*^* A V3 diary *^*


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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2005
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Well, hi everyone! Comments are OK with this scribblin' log.

I got my 8th Tamagotchi two days ago. It's a V3 I bought from a sale. Although I have a V4, too, I bought this one for decorating. I painted its shell white, black and red. After the paint dried completely, we reconstructed the whole Tamagotchi from pieces - and luckily it's working fine. :angry: Well, this log is all about her.

Now, let me start with the details. I didn't have time to write yesterday, so I'll do it now. Yesterday, at somewhat 12 o'clock, we put in the battery and the Tamagotchi started. I did the ROM testing to make sure it's all right. I was greatly relieved to notice the LCD screen's all pixels were still working fine, because it can be easily broken when opening the Tama. Well, after the tests were done, I picked RESET and a pulsating egg appeared. I put in the time, the date, my birthday and my username KAISU. The egg appeared again, and after a little while it hatched. It was a sweet little girl, a Tailtchi. So cute! I named her Mia, from my RP character Mia Viherniitty. Mia behaved sweetly, and her hearts didn't drop too fast. She was very patient as a baby, and I fed her some sweets and ramen. Mmm, ramen! She did those usual baby routines (sick, a short nap, needs for praise) and then evolved into a Tamatchi! Interesting. I haven't had one before! I played GET with her a couple of times, and then we went to TamaTown. I collected aplenty of souvenirs and played games. At 8 p.m, Mia fell asleep. I put the lights out and she sleeped peacefully through the night.

I'll tell about the next day in the next entry!

In the morning, Mia woke up at 8.00 a.m. For some reason my alarm clock didn't work, so I slept until 9.00a.m. Luckily there was only one heart dropped - hunger. I quickly gave her some breakfast - fresh bread. I drank my morning coffee and we went to TamaTown again. Just a couple of games. Mia beeped, I checked, she was beeping with no reason... I decided to gave her a Time Out, but accidentally hit Praise... Oh my. I was so sleepy at the moment. I continued surfing around the Internet, and checked Mia's stats at regular interval. Then, I heard the evolving sound. Mia became an Obotchi! Sweet, I haven't got it before on my another V3 (which is out of batteries now).

Now we're watching Naruto together. Mia loves anime, especially Naruto and Tokyo Mew Mew.
