a friend, an enamy, a love, and destany...


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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2007
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Nexes had a rough life. Her mother had died when she was just a baby, and her father hated her guts. At the age of seven, he attacked her, leaving a huge scar at the side of her face. she was outcast, even the teachers at the tamatown school woulnt let her join. She had but two friends by the names of Balco and Kenzi. Balco had been with her before her father atacked her and stayed with her till the end. Kenzi was a funny, cute tama, but he was shy. He met her a few years after the accedent, and he has never left her side. She had gone through thick and thin with her, but despite this she never loved hime, no mader how long he persisted. Nexes had grown strong over her years as an outcast, but what would happen next would chalenge her every strength, and even she may not handel it. it started when she was theiving from a fruit stall. She and her friends were running down the ally when...

P.S. Kenzi is a :furawatchi: , balco is a :pochitchi: , and, despite her life so far, is a :huh:

A bright light hit them! They all closed their eyes apart from Nexes who hadkept her eyes open all the way through it.

White and blue and lots of other colours past Nexes and her friends, and soon stoppes to find out, she was with her Father, and Herself!

her father was hit with the death of nexes mother... he attacked nexes all the time because he thought it was all her fault...

the future nexes saw what was happening and tried to intervene.

this is the day she got the scar.

balco and kenzi tried to help too but a wall of invisible force stopped them.

only nexes could pass, but when she tried to help, she passed right through her father as he approched her past with the knife.

she yelled but could not be heard. Why? why did she have to watch this happen... again?

nexes showed no signs of emotion on her face, but she was breaking up inside.....

then she remembered what happened to her on that night. her father pinned the helpless nexes to the ground. he was going to kill her.

but SOMETHING saved her.

it was out of the ordinary, and remarkable had changed the path of the blade. it was a hand. Nexes always thought it was the hand of god, saving her from a horrible, twisted fate. but it wasn't god, but instead a tama she would soon meet herself...

kenzi had broken the barrier between him and nexes. as soon as he did, he saw her lives at stake, and threw himself at the knife.

it hit his shoulder.

but the force of him hitting the knife knocked it straight through to the other shoulder... and when it got there it left a twisted, bloody gash below his neck.

Balco Broke the barrier and caught kenzi, and nexes leaned over to see what had happened to her good friend.

he was alive, but not for long.

in all the commotion they forgot to see the young Nexes, and it was only after she yelped in pain did they look up at her.

the knife had struck her at the forehead, and lead a long, deep gash until her chin, where she finally kicked her father away from her.

they looked down at kenzi, wondering what to do.

this called for VERY quick thinking.

They went to the hospital which was an hour drive.Kenzi was crying like crazy! At the hospital they waited for the doctor.He said"Kenzi hasn't broke anything-"at this point nexes was crying an ocean!Everybody found a life 'couch' but then a blue light hit them.nexes father threw the knife.instead of kenzi jumping, they threw kenzi's own tamagotchi collection egg.kenzi tried to jump but it was tooooo late.

They went to the hospital which was an hour drive.Kenzi was crying like crazy! At the hospital they waited for the doctor.He said"Kenzi hasn't broke anything-"at this point nexes was crying an ocean!Everybody found a life 'couch' but then a blue light hit them.nexes father threw the knife.instead of kenzi jumping, they threw kenzi's own tamagotchi collection egg.kenzi tried to jump but it was tooooo late.
ok. wow. random. try to stick with the story next time, ok?

(nexes dose not love kenzi and she hasn't shown emotion in years. they are not tamas {my brother snuck on and put that 0.o} they are humans.)

Nexes picked up Kenzi and took him to the woods, setting him in the stream, looking for humans and tools so she could replace the bones he had shattered. She had some herbs she had stolen, but that was all.

She placed kenzi in the river, keeping his head well above the water but his wound just below. Balco slipped in and said softly "did he brake anything?" Nexes had felt his collar bone and his shoulder, they were shattered. his wound gushed blood that turned the river red and his eyes were quickly losing color.

"nex.... bury me where we met, in the mountains by the mouth of the river. i want to be there, forever. Nex... i lo...." his breath slipped, and he grew limp in her hands. he wasn't dead, but he was mighty close....

"Balco...." she said. "We might be going one pack lighter. i think he is going to die." Nexes showed NO EMOTION, but she felt greatly about the thought of losing one of her only friends.

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