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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2010
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Te Waipounamu
For those that do not know, Pro-Choice means you have no problem with abortion, and Pro-Life means you are against it.

So are you Pro-Choice, or Pro-Life? Why?

Personally I am Pro-Choice. In some cases if the mother did not have an abortion the child would have a horrible upbringing. Also, I believe it is a womens decision whether she wants to have an abortion or not, put yourself in a unhappy pregnant woman's position. She could of been raped.

For me... Every woman has a choice. I would hope they would still have the baby, but its not my call.

A baby can change a life for the better. I have seen lifes change because of a child. People not caring until the baby comes. Yes, hectic, but children bring love into this world. Sometimes, thats what you need in life... Love. (and diapers....) Being an aunt, I am proud to be.

I'm pro-choice. Every woman has a right to do what she wants with her own body. Denying that right is wrong. Not everyone can afford to keep, care for, handle, or even want a child. Especially in the case of rape, I think it's important for a woman to choose what she feels is right to do in her situation.

That being said, it is the person at hands choice and the concerned parties, not anyone elses.

I would only choose to have a child if it was with someone I love and if I'm physically healthy enough to deliver the baby.

If I was raped or couldn't afford a baby or if the baby poses a risk to my health I might not choose to have it.

It would be a very big decision to make ( and one I'd have to discuss with my partner first :3 ).

I'm pro-choice. It's not in my place to tell a woman what to do with her child. I won't butt into her life and make decisions she didn't ask for.

If she chooses not to keep the baby that's her choice to make and whatever consequences there are she'll live with them.

I think that the question isn't from the beginning about the mother's chances to give her child a good life - but about what the growing thing in her stomach actually is.

If it's just a clump of cells with the possible potential to one day become a human, it's not worth anything at all, and any reason(even no reason at all) is good enough to simply delete it.

However, if the "thing" is not something worthless, but in fact would be a living human child(imagine it please), no reasons would be good enough to kill it, right?

Also, if everyone deserves living a worthy and happy life, doesn't everyone at least deserve a life to start out with? Who decides whether your life is worth to live, but you?

Is a happy life a life with more good days than bad days, or is life worth living just to once be able to watch the moon smiling in the sky? Is a bad life a life with 20 years of suffering out of 70 in total? Is life worth living if you only once experienced precious love?

I say it's a tough desicion whether a life is good or not, and it's definatly not ours to make for someone else.

I'm a pro-lifer, one of the few in Sweden, and I will try to work hard so that pregnant women can get it economically and socially better, and feel comfortable about keeping their children.

I want better deals for the woman and for the child.


If someone was raped obviously I understnad why they would want an abortion.

but if someone got pregnant and then broke up with their bf and thought that the baby would remind them too much

of that person I don't think that it's completely right.

Have any of you heard of Savita Halappanaver? She was denied an abortion and a couple weeks later she died. Abortions aren't only for deadbeat mothers who suddenly decide they don't want a baby anymore.
I've heard of her. Her story was heartbreaking. :'( It was the reason why I mentioned in my previous post that I might consider abortion in case my baby poses a risk to my health.

I don't think the doctors should have denied her that abortion. She was in immense pain and losing her child anyway ( through a miscarriage ).

The abortion could have saved her life and would have allowed her to have a healthy child in the future.

I think it depends on nothing. I know I'm not a female, and I'll never be pregnant so it may seem untrue to you, but I would give my life to save a person, especially my own baby, no matter who the father would be.

No one on earth has right to decide between life or death. If you have no right to kill your baby when it's born you should have no right to do it when it isn't yet. No matter if it will be hadicapt, if you were raped or even if it has chance to kill you.

It's murder, no matter if some people call it something else or define murder as something else.

I think it depends on nothing. I know I'm not a female, and I'll never be pregnant so it may seem untrue to you, but I would give my life to save a person, especially my own baby, no matter who the father would be.

No one on earth has right to decide between life or death. If you have no right to kill your baby when it's born you should have no right to do it when it isn't yet. No matter if it will be hadicapt, if you were raped or even if it has chance to kill you.

It's murder, no matter if some people call it something else or define murder as something else.
yeah i understand how you would consider it murder, but really I think yo u would understand more if you were able to see this from a female point of view


I can definitely see why people are against it, since they think about the cells that will become (or are already) a baby; but I think abortion is a better decision than having the baby in some cases.

"Pro-choice" does not mean that you are really "OK with" or for abortion, it means you will support a woman through whatever choice she makes. I am pro-choice. If someone was wondering whether to have an abortion or keep her baby, I would tell her the pros and cons of each choice. If abortion is prohibited, that leads to a whole host of other problems. One of my older relatives (I never met her; she died before I was born) really liked kids. So my parents always wondered why she never had any kids. When this woman was old, she told my mom about what had happened: she got pregnant at 16, and didn't know what to do, so she had an illegal abortion done by the local mortician, who screwed it up and crippled her reproductive system. She felt really terrible about it too. :( If abortion had been legal back then, this probably wouldn't have happened.

But sometimes, having children, even through a bad experience, can teach a lesson to someone, and kids can bring comfort. Other times, it can lead to abusive situations or a difficult upbringing for the child.

So in my opinion, though abortion isn't always the best choice, nor is keeping the baby always the best choice. I think it should be up to the woman to decide.


It's better to abort the unwanted child than end up selling it for prostitution. There are people like that.

The problem I have with abortion is you can't just make it ok to abort for these conditions but not for these. It really ends up being an all or nothing situation. So allowing abortions means allowing everything from the girl that just didn't feel like taking birth control (which in some places is practically free) who got pregnant and just doesn't want to raise it and it's her 4th abortion to the girl who was raped.

On top of that there are LOTS of options for people who don't want to keep their child. Many places that perform abortions will help them find adoption agencies etc...

I was told I'd never have kids in a million years. We were seriously considering adoption if I wasn't able to get pregnant. I struggled for half a year to get pregnant and ran into a lot of women who were pregnant and didn't want to and threw around abortion like it was just so easy to do. I thought how awful. Here I was desperate to have a baby and they found it so easy to toss around the idea of aborting a child. Thankfully, they didn't and I got pregnant and now have a beautiful almost ten month old son!

I for religious reasons and personal feelings don't believe that abortion is right in any situation unless there is a severe risk to the mother. If something about the baby is putting the mother at deathly risk then I can understand them initiating what they usually call at that point a medical miscarriage. However, abortion just because you don't want the baby just doesn't seem right. To me (after having been pregnant) I can tell you that it is alive even when it is just a bunch of cells. You feel a difference...you feel a life. I think it's horrific that anyone could find out they're pregnant and abort it. That's just how I feel. There are woman out there who have had 5 or 6 abortions. That's just irresponsible!

I think it depends on nothing. I know I'm not a female, and I'll never be pregnant so it may seem untrue to you, but I would give my life to save a person, especially my own baby, no matter who the father would be.

No one on earth has right to decide between life or death. If you have no right to kill your baby when it's born you should have no right to do it when it isn't yet. No matter if it will be hadicapt, if you were raped or even if it has chance to kill you.

It's murder, no matter if some people call it something else or define murder as something else.
It's not impossible for a man to understand the way we feel. :) But I feel like in the case of rape you have to think a bit more on whether or not you really would keep a baby after being raped.

I believe that children should be born from love, and that we should give birth to them only if they were conceived with the help of the one we love. Not with a rapist after a being subjected to a loveless and depraved sexual act.

I know it seems a little selfish and cold-hearted. But if I were to keep such a baby I don't think I would ever feel real love for him. I'd feel like a horrible person because the baby did absolutely nothing wrong. Yet every time I hug him or kiss him or even look at him I would only be reminded of the man who violated my body. :(

I didn't ask for such a baby. I wouldn't be prepared and I'd have no idea how to care for one. So it doesn't make sense for me to go through such a mentally and physically painful childbirth for a baby I don't love.

Keeping the baby would mean finding a job and dedicating the rest of my entire life for him. I'd have to pay for his food, clothes, and education.

What am I going to say when he or she asks me who their biological father is? There's no way I could tell them the truth and it would be horrible if they somehow found out.

Women who are raped are usually young but there are many who are already married at the time of the rape. If it was your wife that was raped would you feel like loving the child of another man ( a rapist )? Or pay for the child's education? Which is why married women have to consider abortion too, and wonder what kind of effect keeping such a child would have on her marriage. :)

In the case of Savita Halappanaver ( the woman we mentioned who died after being denied an abortion ) her baby was already dying. The doctors could do nothing to save the fetus; refusing the abortion was not going to change the fact that it was dying on its own. So at least for women in situations like this I feel like abortion is a bit more ethical, as she could have survived and had a child that was completely healthy in the future.

If I were in the same situation as her and I was the one dying I would definitely consider abortion. I don't want a baby if it means I'll die in the process. I want a baby so that I can live and be a part of his life... So that I can see what he looks like when he's grown up, whether he'll get a good job, what kind of person he'll marry... Stuff like that. :D

It's always easy for a person to say something on the topic of abortion. They can say that they would never consider it. However if it was you or someone close to you who was in a situation like this the most helpful thing to do is to say you'll respect whatever choice they make. If it were you it's your body that's involved so you have to make a decision that's sensible and won't cause problems for you in the future. Even women who are pro-life have to think about this some way or other.

I just wanted to offer a female perspective here, I have no problem with whatever view you have on this. :3

I think that men should have no word about it. Most of them think that rape just feels like a "surprise buttsex" and don't believe how it can ruin someone's mental health... I'm talking about the men who didn't get raped themselves (because- yes, surprise, these things happen, men can get raped too!), but even these won't ever know how it feels to be pregnant with a rapist. A normal pregnancy can be something not really fun for a woman (some women even call it the worst period of their lives, plus the pain while giving birth...), and now imagine how it feels with already a broken mental health, while holding inside a spawn of someone who ruined a innocent mind.

The pregnancy already can be complicated by the amount of stress.

Plus, the treatment for after-rape state can cost... up to 4mln$.

yeah i understand how you would consider it murder, but really I think yo u would understand more if you were able to see this from a female point of view
I'm female and I feel the same way he does. It's got nothing to do with gender.

I feel that even in the case of rape it would be wrong to abort the child. It would still be murder, even if it was an unwanted child. Yes, I know it would be an extremely hard thing to go through. Not only being raped, but being pregnant. But even though it may be extremely tough, and completely life-changing, it would be wrong to abort the child in my opinion. I can see both sides of it, but I just can't ever seeing it being ok to abort a child. It's taking a life from a person without giving them a choice.

Out of all the abortions made each year, extremly few are because of rape or from the child putting the mother's health at risk.

It's like asking someone;

"Is it ok to drive past a red stoplight?"

Basically everyone would say no.

"But what if you've got a person dying from an allergic reaction in the backseat? Would it be ok then?"

Anybody you ask would most likely say yes here.

"So is it ok for everyone to drive past the red light because one has an extreme situation?"


I will never be "ok" with abortion as I consider the fetus a growing human child, unique and wonderful, posessing a life that no one in the world has the right to take away. (And I think anyone is entitled to this opinion, male or female)

I can uderstand though, how the few raped and pregnant women may want abortion, although I think it would be better to give birth and then give the child away for adoption.

But they are so few, it's really not an argument for abortion.

Also, there is no way to foresee how a child's life will turn out to be, so I don't think that "It won't get a good life anyway so let's kill it" is a good reason to perform abortion either.

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