A Young Mametchin in love with a Young Mimitchi.


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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2005
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There once was a beautiful Young Mametchi named Deni. She had no friends and was lonely. One day, while in school, she opened her locker and by accedint hit a Young Mimitchi. "I'm so sorry!" said Deni as she helped him up off the ground. She then noticed he was actually kinda cute......

hi said the mimitchi, robo, who was blushing, i..i..it was my fault...sorry.

deni figered out robo was in her class and got destracted from her test and got an F.an F!??!my parents are going to kill me!...

then she went up to her friend,Bob,the robotchi and she asked him,"Hey Bob,I was wondering if you could burn this paper please?"she asked.

ok he said. then he burnt it and it came out, still her test sheet back, but it had a on it!then,robo saw deni's A on the paper so then he ran over and said...

the mimatchi was so in love that the mimatchi would send flowers to him almoct everyday. :D

..... Nobody gave him flowers only this beautiful Mimitchi called Susie she gave him lots of chocolates he roared with laughter but dunked his face in th chocolates in delight! This Robotchi called Vicky was friends with susie she got jelous they were such happy but would she?......


The next day Susie died in a CAR CRASH.

The school seemed sad.

The young mimitchi continued her search as normal, until she found the young mametchi.

The Young Mametchi blushed and told her who had sent the flowers.

Then both tamagotchis grew at the same time into a mimitchi and a mametchi and they kissed on the lips.

The rest of the school said 'awwwww'.

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