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Im a 12 year old girl and I'm sort of a outcast at my school. No one would ever want 2 kiss me. I've kissed 2 guys on the cheek before. But that's it. I don't think any one would actually WANT 2 kiss me on the lips....D:
I too am a outcast at my school i am 13 and have kissed a girl slightly but it was small just an average little kiss it was wierd

a kiss feels..

uhm, smoochy. xD

well, if it's your first time ever, it's basically the funniest feeling ever.

In a good way, most times.

Kay whatever you do, don't let tongue happen, unless your ready/love that person enough to feel like slime.

(my experience, no further comments)

But a sweet little kiss makes you feel loved, and happy.

I wouldn't know.

It's probably really awkward at first because you don't know when to "go in" and stuff XD

I almost got kissed today.

Then a teacher yelled at me saying "NO PDA D<"

Yeah, I wouldn't know. I've never kissed anyone. Only eleven, here. XD

Prolly good. :p


Ok guys, I need HELP! I think my guy firnd is gonna kiss me 2morro but idk what 2 do! Any advice?

A kiss is diffrent for everyone.

Don't be scared the first time though

is what my advice is. also i think a FIRSt

kiss is very magical and not forgetable.

it really depends on who you kiss.

If its their first as well as yours, it will be a little awkward. Very quick and maybe a little (TEENSY WEENSY) wet.

If its your first, and not theirs, they may be nice and you will just have a very awkward kiss and they will be all whatever. It may be wet and/or long, but you may most likely get a quickie kiss.

If its their first, they may be a little scared so treat it like it was both of yours first kiss all over again.

If both of you have had their first kiss(es) it may be a little wet to TOTALLY INVASIVE!!!! (Bun dun dun) Hopefully you and your partner know what you are doing when you are coming back for more kisses.

In short, they really aren't that bad. They are a little wierd at first, but they become more second nature the more you do it. Just make sure your breath smells good. :)

Hope this is useful.

:) :D :huh: :huh: :D :wub: :wub: :wub:

I don't know, I've never been kissed on the lips.

But for me, kissing people on the cheek is just a sign of friendship.

It feels amazing :)

Especially with the right person. My boyf & I have been together a few months now & we kiss all the time xP

Kissing with tongues is romantic for me <33

reading this makes me feel all sad cuz my bf is too unexperienced with dating to kiss me.

we've been going out for 7 months and hes only held my hand once!

I'm afraid of relationships, and I don't whore around kissing people.

So therefore, I've never been kissed, and I'm turning fifteen in less than a month.

Oh well. There's no rush, really.

I've never been kissed before. Even though I'm not into relationships or anything, I've had a teensy weensy crush on one of my guy friends for the past year now. Maybe this year will be the year... But I'll make sure it's a guy I won't feel grossed out from or anything, as most of the guys in my school are dimwits, and rude... and annoying. Yeah.

When I had my first kiss I was expecting something magical, but there was nothing. Really.

i would think it would feel good but i have never kissed anybody or have been kissed by anybody.

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