopted sister (u must think i am a wacko) ;)

Mat, Natt? Hey that rhymes ah ha ha *cough* sorry.

She is 13 i want her to evolve into an old person so no breeding for her, she has dedicated her life to science muahahaha *cough* sorry. ;)

12/29/04 (almost 05!!!)

Elvis my boy tamagotchi, turned 5 today... WHOOHOO!! YAY! uh.. YeY! :D He is soon going to have a baby with one of my friends tamagotchis!!!!!!!!!! YAY!

Yesterday, the matchmaker came and Tama 1 (Fry) had a baby girl.

But then 2day, My other Tama Noel, fell in love with him! I wish they would have fell in love instead! :)

my two tama girls are Hinotamatchis

and right now they are both playing with their balls

and lea juste pooed!


The matchmaker came for Patwo yesterday, she hooked him up with a fellow Kuchipatchi, and now Patwo has a tagalong baby girl!!!! Woohoo!!!

Hey peeps and tamagotchis! My first connection, Tobi has yet to wake up this morning, but will be a 6 year old Kutchipachi! He has an affinity for baths and teeth brushing (OCD? lol) Does anyone know at what age the matchmaker is likely to appear? I am anxious to find a mate for Tobi!

Hmm, thought I already posted here. Does it take a while for posts to appear? Sorry if this is a duplicate. Old lover of tamagotchis here, but new to tamatalk!

My tamagotchi, Tobi is a 5 year old Kutchipachi (expected to turn 6 today) He loves to take baths and sing! He is my first connection and I hatched him on christmas day.

Anyone know when the matchmaker is likely to appear?

Today mine didn't do much......yesterday it did, though!

On December 31'st, 2004:

My Tarakotchi, Jewel, came up to the screen and kissed me! It also sang while standing by a Christmas Tree!

I just got my pair today and they're Orange and the other is purple with pink swirls. verry cute! So I started them and right now they're in their kid stage and they're both boys, one named Aba and another Barry. Its funny how Barry always gives Aba poop as a gift and Aba gives Barry flowers and cake and stuff. Thus Aba is always sadder than Barry cuz he gets crappy gifts. Anyway, they're REALLy cute!! And I'll update daily as to their progress... :D

Weellll, My 2nd generation is on their own today, and Dan, my newest baby, (fathered by Gir and some random female Memetchi lol) Evolved into a Kinakomatchi just a minute or two ago..Im so proud :D :ph34r: :huh: :D

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