A Pouch for a tamagotchi


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Active member
Dec 26, 2005
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What do all of you use to put your tamagotchi's when you are sleeping, on a trip, at a friends, ect.? Does anyone know where I could find directions on making a homemade tamagotchi container?

My tama doesn't have a pouch, He usually just stays in my pocket :blink: ^_^ :p ^_^ <_<

-TamaGirl :lol:

Sleeping: On bedside table.

Trip: My bag.

Friends: Normally in my handbag with my phone.

Watching television: On the arm of the sofa.

Computer: On my desk.

School: My bag.

Not in use: A box on my bedside table.

The list goes on, but those are the things. If I have pockets they stay in there aswell.

~Kiz :blink:

mine sleep in my fanny pack. When they are awake I have a shoelace that I threatded through the keyrings and they hang round my neck. that way I don't have to worry about dropping them.

i got this little cell phone holder cloth thing for christmas and i keep it in there. my v2 got scratched up REAL bad, so i learned my lesson!LOL!!!

sleeping: i made my tama a sleeping bag.

traveling: made a duct tape pouch.

when i want to show off: in this house made out of tissue boxes i built.

when i want to show it off on the go: made a tamagotchi stand/cradel and spray painted it gold.

travel: the sleeping bag doubles as a travel case but they usually go in my pocket.

when im in cold weather: made a tight yarn case for it.

at school: in my jacket pocket

needing them safely paused somewhere: in this box which i made a house out of for them.

needing to be around my neck: use a cord i weaved tho i dont use often.

needing to be all together in one place with me: keyring where i collected all my keychains from everywhere, including my tamas!

as you can see i am pretty good with my hands. i made all my tama stuff.

sleeping: in the plastic thing they come in (not the big part, the little part they sit in while in the big plastic package)

elsewhere: in my pocket if i'm wearing pants with a good pocket, otherwise in my sweatshirt pocket, clipped to the edge so it won't fall out.

I made a house using a tissue box for the actual house (2 boxes stuck together, two rooms ^.^) paper furniture and a few spare parts of my mom's knitting for the bed ^^

I made a pouch that all 4 of my tama's fit in perfectly and it has a snap (button) on it to fasten the keyrings to so they don't scratch up the screens while in the pouch. I also made it divided so they stay seperated....I'm selling one on ebay right now..lol :huh:
that looks cool!

i think it is very clever.

ill have to do better with my tama stuff :lol:

but i cant so oh well..

ill make a tama cover for my debugged one tho...

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