A SKylit Drive


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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2009
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I think they're my new favourite band...

My order on how I heard their songs

Eva the Carrier

My Disease


Those Cannons Could Sink A Ship.

The whole of Adelphia album

How I heard of them:

So I was asleep, and some song with a bit of screamo was playing. I woke up, and was in the middle of a song that sounded REALLY good - though I thought it was a girl being lead vocals. I waited til the end of the song, and a guy said the name - 'That was Eva the Carrier by A Skylit Drive, from their new album Adelphia' I kept on reciting the name over and over so it was glued in my mind. Then I got on the computer, and went on Grooveshark and typed in 'a skylit drive'

For the song was very new, it wasn't there. So I listened to 'My Disease' instead, got it downloaded on my iPod. A few nights later, I was listening to the same radio program, it was about 10:30 PM. I heard the same vocals - high-pitched, amazing screams...then the song ended, and Stu Harvey (the presenter for the radio program) said: "That was Heaven by A Skylit Drive". Wow, they were amazing.

Then I found their MySpace, and listened to Cannons.

And today, me and Dad spent ages zipping through Heavy Metal/Hard Rock to Punk/Emo in JB HiFi today, looking through the 'A' section. We finally found the album 'Adelphia' and dad bought it for me :3

So yeah, I'll stop boring ya'll now.

Yeah, I don't like screamo either if it's, like, basically the whole song, but doses in between is nice from time to time.

Oh, my friend Mel rang me last night because she lives about 6 hours away from me, and she was on Youtube and I asked her to type down 'of an era jag' and she's like "OMG He's CUTE!" and yeah I'm yelling at the top of my lungs "HE'S MINE! HE'S MINE!" ;) See how crazy an 11-year-old and a 12-year-old girls are? Yeah.

A Skylit Drive.. one of my favourite bands of all time.

Wires & The Concept of Breathing changed my life haha. His voice is so unique, and they seriously amaze me so bad.

Have you heard the side project of ASD, Watchout! Theres Ghosts?

A mix of electronica / hardcore. Very different :)

I youtubed them last week...

I like Eva the Carrier, but no other ones.

But Eva the Carrier is an awesome song, in my opinion.

Ah, I'm quite a fan actually.

My Disease and Wires and the Concept of Breathing are my favourites.

Wires was my ringtone for like a year haha.
