A SERIOUS problem!


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Pikachu Lover

Well-known member
Jun 16, 2008
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Ok last night I posted a bulliten on myspace about my band director. I said bad things about him but didn't mean any! I was just mad at him! But thats not even the worst part.... SOME BAND PERSON FORWARDED THAT TO HIM!!! Now he knows and he emailed my parents and he said he had no idea I felt this way and I bet he'll cry or get close to crying and I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO?!

I'm so thankful that I'm in AEP and not regular school. I have about 4 more weeks of this so lets hope these weeks pass by slowly.

I am so scared to go back to school he said he's going to meet with me and I can't believe some RETARD forwarded that to him! I know I should watch what I say but it's too late if I could I would go back in time an stop myself from ever posting that bulliten!

Have you ever had a situation where you say something about someone and then they end up seeing what you say?

Sounds like it's all your fault.

I guess I'm just blunt that way.

How do you get mad at a band director?

And posting something like that on myspace was terribly stupid.

It's kind of a given that he would find it.

By the way, you're just a student.

But this is screwed up.

He's your teacher.

You should respect him.

Not post things on the internet about him.

Awwwwwww... That sucks you know what....... Well, ya know, the best thing you can do in this situation is go on myspace, delete it and say that you didn't mean it, you were just angry, meet with him the next day, rant on and on and on about how sorry you are and that you didn't mean it and you were angry at the time and it will never happen again, then send him several emails and "OMG SO SORRY" cards and time will fix it.

Unfortunately, you'll just have to take the heat. :/

Explain to him that you were angry at the time and didn't mean it, and maybe you'll be able to work it all out.

Best of luck.

Thankfully, it's never happened to me. I don't talk about people all that often online. If I have something to say, I would rather talk about it face to face with somebody.

Unfortunately, you'll just have to take the heat. :/Explain to him that you were angry at the time and didn't mean it, and maybe you'll be able to work it all out.

Best of luck.

Thankfully, it's never happened to me. I don't talk about people all that often online. If I have something to say, I would rather talk about it face to face with somebody.
I just hope he doesn't ask what I was angry about. I don't want to tell him I was angry for him not letting me march half the show...

I'll tell him I don't remember.

I just hope that, when I get back, and when he calls me in his office during class, I REALLY and TRUELY hope he doesn't cry. Because if he cries, I'll serious get up and walk out of the office,

Unfortunately, you'll just have to take the heat. :/Explain to him that you were angry at the time and didn't mean it, and maybe you'll be able to work it all out.

Best of luck.

Thankfully, it's never happened to me. I don't talk about people all that often online. If I have something to say, I would rather talk about it face to face with somebody.

It's one thing to rant about someone to random online people.. it's another to post it for you and your closest 1000 friends to see it. ;]

Live and learn. Delete the post, make a post saying you're sorry explaining that you were angry and you weren't thinking correctly and then all you can do is wait to see what he says.

Just be careful of how you react next time. Apologize and mean it and that's all you can do.

I will apologize through email since I can't go on my home school's campus.

But thanks you guys! It really helped me! I'm willing to take further advice as well! :)

Holy Tree. o___o I never expected this from you...


If you're going to eat crow, eat it while it's young, and tender.

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If you're going to eat crow, eat it while it's young, and tender.
Ahh, I would have suspected Binary to make such a short post, yet with such meaning.... ;)

The worst thing you can do is lie and say you didn't do it, because people have proof. Just explain what happened, take the heat. Your Band director will be glad that you told him the truth. ;)

Holy Tree. o___o I never expected this from you...Apologize....
I was sooo mad at him! I have this HORRIBLE temper and I seriously CAN'T control it! Its mainly why I have orange karma! My horrible temper might get me kicked out of band for good =(

I think he'll get over it.

Can't do anything about it,

so go hunt down the person who sent it to him and make him regret it

so the best choice is to watch things fall into place.

I don't think you should have said any of that stuff. I say hope for the. Remember don't let your temper get the best of you all it will do is cause trouble. I have an anger problem too but I haven't had any issues with anyone on here so I just remind myself of that because my parents spoke to me about my temper fits lots of times before and told me to remember that if I get angry at someone because once in sixth grade I threatened someone ( long story and offtopic ) so yea keep that in mind :( .

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I know exactly how to fix this dont worry.

Tell him you never meant for the email/bulletin to get added/sent and that your super super sorry and you were just venting your feelings but you never meant anything you said about him/her.

Well, you brought this on yourself but I guess there's nothing much you can do now. You should say sorry, and mean it, but it probably won't ever be the same again. That's your punishment. (Sorry if I'm being blunt but it's the truth).

If you post something on the internet then it is pretty much public property.

If you want to vent do it in a personal journal/diary, not online.

Just apologise and explain that you were mad.

I hope he doesn't cry.

When you post something on the Internet, you expect someone to read it, because isn't that the reason you post it? Internet is open to anyone, and that means it's open to your band director.

It would be funny if he did cry though. Good luck with the e-mail.

Ah, the power of the Internet.

Say you're sorry. He has to understand that people say things that aren't true when they're angry. Things will eventually get better.

Good luck.

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