A girl at my school..


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Well-known member
May 31, 2008
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alright, so I'm going to call her A, A boy G and my friend S.

A is the rumor queen. She kicks up rumors all the time. Especially about relationships. If you trip infront of someone, your automatically a couple. If you spoke at the same time, your meant for each other, aparently.

I told her many, many times that's not true, if your "Cute" together, that's not a relationship. Then she goes on and says "Oh, your just jealous because I'm not single." Wh-What?! We're both in Grade 6, and people already think that htey need a "Boyfriend"/"Girlfriend''! So she tries dragging her fake relationship into it!

And what's worse, We have his chair thing in our class. It's this really fun rolly chair that our teacher doesn't like to sit on, so every week whoever got it gives it to someone else. So a Boy gives it to a Girl, A girl gives it to a Boy, and so on.

When S got it, she gave it to G. So A confronted her on monday (She gave it on Friday) and asked "Do you have a crush on G?" When S said no, she said "But you gave the chair to him!"

To her, you can't be nice to the other Gender. If you do, you automatically want to marry them.

I'm sick of this girl, and I've told the teacher about it, but she hasen't done a thing about it. I'm already considered to be wanting 2 guys because I talk to them alot. What should I do about her?


You shouldn't do anything. Let her stir up drama. That's her problem and she's going to have to deal with it later. You shouldn't have to worry about someone else's actions.

Just worry about yourself. :D

[SIZE=21pt] She is being rude, I know someone in grade 6 and all they think about is dating. Just ignore her, it will work out in the long run. Remember how of the awesome famous people were always picked on and now nobody remembers they meanies, they know you, the great famous person.[/SIZE]

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I agree with Cinders.

This girl clearly has a messed up view of how a relationship should be. In fact, she sounds a little obsessed.

This is entirely her problem, and unfortunately, there's not really anything you can do to change it. There'll always be at least a couple of rumour-spreaders in each grade. It's annoying, but you just have to laugh it off and deal with it.

Show her and make it clear that you find her rumors immature and childish, and she'll hopefully get the picture.

Oh, don't mind her. Trust me, there are worse things she could be bugging you about. There's this one girl who whacked me with her notebook three or four times yesterday because I'm white. That girl will get over it eventually. Just ignore it, it sounds like no one cares what she says anyway.

This girl actually sounds like an obsessed attention-seeker.

Just let her go, let her spread around all of these little things. Everyone probably thinks the same about her.

She can worry about her attention-seeking herself, and one day, someone will probably give her a taste of her own medicine.

She's just being dumb. Don't do anything about it, just let her deal with her own problems.

Kids between the ages of 6-21 tend to be unusually cruel and stubborn. It sounds like 'A' has a lot of issues. Generally, this type of person likes the attention she gets from the rumors she spreads. If other kids at school are having similar problems with this girl, I suggest you get together and speak to a teacher, or even her mother, about it. There's power in numbers. If that doesn't work, even though I know it's cliche and hard, ignore her. Giving her attention for her rumors and bad behavior will fuel her and encourage her to keep doing it. Ignoring it or brushing it off will eventually make her realize that she has no power over you, and she just might lay off. Whatever happens, remember to be the better person and remain calm and logical. Anger usually leads to stupid decisions.

If all of the above does not work, calmly pull her aside and talk to her. Ask her why she's spreading rumors, and why she thinks that boys and girls can't just be normal friends. Sometimes people don't understand what they're doing or who they're hurting until someone brings it to their attention.

I hope this helps, and keep us updated. Good luck!

Kids between the ages of 6-21 tend to be unusually cruel and stubborn. It sounds like 'A' has a lot of issues. Generally, this type of person likes the attention she gets from the rumors she spreads. If other kids at school are having similar problems with this girl, I suggest you get together and speak to a teacher, or even her mother, about it. There's power in numbers. If that doesn't work, even though I know it's cliche and hard, ignore her. Giving her attention for her rumors and bad behavior will fuel her and encourage her to keep doing it. Ignoring it or brushing it off will eventually make her realize that she has no power over you, and she just might lay off. Whatever happens, remember to be the better person and remain calm and logical. Anger usually leads to stupid decisions.
If all of the above does not work, calmly pull her aside and talk to her. Ask her why she's spreading rumors, and why she thinks that boys and girls can't just be normal friends. Sometimes people don't understand what they're doing or who they're hurting until someone brings it to their attention.

I hope this helps, and keep us updated. Good luck!
Thank you so much for your kind help! and everyone else! :lol:

I'm getting a guide to close this now. I'll try ignoring her, and If i jsut can't, I'll take Zombie head's advice!

Just ignore it.

This girl clearly wants attention. She shows off about having a boyfriend and 6th grade. It's just stupid to have a relationship that young. It's pointless. All you end up with a broken heart you are too young to repair. xP

Anyway, just ignore it. She wants attention, so if you don't give her what she wants, she will eventually stop.

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