A very Tama summer!


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Jan 6, 2006
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Chapter 1: A ture hero.

Jamie (a young human girl.) rode down the block on her new bike, this summer was going to be perfect! Just her, her bike and Daine her best friend. Jamies fire read hair blowing madly behind her as she raised Daine to the river near their house.

The river was popular with their small town. It was huge and not fast moving so every group of kids had a little place were the rocks cut off to go swimming, the forest around it was huge so there was always a new place to go explore.

Jamie skidded to a halt, pulled her white t-shirt over her head, unzipped her blue shorts and jumped into the water she heard a splash and new Daine had laned in the water next to her. The two swam around playfully splashing and tanned their slim bodies on the river bank. Daine looked at her watch.

"Jamie is three a clock all ready!" She laughed. Jamie looked up in suprise. "We should dry off." Jamie nodded and soon they were dressed and ready to go. Jamie was about to pull her helmet onto her wet hair when she heard a few boys laughing in a near by ditch.

She looked at Daine she was looking at the ditch also. Jamie knew those weren't the voices of the boys they spent their time with. She crawled to the side of the ditch and saw older boys laughing. Jamies stuided them, then it hit her, they were the older boys from grade 9 at her school, they were the school yard bullies and bossed around everyone from kindergarten to grade 7. Which ment Daine and Jamie.

"Hey!" One boy with a very deep voice said. Jamie and Daine froze. "Whats that!" They were about to get up and head for the hills. "It looks like an egg."

"Maybe its a bird nest." One other said.

"No," Said the deeped voiced boy. "Its...its...beeping."

"Whatever, lets blow." Another said, the deeped voiced one looked back and nodded and they ran. Daine let out a sigh and rolled onto her stomach.

Jamie frowned and ran down to what they were talking about. The egg shaped...toy...was beeping helplessy. Jamie picked it up she saw in the lower right hand coner it had a sad face and an unhappy face. It was lit up. It was asking for attention she thougth. She saw it had what looked like poo on the ground and a strange skull above its head. She frowned and stuided it more.

"Jam!" Daine called for her in her most used nicknamed. Jamie looked up. "What is it?" She ran down the ditch and looked at it. "Hmm..." Jamie saw the three yellow bottums at the bottom and the far left had conner one. She saw that it was moving to diffrent locations on the small screen. She saw one looked like a toilet. She pressed the far one again and it moved. She pressed until she got to it again, the egg still peeping. She pressed the middle one and a strange shape came from the top to bottom and pushed everything off. Then it came back only this time there was no poo. She smiled and saw the first aid kit. She moved to that and pressed. The strange creater on the screen beeped happily and began dancing about.

"What is it?"

"I don't know, but its says Tamagotchi..." She said and laughed. "I guess you saved its life, your a real hero Jamie." She patted she shoulder and ran up the hill. "Come on, lets go!" She ran back to the bikes.

"Tamagotchi." Jamie ran her hands down the small egg.

Hope you like it! :gozarutchi:


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