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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2005
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Is there anyone here who has their own Invision Free website? Then you can help! How did you get your parents to say yes? Mine just won't. My mom says she'd rather have me on Facebook. There are stalkers on Facebook! STALKERS! Who claim to be Willy Wonka, or, or, or Barney the dinosaur, or, or, the Geico Caveman!! I'm stuck! I've tried talking to them, that its free, safe, I don't freak out when they say no (my 10 yr old sister throws a tantrum when she has to go to bed and they don't even get mad!)

HI made my first Invisionfree forum two years ago without my parents knowing, and many more after that. And guess what? They never found out. ;P

HI made my first Invisionfree forum two years ago without my parents knowing, and many more after that. And guess what? They never found out. ;P
Hmmm..... I'm not gonna try that, because I forget things really easy, and I might forget that my parents aren't supposed to know, and I will somehow blab something out. And my dad walks into the computer room every once in a while and tries to catch me doing something I'm not supposed to (Don't know why, I'm a straight-A student) And he catches me on my website, BAM I'm grounded till I'm 30.

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HI made my first Invisionfree forum two years ago without my parents knowing, and many more after that. And guess what? They never found out. ;P
I've made like 6 different ones without my parents knowing. It's easy. :furawatchi:

Like many others I made it without telling them. They know I make sites and stuff all the time because I'm into that sorta thing.

Try explaining why you want to create one and how it'll benefit you.

Hmmm..... I'm not gonna try that, because I forget things really easy, and I might forget that my parents aren't supposed to know, and I will somehow blab something out. And my dad walks into the computer room every once in a while and tries to catch me doing something I'm not supposed to (Don't know why, I'm a straight-A student) And he catches me on my website, BAM I'm grounded till I'm 30.
What to grades have to do with anything?

You could be a straight-A student and look @ porn on the computer all night long. T_T

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What to grades have to do with anything?
You could be a straight-A student and look @ porn on the computer all night long. T_T
Yeah, I've also never been in trouble at school, and all the teachers like me.

Then I suggest making a freewebs.com.

It's not a forum, but you can make your own [free] website. I know HTML&&CSS, so I've moved on...but...yeah. ;P

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Freewebs is easier than InvisionFree.

If you still want to make an InvisionFree forum, it doesn't cost, you don't have to reveal your age or name or anything like a Facebook or whatever. If that doesn't work, show your parents the IF homepage and get them to read it. And register a test board or something to convince them its safe.

I've had IF forums for years and I have not had one single problem with it.

What is invaisoinfree? (Um.. did I spell that wrong?)
Its a thing where you can make your own forum, like Tamatalk. You can make it into any theme you want, like hamsters, dogs, tamas.

Freewebs is easier than InvisionFree.
If you still want to make an InvisionFree forum, it doesn't cost, you don't have to reveal your age or name or anything like a Facebook or whatever. If that doesn't work, show your parents the IF homepage and get them to read it. And register a test board or something to convince them its safe.

I've had IF forums for years and I have not had one single problem with it.
Blue: I've tried that, and my parents always say later...

Red: Haven't tried that, I'll try!

PS. If all this fails, I'm gonna make one behind their back.

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I'm not good at telling people how to convence(sp?) their parents to do stuff. My parents pretty much let me do whatever I want. But, they do have a few rules, and they are very strictly applied. They are: Clean your room, don't do drugs, get good grades, don't eat food in your room, clean your room, clean your room, and clean your room. I can do pretty much anything but post porn, have sex or do drugs. They trust that I'm smart enough not to go and meet someone at the park that I met on myspace.

I made a lot of sites without my parents knowing. From Freewebs to InvisionFree. It's pretty easy. If they won't let you, then I'd just not do it, unless you want to take the risk.

If you do want to do it, what is innocent? Webkinz? Club Penguin? Do anything to "camouflage" what you're doing on the computer. When it's on InvisionFree, you can just simply close your window while having something innocent in the background. I only use that if I'm making gifts, etc.

I'm going onto this website, posting and such, and I'm not allowed to go on it. xD

Just use Google; it doesn't show up on your messagebar that shows where you've been going.

Two; X out of the window when you hear them coming. Open up another window when they pop in.

Cecib :rolleyes:

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