A poll about boys


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Well-known member
May 15, 2008
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I wanted to know because this morning 10:30 lunch time I got real nerves talking to the guy I like. Then I motor mouth (talk fast) to my friends. That was the reason I wanted to open this poll.

oh i really like this boy but he talks to me all the time and i just agree with him!! *puff puff*

Are you automatically assuming that everyone here is a boy?

Couldn't you have made it a coed poll, like add options for boys too?

Men suck


yes i do get nervous around ones i like

for example, i screw up alot of things im saying around a guy

I Fail

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No, I don't like anyone right now. I used to, but now I think of him as a friend.

I think of all the guys at my school as friends. Nothing more, for now anyway.

I've never done it before.

Besides, I think I'd really mess up if I did lol.

The two boys I like right now are my best friends ._.

So yes, I am very afraid to tell them.

It could screw up our relationship like, forever D: So I'm just keeping it to myself, until either of them decide they like me, which may be never.

It's painful x_x

Talking to them is very easy and enjoyable though, but only about fun things --- me and one of them hit each other and pull each other's hair and such, and we can have short conversations about small things, but if we talk about anything serious, it gets awkward.

The other one doesn't live by me anymore, he's in Washington, and we don't get to talk much anymore. Makes me sad.

I don't get nervous around boys. I'm pretty cool. I uncrontrollably smile when I'm around a boy I REALLY like.

EDIT: Oh wait I read the topic wrong >.<

But after a couple days, they find out, and they almost never like me back. Except for a few...

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Haha, I basically told him myself.

Over MSN, but I'm too chicken to tell him face to face. ;)

I wasn't nervous because he knew anyway.

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I get nervous, but somehow can be myself
I can be myself. I almost had a chance to pass a note in 7th period reading but i had to get to 8th period choir. I think he likes me because we where talking about wierd dreams at lunch and he told me that he had a weirder dream than mine i said yeah and he said trust me i really do. One more thing I almost always make up something just to stand in the lunch line next to him.

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I rarely ever get nervous. I figure it's only middle school and if I'm turned down, it won't be the end of the world. :]

I was nervous to dance with a certain guy last night, though.. But he's really sweet.

The guy I love is one of my best friends, and I told him in IM.

He liked me too. My mom wouldn't let me go anywhere alone, so I said we should wait.

He is now going out with my best friend.

</3 :'(

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