A Random Story


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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2006
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Um... I have an idea for a story. I would call the story I Used To Be Famous. What I'm posting is the teaser. Just random clippets from my story, which I hope to use later on. Let me know how you like it.

“Hey, Alex! Awesome show tonight!” said Hailey Kenyon, the famous teen model.

“Hailey! You made it!” Alex blew the older girl a kiss.

Alexa Wilson walked into her dressing room an picked up her cell phone.

“Alex? Your fans are here.” Said the assistant.

“Gawd! Didn’t anyone tell you that Alex doesn’t breathe her fans’ air!?” Alex yelled.

“So sorry, Miss Wilson.” The assistant muttered.

Alex is famous. Alex is rich. Alex is gorgeous. Alex is talented.

Alex is…totally obsessed…with herself.

“Honey, we have a problem. People want to meet you.” Mrs. Wilson said.

“Well, I don’t wanna meet them!” Alex said.

“Our sales are going down, Alex. We have to keep you in the Top Ten.” Her mother said.

“Oh puh-lease! I thought my manager would understand my concerns!”

“Be careful, Alexa! I may be your manager, but I am also still your mother!”

Her life was changing. But to Alex, it was all the same. If only she paid attention. She would have known.

“Hailey! Where are you going?” Alex yelled as she chased the Mercedes in the rain.

Her usually wavy black hair hung limp against her cheeks.

“What’s happening? No one listens to my music anymore. The magazines call me ‘self obsessed’ and ‘a wanna-be popstar’. I don’t get it!” Alex told her assistant.

“I told you to sign the autographs, Alex.” The assistant replied “And just so you know, today is my last day working for you.”

“What…no! Mackie…that’s your name…Mackie?” Alex asked nervously.

“It’s Macie. May-see.” Macie said angrily.

She was loved. Now she was hated. People called her names. A has been. A wanna be.

“It’s nawt…it’s nawt…it seriously is nawt like that!” Alex whined.

“So what is it like?” the girl replied.

“I’m Alex Wilson. I used to be famous.”

I Used To Be Famous

Let me know what you think. And if I decide to continue...I might take a while posting chapters. I wrote the teaser about 2 weeks ago. Haven't got very far with chapter 1. But yeah...let me know how you like it.

That is great but you have a few misspelled words in it but you should totally write a whole book with that storyline and find a publisher who will publish it.

NOTE: Some words (Gawd and nawt) are spelled that way on purpose. Alex has a bit of a New York accent and LOVES to stretch her words out. But if there are other misspellings, puh-lease point them out. I'm such a freak when it comes to spelling...Thanks!

Oh sorry. But if you want to know if you misspell a word you should get a program where it has spell check.

I wrote this on....my Microsoft Outlook because I was typing it to a friend. But I mean stuff that the system doesn't pick up on. (Too, to, two)

Chapter One:

"Thank you, L.A.!!!" the teenager onstage yelled. The crowd went wild and the fifteen year old waved, switched off the mic, and walked backstage. "Catch." she said, sounding bored. She tossed the mic at a random man before launching into conversation with another.

"Alex! Great show tonight!" said a tall, skinny, blonde named Hailey Kenyon. Alex, the fifteen year old star, turned from her discussion with the lighting assistant to wave at Hailey and blow her a kiss.

"One sec, Harry." Alex told the puzzled man. She sauntered over to Hailey, with nothing less than perfect posture. Hailey beamed, showing her whitened teeth.

"Okay..." Hailey suddenly broke into speech "My friends and I are going to the Raven tonight, and we would love if you came."

"I'll check if I have anything going on." Alex replied, her blue eyes avoiding Hailey's gray ones. Alex smiled convincingly at the sixteen year old model. Hailey beamed back and walked away.

Alex turned and walked to her dressing room. Like I would ever hang out ith a B-Lister, she thought. In her dressing room, she picked up her cell phone and flopped onto the couch. She had three new messages. One from her mom, and two others from celebrity friends, Elizabeth Randolph and Ryan (Haven't got a last name...feel free to give suggestions).

However, Alex had't seen them for a while. They were both filming in New York, Alex's hometown. Alex, on the other hand, was touring the country. Before Alex could dell on this, she was interrupted.

"Hey, Alex!" said a young redhead girl as she barged into the room, accompanied by a grumpy looking pre-teen and an overexcited lady. The youngest one, who was no more than seven, hugged Alex.

"RUBY!" Alex yelled, shoving the child away. Ignoring the girl's hurt expression, Alex looked at the lady expectantly, as if waiting for an explanation. But before the lady could speak, the pre-teen did.

"It's okay, Ruby. You know, at least one of your older sisters likes you." she said, louder than necessary. The lady ushered her two younger daughters out of the room.

After gently closing the door, for she hated the slamming noise, she turned to Alex. "Honey, can't you be nice? You know how much Ruby and Maddy look up to you." she said, in a desperate tone.

"I'll try." Alex lied, tossing her phone aside. She continued, changing the subject "What did Mike say about my Sweet Sixteen plans?"

Alex's mother smiled "We've sent out the invites and booked the hotel for your birthday night. Your agent, Mike, hired people to decorate. In red and gold, as you instructed. He said something about lists..." Her voice drifted of as she tried to remember.

"Nobody less than A-List." Alex said "And I've decided I want my name, Alex Wilson, to be hanging from the ceilng in red letters, with a gold star in between my first and last name."

Mrs. Wilson sighed, almost inaudibly, but odded in agreeance. "Alex! People are lining up out here." Ruby said, sticking her head back in the room. She walked in, the pre-teen behind her.

Nervously, Mrs. Wilson glanced at her older daughter. "Too tired." Alex said, faking a yawn. Ruby and the pre-teen, Madeline, watched with interest as their mother went to deliver the message.

"Um...where's my assistant?" Alex asked, when her mother re-entered.

"Weren't you listening this morning?" Madeline piped up.

"Sorry Maddy, but WHAT are you tawking about(Heh heh...New York accent)" Alex asked rudely.

"Mom said that your new assistant would be here tomorrow." Maddy replied, smugly.

"Ruby. Maddy. Sit!" their mother pointed at the leather couch. Alex smirked at them as they did so. Ruby stuck her tounge out in return.

Okay, it's a bit long, so I'm writing the rest in a different post. Chapter one is NOT finished yet. But let me know how you like it so far.

Continuing Chapter One...this is a continuation. Only 1/4 of the chapter though.... Anyways...enjoy:

"Can we cancel tomorrow's show?" Alex asked hopefully "I mean, Los Angeles is so....ick...I wanna go back to New York!"

"Absolutely not!" Alex's mother said "You're on tour! We can't just spontaneously cancel shows. And tomorrow, you're sigining autographs. I don't why you didn't do your meet and greet today!"

At this point, Alex opened her mouth to interfere, but her mother cut her off.

"No, Alex! Your excuse about contaminated air is nonsense! If your fans want to get a picture with you, they have every right to do so!" Mrs.Wilson continued.

Alex slumped lower into the couch and sulked. "Why?" she asked "Do you really want me to catch a cold, or like, normal-people-itis?"

Ruby giggled. "That's not a disease!" she said,tugging on one of her red curls. In return, she got a cold glare from Alex.

"Fine!" Alex said, not taking her dark blue eyes off Ruby. Deep down however, Alex knew that she would get out of it. She always got out of it.

"All right. The limo should be here. It's already ten!" Mrs. Wilson got up and opened the door. Her daughters filed out, Alex last.

When Alex saw the black stretch Hummer, she picked up her pace and brushed by her sisters. Standing in front of the car, she turned to face her mother.

"Hey! Mom! For my Sweet Sixteen, I want to arrive at the hotel in a car like this. Only in gold, you know, to match the theme?" she announced. Before her mother could answer, a fan yelled her name.

A young girl ran up to her, holding out a pen and a notebook. The girl, who was no more than 9, smiled joyfully. All Alex did was shove the girl aside with a rude "Move!". She entered the car and pulled out her iPod. When her mom entered the car, she turned the music up, hoping that her mother would notice. It would save her from one of those lectures. From the window, Alex could see the girl, her face covered in tears, watch the limo as it pulled away.

I really like it! It's a really good idea! Btw, a suggestion for Ryan's last name could be Gossling, he's a real celebrity, from The Notebook (My friend made me watch it lol!) but if you want a made up celebrity, it could be umm... Cambridge? Or Curtis? Or maybe like Jenson or somthig like that.

O.0 omg....thats alot of writing...PERFECT!!!lolz keep writing it!

Thanks! Chapter two might be a while as I am overloaded with stuff to do right now. I really wouldn't expect the whole thing till like, Feb. But maybe another 1/2 chapter. Hard to say. I haven't started onit yet.


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