Abortion: Your view on it


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
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Pennsylvania ;D
I personally say it is up to the pregnant girl. If she wants to have an abortion, it is up to her. If she does not, it is up to her. I've heard many views on abortion and i wanna know yours.

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In my opinion abortion should stay legal. (my OPINION!)

It is the womans body and she should be able to do what she wants to it.

If abortion becomes illegal than pregnant woman will try to do abortion by themselves, and that could be very dangerous.

However, I respect everyones views on this.

The woman SHOULD have the right to choose if she wants the little demon or not. That is NO ONE but the womans choice.

I'm sick of people calling abortion murder.

It's the mom's life, it's the mom's body.

...it's the mom's decision.

Yes, there is a baby growing in the mother's body but since when did we call anything else 'our body' that didn't have our DNA?

I believe that life starts at fertilization. This growing child has a totally unique DNA sequence that can never be reproduced again.

Maybe it's an 'inconvenience' to have a child but when has that excuse ever made things okay? I think life is a beautiful gift and they deserve the chance to live because they may be growing in their mother's womb but it's their body ultimately.

What about a baby already born? Why is abortion different than the girl in the bathroom at the middle school who killed her baby by trying to flush it down the toilet? It's still killing a life just because the baby would 'inconvenience the mother'.

I mean, if we can kill our own children simply because they can't defend themselves, I ask what's stopping us from doing it to the elderly or the handicapped. Sure, they're already out of the womb but 'they are an inconvenience' and 'can't talk care of themselves' and 'are dependant on others'. What's different?

Some people don't necessarily agree with abortion but want it to remain legal - maybe 'ignorance is bliss' but personally I'm going to fight for life because I think it's worth it.

If you want to see what abortion really is, go to www.abort73.com. Obviously it's against abortion but it tells the hard cold truth about abortion. Especially if you're against it, at least you have to know the 'opposing view' so I challenge you to visit the site. ;)

Yes, there is a baby growing in the mother's body but since when did we call anything else 'our body' that didn't have our DNA?
I believe that life starts at fertilization. This growing child has a totally unique DNA sequence that can never be reproduced again.

Maybe it's an 'inconvenience' to have a child but when has that excuse ever made things okay? I think life is a beautiful gift and they deserve the chance to live because they may be growing in their mother's womb but it's their body ultimately.

What about a baby already born? Why is abortion different than the girl in the bathroom at the middle school who killed her baby by trying to flush it down the toilet? It's still killing a life just because the baby would 'inconvenience the mother'.

I mean, if we can kill our own children simply because they can't defend themselves, I ask what's stopping us from doing it to the elderly or the handicapped. Sure, they're already out of the womb but 'they are an inconvenience' and 'can't talk care of themselves' and 'are dependant on others'. What's different?

Some people don't necessarily agree with abortion but want it to remain legal - maybe 'ignorance is bliss' but personally I'm going to fight for life because I think it's worth it.

If you want to see what abortion really is, go to www.abort73.com. Obviously it's against abortion but it tells the hard cold truth about abortion. Especially if you're against it, at least you have to know the 'opposing view' so I challenge you to visit the site. ;)
You make an excellent point...duuuuh. xD

It's pretty stupid if it's the mom's fault in the first place, but when it comes to rape I'm not against abortion one bit.

You make an excellent point...duuuuh. xD
It's pretty stupid if it's the mom's fault in the first place, but when it comes to rape I'm not against abortion one bit.
Yeah, rape is an extremely hard subject because it wasn't the mother's fault to have sex. ;)

But I believe that even in a rape, this child still deserves life. Does an abortion heal the woman, broken by a horrendous act of of a despicable man? No - it may stop the growth of the person growing inside but all it does is continue the vicious cycle of killing and breaking of the soul. It wasn't this baby's fault for the rape, either, was it? And there are psychological as well as physical effects, too, that can pain the mother for the rest of her life.

Plus, I will add that the percentages of abortions due to rape is less than 3% which if that was the only reason to keep abortions legal, is not that much at all.

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In that case you could but the baby up for adoption...I guess...but I still think it should be kept legal one way or another.

I'm so bad at debating, lawl. x3

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In that case you could but the baby up for adoption...I guess...but I still think it should be kept legal one way or another.
I'm so bad at debating, lawl. x3
I think adoption is a win-win situation. And I don't want to hear anyone say 'well, it's better not to be adopted because then you have to spend your whole life wondering who you're parents are'. Seriously, how many people would rather die then not know who their parents are??

I don't understand that reasoning. Maybe you don't know who they are or why they gave you up but you have a loving family of people that obviously care for you - maybe more so than your birth parents [though, not always the case of course, it could be that they just cannot take care of you for certain reasons] - because they spent so much time, money and effort in getting you.

Well, this isn't the first online abortion debate I've had, lol! ;)

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I am personally pro-life. Meaning I do not believe in abortion; I will never partake in an aborition. I agree with tw/p on the issue completely- it is murder, and that's the end of it.

But I believe that the subject of abortion is very touchy, and very personal. Therefore I'm not pushing for the US to outlaw aborition. I believe that women should have the right to choose what they want to do.

Meaning? I don't personally believe in abortion, but I believe that it's the mother's choice and hers alone. No one should force that choice upon her- not another person, not the government.

So I call myself pro-life because that is what I deeply believe in- not because I want it to be outlawed.

Make sense?

I am personally pro-life. Meaning I do not believe in abortion; I will never partake in an aborition. I agree with tw/p on the issue completely- it is murder, and that's the end of it.
But I believe that the subject of abortion is very touchy, and very personal. Therefore I'm not pushing for the US to outlaw aborition. I believe that women should have the right to choose what they want to do.

Meaning? I don't personally believe in abortion, but I believe that it's the mother's choice and hers alone. No one should force that choice upon her- not another person, not the government.

So I call myself pro-life because that is what I deeply believe in- not because I want it to be outlawed.

Make sense?
Just curious what you think - what about the father? In your opinion, if the father wants to keep the child he helped in creating, does he have any say?

And, I totally understand where you're coming from but it's kind of like if the U.S. during the Holocaust said 'well, as long as we in the U.S. aren't killing Jews because some think they're are not humans, then that's there choice and their desicion. We won't support it but eh, fine by us. Not worth getting involved and fighting to end even though we're against it'.

Cetch my drift?

I think abourtions should be legal. I'm not saying i'm pro-abortion, i'm pro choice

I think that its the mothers fault for getting pregnant, unless she got raped. If she kept the rape-child (sorry, I dont know what else to call it), she would remember all the pain she went through, and that kid would probably have a really rough life. Unless, he got adopted and never knew what happend to his mom.

Other than that situation, I think abortion is ABSOLUTELY horrific. People have pre-mature babies all the time, and just because they arent fully developed, doesnt mean they aren't a human being. Same with abortion. They are still human beings even though they arent fully developed.

My stepdad is adopted, his mother was too young to raise him. I'm so thankful that he wasnt an aborted baby. He is the best guy ever.

Everybody deserves to live, no matter how they were concieved. Its the mothers fault for having a baby too young. Its the dads fault, too. People need to think before they stupid things, because they are going to have to face the consequences.

Tell a soon-to-be mother that her baby isnt an alive, human being. I'm sure she will beg to differ.

Just curious what you think - what about the father? In your opinion, if the father wants to keep the child he helped in creating, does he have any say?
And, I totally understand where you're coming from but it's kind of like if the U.S. during the Holocaust said 'well, as long as we in the U.S. aren't killing Jews because some think they're are not humans, then that's there choice and their desicion. We won't support it but eh, fine by us. Not worth getting involved and fighting to end even though we're against it'.

Cetch my drift?
I think Cinderpelt's view is one of the most sensible and rational opinions I've heard on this forum so far....

She has hit the nail on the head perfectly.

This is not about whether the father has a say or not.

This is not about comparing our attitudes towards abortion to our attitudes towards the Jewish people during the Holocaust.

It's about allowing a woman the legal right to make the final decision on what she wants to do and not having the law make her a criminal if she does not wish to carry her baby to full term.

I think Cinderpelt's view is one of the most sensible and rational opinions I've heard on this forum so far....
She has hit the nail on the head perfectly.

This is not about whether the father has a say or not.

This is not about comparing our attitudes towards abortion to our attitudes towards the Jewish people during the Holocaust.

It's about allowing a woman the legal right to make the final decision on what she wants to do and not having the law make her a criminal if she does not wish to carry her baby to full term.
The father thing wasn't related much to my other statements, I'm just curious because I've heard a variety of things, lol.

What I'm saying is that if you believe it's murder, I don't understand how you would let it remain legal. If you believe that murder should remain illegal because it's wrong but then say mother can decided to kill her child, believe that abortion is murder as well, I can't see the reasoning. :)

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I think it's totally up to the mother's (and whoever she wishes to get involved in it) choice.

I believe that absolutely nobody can tell a woman what to with her body.

Personally, I'm not sure what I'd do if I was ever in that situation. I guess it just depends on why I'm in that situation if I'm in that situation.

So yeah, I agree with Cinderpelt to some extent.

I'm pro-choice.

One day in school, my thoughts were wandering as they frequently do. And I thought to myself...

What about all those sperm? And the eggs?

How many of those combined would create a super genius baby? How many useful lives have we lost by not constantly having sex?

I think women should be allowed to make the final decision. Maybe at first she wanted the baby, but now realizes she is simply not ready. Perhaps she has a medical condition and the only way surgeons can operate is if she aborts. Maybe the baby is going to be profoundly retarded, and maybe she doesn't believe she is special enough to have a special child. She may not like the ideas of adoption centers, the feeling of unwant and loneliness surrounding you. Wouldn't it just be better if the baby never felt at all? There are tons of circumstances where the mother should have the right to abort, or 'murder' the baby if you like.

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