a little help, please


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Active member
Nov 23, 2006
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I was connecting two V3s. I tried going to presents but it said "Sorry, list is full" or something like that. Is there something my tama? Please reply >: /

Ohhh this happened to my friend Mae! Your friends list is 2 full! Mae had to delete a person of the friends list!


The only reason mine wasent full 2 is because i deleted my enamies tamas of the list Muahahaha...now that i think they r my enamies not da tamas ohhh!

Your friends list was probably full. How many friends did you have on it? Try deleting on of the friends (selecting that friend and pressing the button until you see the gender and presssing the A button so you can delete) and then connect.

If it still does that, probably your food or items list is full. Eat one of the foods or delete the food or an item. Go to the book icon and select present. Choose whether you want to delete a food or an item (depending on which list is full) and select the item. When it asks you if you want to wrap the item press A and press yes until it goes back to the book icon beginning screen.

Hope this helps!

GotchiGirl96 ;)

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