A Warrior Cats fanfic


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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2015
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With Leafstar in Starclan
A note from the author...

OK, this is a short fanfic about the Warrior cats. And this story takes place in an alternate universe. ( OK, I would prefer to say that this takes place in a different country.) Feel free to point out any mistakes!


Chapter 1

Moonlight seeped through the cedar leaves, colouring the forest floor black and white. A ginger tom padded across the moist forest leaves, accompanied by two she-cats.

"Blazingfur, are you sure we are going the right way? Everything looks so different here at night..."meowed a white she-cat.

"Of course,Spottedfawn! I'm always sure!" answered Blazingfur.

Spottedfawn and Echopool, a silver she-cat shared a worried glance. Blazingfur was clearly lying.

A pair of amber eyes glinted in the darkness. The three cats sensed the danger, but carried on.

The amber eyes followed them deeper and deeper into the forest. Deadly white fangs flashed below the pair of amber eyes.

Out of the blue, Echopool yowled,"Fox!"

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Hmm... cedar is capitalized?

Wow, this is very nice so far. :)

I have not read Warriors recently, but I read them all when I was 9 or so. This makes me feel very.... not nostalgic... I don't know...

Chapter 2

"Fox! Fox!" Repeated Spottedfawn, running around in circles like a distressed hamster.

Blazingfur rolled his eyes. " Spottedfawn, stop acting like a kit that has just tasted Rabbit dung," he meowed. "Attack!"

Echopool and Blazingfur charged at the Fox. Unfortunately, Echopool was getting old and could not see as well in the dark and ended up crashing into brambles.

"Attack, Spottedfawn!" shouted Blazingfur.

"No! I don't think I should do this! I'm a medicine cat! I heal wounds! I can't just inflict them!" answered Spottedfawn.

Too be continued...


"Attack, Spottedfawn!" shouted Blazingfur.

"No! I don't think I should do this! I'm a medicine cat! I heal wounds! I can't just inflict them!" answered Spottedfawn.


Blazingfur sunk his fangs into the fox's pelt, his eyes shone with pleasure when the Fox yowled in pain.

"No, no, no! Stop, Blazingfur," yowled Spottedfawn, " Don't! Leave it alone! The fox is suffering! "

He heard her calls and loosened his grip on the fox. The fox shook him off and bit hard into Blazingfur's paw. Echopool saw the fox do that, and clawed the fox's back. The fox turned round and snapped its jaws at her, missing Echopool by a whisker.

"It's now or never,Spottedfawn! Kill the fox!" yowled Echopool.

" OK, I'll attack the fox, but I won't finish it!" hissed Spottedfawn. She used her Warrior skills to tackle the fox, slide under it and claw its belly.

Blazingfur praised," Spottedfawn, it seems like you're not just purr, but bite."

"Come on, it's no use finishing the fox. Anyway, we've beat it up so bad its own mother won't recognise it." Meowed Blazingfur proudly.

Blazingfur and Echopool followed Spottedfawn away, leaving the stunned fox staring dumbfounded at them.

"Someone tell me why we are walking in the middle of nowhere?" meowed Echopool.

"We are looking for Darkheart, the traitorous Medicine Cat ," replied Blazingfur. "And-"

"And, Blazingfur thinks that just because he's the strongest and bravest Warrior, can lead us around in the middle of nowhere!" Interrupted Spottedfawn.

"Just because you're my sister doesn't mean that you can talk about me like that!" spat Blazingfur.

Spottedfawn ignored him and lifted her tail and chin up in the air, with an annoying swagger in her steps.

Echopool rolled her eyes and thought, " I guess she's still that playful kit that jumped up and down Flamingpaw." Flamingpaw was Blazingfur and Spottedfawn's father,a fearless apprentice that was thrown out of his twoleg den by unappreciative twoleg when he and Glacier had kits.

" I miss Thrushtail! " wailed Spottedfawn, sitting down in the middle of the path.

"That grouch? Who would miss him? All he does in laze about and complain!" commented Blazingfur rudely.

"He doesn't talk because he's trying to communicate with Starclan!" corrected Spottedfawn.

As the siblings were quarreling, dark clouds gathered in the sky and soon it started to rain.

"Rain, rain! We must look for cover!" exclaimed Spottedfawn.

Blazingfur meowed, " We are in luck! The Star Rock cave is over there! "

The trio dashed into the cave.


Chapter 3

A silver tom with tabby paws blinked at them. " Hello... Former clanmates. "

"So we meet again, brother..." snarled Echopool as she flexed her claws.

"There's no need to be hostile," meowed the silver tom. " We're in the presence of Starclan. "

" Why are you here, Fireclaw? I thought Mintstar banished you for good." hissed Blazingfur.

Fireclaw simply sat down behind the Star Rock in the darkness and licked around a thorn in his paw. "Don't mind me. You all can do your visiting Starclan and Medicine Cat stuff."

The three cats exchanged a glance and lied down on by the Star Rock with their noses touching it.

All of them drifted off into Starclan...

"Hello, Spottedfawn..."

To be continued...


The three cats exchanged a glance and lied down on by the Star Rock with their noses touching it.

All of them drifted off into Starclan...

"Hello, Spottedfawn..."


"Who's there?" asked Spottedfawn, whipping herself round to see who greeted her.

Warmheart, Swiftstar's daughter, approached Spottedfawn.

"You will need help to find Darkheart." meowed Warmheart, the mud staining her white paws as she walked across a puddle of mud.

Spottedfawn gasped when a silver she-cat suddenly appeared beside Warmheart. "Wh - Who's that?" stuttered Spottedfawn. She found the silver she-cat familiar, but she couldn't find the answer to her question in the list of names in her head.

"I'm Silverpelt. Of course, that means the stars in the sky. I am Warmheart's sister," explained the silver she-cat. "I don't actually exist, because I am a pert of Starclan. I'm immortal, and can enter your world anytime I like. You will not find Darkheart yourself. I can help you."

"Wait. I don't understand!" exclaimed Spottedfawn.

Warmheart shook her head as the image of her and Silverpelt dissolved before Spottedfawn's eyes.


Chapter 4

Fireclaw rose and nudged two voles and a rat towards Blazingfur, Echopool and Spottedfawn.

"Here. It's not much, but it should keep you going for long enough," meowed Fireclaw.

The sun had already risen, and it was the first time they could see Fireclaw in broad daylight. His face was battle scarred and his flank was full of scratches and bite marks.

"What happened? Did the rat do that?" asked Echopool.

"Nah. The rat only bit my paw. The rest were inflicted by Darkheart and his new band of rogues," answered Fireclaw.

"A rat bite? I'll go find some Burdock root!" meowed Spottedfawn. She got up and left the Star Rock Cave.

Blazingfur thanked Fireclaw for the food and ate a vole. Echopool smiled at her brother and polished up the half-eaten rat. The other half of the rat had been eaten by her earlier.

"Who is the new leader?" questioned Fireclaw.

"Oh, after you killed Mintstar, the Clan decided to let all Elders,Warriors and Queens vote for who will be Leader, because, as you know, there was no Deputy at that time. I became Leader, but I let Sageflower become Leader. Now she's Sagestar," answered Blazingfur.

Fireclaw nodded and grunted,"I made a mistake. I trusted Darkheart. I ripped Mintstar of 3 lives, for Darkheart. I helped him. Now, after we got banished, how did he repay me? He made friends with some good-for-nothing rogues, and the scarred me physically and emotionally. I still stayed with him, and he tries to poison me! I've learned from my mistake. I shall never trust him again. Now, we are enemies."

Echopool licked a particularly nasty scratch on Fireclaw's belly.

At that moment, Spottedfawn padded into the cave with some Burdock root. "Here," meowed Spottedfawn."Eat this. It should help."

She ate a vole and put some cobweb on Fireclaw's wounds.

Blazingfur looked restlessly out of the cave and suggested," Fireclaw, we need to leave now. Would you join us on our quest? You can have your revenge on Darkheart if you come with us."

Fireclaw stretched and grunted his approval.

"Let's go-etty go!" exclaimed Spottedfawn excitedly.

Echopool, Fireclaw, Spottedfawn and Blazingfur left the cave with high spirits.

Blue Jays and Sparrows chirped and sung in the trees. An occasional cry of a crow and song of a chickadee could be heard. A badger snuffled round a corner but paid no attention to the four traveling cats.

"Ah, what a peaceful day,"commented Spottedfawn."Even the badgers aren't looking for a fight!"

Echopool could not help but nod in agreement.

"Err... Guys? I don't think it's as peaceful as you thought," meowed Fireclaw.

"What do you mean?"snorted Blazingfur.

Just then, a burst of angry and excited barks busted from a nearby twoleg den. A small white dog dashed towards the cats!

"On the count of three,run! One two three!"yowled Echopool. They ran through bushes, but they did not seem to be loosing the dog.

"Run through the brambles!" yowled Blazingfur.

The other three cats nodded and followed him into the nearest clump of brambles. The dog couldn't follow them, so it's went whimpering back to the twoleg den.

"That was close!"exclaimed Fireclaw.

Spottedfawn meowed,"Turns out you were right after all."

Fireclaw smirked and shook some dirt off his silver and orange fur. They went out of the brambles and saw Silverpelt standing before them.

"Who are you?" hissed Blazingfur.

"Oh! I am Silverpelt, sister to Warmheart, daughter to Whitetail and Swiftstar," meowed Silverpelt.

Chapter 5

Silverpelt shook her head.

"What do you mean?" asked Echopool.

"I can help you with finding Darkheart, but I can't help you convince him. You see, me, Warmheart and Darkheart were raised together as kits by Pebblepelt. He holds a grudge against me for banishing him from contact with Starclan," explained Silverpelt.

Blazingfur circled a pile of bones with a look of both disgust and suspicion.

"Blazingfur, it's only a clump of rat bones!" exclaimed Echopool.

"What you'd think it be?" asked Spottedfawn, smirking.

"Wait... I smell twoleg," meowed Silverpelt. She sniffed the air and continued," I also smell cat. The smell is sort of blocked by the scent of kittypet, but it smells familiar. "

"Let's go check it out!I'm ready for a battle with a twoleg!" boasted Blazingfur.

Spottedfawn nodded and made a face at him. Echopool had a look of worry on her face but she solemnly grunted her approval.

Silverpelt lifted her tail as a signal to follow her, and the others followed her. After walking past two twoleg dens, Spottedfawn started to have doubts.

"Erm, are you sure we are going the right way? There're so many twoleg dens, you could be confused by all the scents," meowed Spottedfawn.

Silverpelt did not reply. Blazingfur looked around.

"Ahh! Dog!"yowled Blazingfur when a huge black and tan dog rushed towards them. He jumped high up in the air and hid behind Echopool.

"Don't worry! Look," laughed Echopool.

A twoleg pulled the leash clipped onto the dog's collar, preventing the dog from reaching the cats. The dog squirmed and struggled, but could not get to the cats.

"Let's go!" hissed Silverpelt. They ran away from the dog, following Silverpelt all the way.

To be continued...

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