A worried tama or a worried owner.


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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2007
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James Bently wasn't expecting a visitor when Sandra knocked on the door and explained she needed to find Boo.

James said that his computer actually let you physicly go into tamatown. He didn't know why, but Sandra exepted. James was still startled.

When Sandra was warped into tamatown she was speechless. She had forgotten it was 9:00am, and the tamas were just waking up. The city was so quiet, and the air was fresh and pure. Suddenly she saw the ponitchi from before dash by her. "This is all so very strange." Sandra said. "i can't believe this James kid actually let me barge into his house and go into tamatown on his amazing computer."

Suddenly, Sandra had an unexpected tug on her skirt. She turned around, and a young androitchi was sobbing behind her.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I got lost from my mommy and I can't find her!" He wept.

"I'll help you." she said hesitantly. She still wanted to find boo.

She was walking around town with the Young Andoirchi until 10:00am, when he found his parents. They were very grateful.

"God bless you!" His Makiko mother praised.

"You're a genuine hero!" Said the Mametchi father.

"That's okay." Said Sandra, she grinned.

She was now desperate to find Boo, and she was getting hungry. Then, the idea came to her. "The cafe!" she screamed in exitement. "I'll go to the cafe, and confront Boo."

She went to the cafe and waited and waited. Then, Boo and Gorge entered the cafe. Sandra jumped to her feet and walked right up to Boo. He yelped and fled, but Sandra chased him. Why was all of this so difficult?
