A Useful Tip For Version 4 Mail!


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Feb 9, 2007
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I just found this out for the mail, and i have only tested once, so it may not work for you. Please do not yell at me if it does not work, because it did work for me, i cannot be certain that it will work for you. You may not like this trick as your money does disappear, but it is towards a good cause.Anyways:

This is the tip:

So... if you get the normal mail (the envelope) and you had your fortune mail before, and in the fortune mail it said only 1 star for money, you will get the thief probably come, right?.. has that happened to you before? well...

BEFORE you open the normal mail, go to the little book icon with all your friends you have connected to, and choose the option "POINT", then, donate all (or how much ever money you would like not to be stolen) to the king. Open the normal mail now and chances are, if it is the thief, he will not be able to steal anything, yet it will say "-300p"

or something like that, yet he has not stolen anything. This tip isnt the best, because you may not want to lose all your money, so i suggest donating a small amount of money. If this tip does not work for you, please reply to this post, or reply for any questions or comments! =) thx


But when I have 1 money star,I usely get a cool present from the King!!! :furawatchi: So for me,it does not matter that much.(Sorry if I sounded rude.)But hen I get an envelope,Ill try your tip.(My cookie says 1 money star.)But thanks for the tip!!! :furawatchi:

I just found this out for the mail, and i have only tested once, so it may not work for you. Please do not yell at me if it does not work, because it did work for me, i cannot be certain that it will work for you. You may not like this trick as your money does disappear, but it is towards a good cause.Anyways: This is the tip:

So... if you get the normal mail (the envelope) and you had your fortune mail before, and in the fortune mail it said only 1 star for money, you will get the thief probably come, right?.. has that happened to you before? well...

BEFORE you open the normal mail, go to the little book icon with all your friends you have connected to, and choose the option "POINT", then, donate all (or how much ever money you would like not to be stolen) to the king. Open the normal mail now and chances are, if it is the thief, he will not be able to steal anything, yet it will say "-300p"

or something like that, yet he has not stolen anything. This tip isnt the best, because you may not want to lose all your money, so i suggest donating a small amount of money. If this tip does not work for you, please reply to this post, or reply for any questions or comments! =) thx

thats VERY VERY weird youll loose all yer points anywhy

OK,I got a envelope.Before opening,I gave 300 to the king.But,when I opened the letter,I got POOP!!! :rolleyes: :D :mimitchi: So the tip did not work for me,but maybe for someone else.Its kinda like a gambel.(No ofence.)But,like in real life,gambling can give you fortion!

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