A sad little Kilalatchi crying for help?


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Active member
Jan 10, 2013
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Albuquerque, New Mexico
So I left my Tamago alone for a few hours and when I came back my poor lil Kilalatchi's health was all the way down and he had a little word bubble over his head that said, "Taylor...."

So does this happen when they are close to dying or leaving?

Props to this tama making me feel the worst after neglecting my lil guy for a bit ahaha!

This means that you haven't been taking care of it well -- Or left it alone for a few hours. As you said.

Yeah I figured, so will this effect the adult I get?

I fixed the problem right away and have been taking care of him really well up until that.

It might it really depends a lot on how much training and friendship you have.

I'm sure leaving it alone for a few hours won't damage the growth. Just take care of it better and train it and keep the friendship high - as Purimatchi said.

Also a good idea is to keep the weight down. ;)

a very good way to keep the tamago stats good is by playing lots of games. is keeps the weight down and friendship and happiness high

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