Abby the special tama


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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2008
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Hello! This is the diary of Abby, the special tama V4. (Read my siggy)

Right now, Abby is a teen. She is a Hawaikotchi. She kinda looks like a tooth. (lol)

Here are her status:

Happy: 4

Hunger: 4 (I just fed her!)

Training: 3 bars

Weight: 56 (Yikes! Let's lay off the snacks, ok, Abby?)

Age: 2

Stage: Teen


1) Lower Abby's weight

2) Play lots of games!

3) Get people to paste Abby's story into their siggy.

4) Raise training bars

Now it's Abby's turn to talk:

ABBY: Hello. I'm Abby. I'm really glad Cutiepuppy let me talk because I don't get to talk a lot. By the way, can you paste my story into your sig? It would help.

Thank you Abby. (Isn't she darling?)

Wel, that is all for now.


ABBY: Bye bye!

Info about today? Well, Abby woke up nice and early. (8:00 AM) She is indeed an early bird. (Hee hee!)

Her twin sister, Ronny, who lives in another V4 just like her's (Same design and everything!) agreed to connect with Abby.

I connected them about 3 times... or was it 4? Anyway, they became friends and gave each other only NICE presents.

Last night Ronny had tried giving Abby a snake so I had to give her a time out.

Abby is on my desk, just chilling.

She shares a tama neckless with three other tamagtchis. (Ronny, a V3, and a V5)

This morning Abby listened to me read aloud a book to my little sister.

Besides that I've just been playing games, trying to make her thin, and feed her meals when she is hungry.

Well, that's all.


Hi TT!

Last night I went to a party and I had to put Abby on pause. (I hate having to do that!)

Then I went to my friend's play.

When I got home it was 10:00 PM. I went to bed right away and forgot to unpause poor Abby.

So this morning after church I unpaused my little darling.

Now Abby is fine.


Fortune mail: 2 money, 3 hearts, 2 strength

Normel mail: The king brought Abby a fishing rod! Whoot!

Special mail: None :D


Hunger: 4

Happy: 2 (Yikes! Sorry, Abby!)

Training: 4 bars

Weight: 65 (No, no!)

Age: 2

Stage: Teen


Play a lot of games!

Raise Abby's training bar.


1) Lower Abby's weight

Ok, I only have one goal right now. But it is an importent goal!!!



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She is a Masktchi. (Ugh! I don't like that adult)

Anyway, I hope to marry her soon. I wish I didn't have to wait until the matchmaker comes. But there are no boy tamas she can marry. (Sigh) Oh well.

That's all.


Abby got her first job today. She is now a FIRE FIGHTER!!! YAY!

I tried out the mini job game. It's kinda weird. You've gotta shoot the fire with these water balls. 0_o

Besides that Abby is fine.

Yipee! Mail!!!

Ooh, normel mail. Maybe the king has left us some money.

ABBY: Or a gift!

Let's see....opening the's a's a piece of poo!!!

ABBY: Yuck! :eek:

Yuck is right, Abby.

Me and Abby just went to TamaTown.

Abby had lots of fun playing the pizza game, visting the great king of tama town, and going to the arcade to play Ring Toss.

ABBY: I earned a lot of money, didn't I mom?

Yes, you did!

Abby just got her first pay day today. 1210!!! YAY!!!!

She got mail from the king, too. It was a gift of honey.

And by the way, if you have a comment about my diary, just PM me!

Abby went to work again today and got another pay of 1400 GP. I bought her a plant. (It turned out to be a monster lplant :eek: )

For some of you who want to add POP to your tama logs, here are some shapes for you to copy and paste with:

Ok, status time!!!!

Hunger: 2

Happy: 4

Training: 7 bars

Weight: 46 (Whoo!)

Age: 5

Stage: Adult

Job: Fire fighter

Now it's time for.....


1) Get lots of money!

2) Get the match maker to come

3) Go to work A LOT

Yes! I want GOTCHA POINTS so I can buy Abby something nice. :eek:

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Hey TT!

Abby got a special mail from the king!!!! Yipee! The king must really like Abby.... :huh:

Anyway, it was a fishing rod.

Abby went fishing and we caught a can ( :D ) and points! (200 GP)

And my V5 got married so Abby was invited to the wedding. ;)

That's all for now. I'll post somemore later.


The match maker came today and paired Abby up with this cool striped tama. (That looked a little like a bumble bee!)

They married and had a little baby BOY!

I don't know what to name the baby so I'll let YOU decided.

PM me your name suggestings. I will pick a name after 24 hours.

So start PMing!


Abby left her baby and went to tamatown last night. :eek:

The baby's name will be Al.

AL: Hewo. Me Al. Me miss me mommy.

Oh, it's ok Al. You'll have lots fun with me.

AL: Oh, ok.

Al and Ally, the V3 girl tama have been connecting lately. I plan on making them marry once they're adults. :unsure:

Al evolved into a toddler yesterday! (Sorry I didn't post sooner :lol: )

He is now a cute little Mizutamatchi. (SO CUTE!!! :p )

Besides that, everything is fine.

Al got mail from the king this morning. It was a letter with a heart in it. ( :D )

I hope everyone has a happy Winter Brake! And a happy new year!!!

~Cutiepuppy10 :mellow:
